Home > The Duplicate Bride(32)

The Duplicate Bride(32)
Author: Ginny Baird

   “And now?” Hope asked, growing lightheaded.

   “I can just look at you and tell.”

   Heat burned in Hope’s cheeks. “Is it that obvious?”

   “Obvious isn’t a bad thing. You are getting married.”

   Oh, but they weren’t, and how that made Hope’s heart ache. Whatever was going on between her and Brent, it was bound to end badly. At the very least, horribly for her.

   Jackie, on the other hand, was in for a pretty great marriage. But was this marriage really meant for Jackie? She and her sister were so different, she couldn’t help but wonder.

   “Thank you for confiding in me and for your apology,” Hope said. “I’m afraid I owe you one, too.” Margaret’s brow rose, and she continued. “You’re not the only one who misjudged. While I knew you loved your family, I guess I didn’t understand how much.”

   “I would do anything for my son and grandchildren.”

   “Yes, I’m sure you would.”

   It was the tender sort of moment that called for a hug, but Hope wasn’t sure how Margaret would take it. Instead, Margaret showed her by pulling her briskly into her arms. “Welcome to the family,” she said with a stiff embrace.

   Heat prickled Hope’s eyes as she returned Margaret’s hug. She felt horrible now for not giving the older woman the benefit of the doubt. When she’d bad-mouthed Brent’s grandmother to her mom, she’d never in a million years have expected this turnaround.

   It was clear that Grandmother Margaret really loved her family. And when she’d intuited that something seemed off about Brent and Jackie’s marriage, she’d actually been right.

   “Hel-lo?” a male voice called from the hall. “Grandmother?”

   They turned toward the foyer, where a tall man with a mop of short brown curls stood beside a gorgeous dark-skinned woman.

   “William,” Margaret said happily. “And Sofia. Oh, my dears. Please come here and meet Brent’s fiancée. This is the lovely Jackie.”

   Before Hope could process that shockingly positive introduction, Sofia raced toward her with a warm hug. She had dark brown eyes, delicate features, and a tiny diamond stud on the right side of her nose, but otherwise wore no jewelry beyond the simple wedding band, and—okay—a pretty huge rock of a diamond solitaire engagement ring on her ring finger. “Jack-ie. Oh. So happy to meet you.”

   William hugged her next. Within his chiseled face, he had Parker’s exact nose. His medium brown eyes were a shade lighter than Brent’s. “I hope it’s okay if I call you sis?”

   Hope laughed. “Only if I can call you bro.”

   William chuckled, and the others smiled, making Hope feel like she’d just scored a point with Brent’s family. More points. Extra credit.

   What an incredible service she was doing for her sister.

   William thumbed over his shoulder at their suitcases. “I’m sorry we’re late,” he said to his grandmother. “We had a little holdup on the road.”

   “Holdup?” Margaret asked worriedly, but Sofia rushed in.

   “It was nothing, honestly. We just had to stop more often than normal.” She shrugged. “Blame me for drinking too much coffee.”

   “Sofia’s a very prominent attorney in New Haven,” Margaret told Hope.

   “I don’t know about the prominent part,” Sofia answered.

   “That’s how we met,” William offered. “Sofia works with Sally, and Sally introduced us.”

   “Your sister, Sally?”

   “That’s right,” William said. “The two of them were in law school together and now help run a women’s law practice.”

   Sofia grinned. “Sally said her brother and I were perfect for each other, and naturally…” She gazed at William, and Hope caught the warm affection between them. “She was right.”

   “How sweet.” She remembered what Jackie had told her about Brent’s older brother. “And you’re a college professor there?”

   “Economist, yeah.”

   Hope reflected on Brent’s business background and the notion of Sally being a lawyer. It was interesting that Derrick was the youngest male and also the “creative” among them. They all seemed to be great people. Her sister was lucky to be getting these in-laws.

   “You have such a wonderful family,” Hope said to Margaret.

   “And now you’re joining us,” the woman said so warmly that Hope wanted to cry. Really cry, in big, hard, jerking sobs, which she was about to break into at any minute.

   “Grandma. William. Sofia. Woo!” The front door swung open, and a cute blonde with long wavy hair bounced through it, dropping two heavy carry-on bags with a thud. She scuttled into the kitchen, beelining for Hope. Curvy and effervescent, Sally was on the shorter side compared to the rest of them. “And you must be Jackie.”

   “Sally,” Hope said, returning her hug. This was such a huggie family. “Great to meet you.”

   Sally squeed at Sofia next. “Girlfriend,” she cried, hugging her, even though they’d apparently seen each other only hours ago. “How was your drive?”

   “Good, and yours?”

   “Okay.” Sally stifled a yawn. “I got that brief turned in before leaving.”

   “Great, thanks,” Sofia said.

   “Fortunately for me,” William supplied, “school’s out for summer.”

   “I know just what you mean.” Hope bit her tongue when the others eyed her curiously. “I mean, I…er…remember those days.”

   “It’s so exciting that you’re a wedding planner,” Sally said, taking Hope’s hand. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

   William stared around the kitchen and then peeked into the dining room. “Where are the others? Out back?”

   “All except for Derrick and Brent,” Margaret said. “They’ve gone to run an errand but will be right back.”

   “What time is dinner?” William asked.

   “Something smells…delicious.” Sofia covered her mouth and looked like she wanted to gag. Hope scanned the others’ faces, but apparently no one else had noticed.

   “Not until eight,” Margaret said, answering William. “Why don’t you all go and settle in while Jackie and I carry these refreshments outdoors. Oh my,” she said, turning to Hope. “Where are our manners? Nobody’s fixed you a drink.”

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