Home > Hear No Evil (The Society #2)(80)

Hear No Evil (The Society #2)(80)
Author: Ivy Fox

 “I know. And you’re right. It can be a little intimidating but in a good way. They are a family, and I’m really happy they are making room for me in it.”

 “They’d be foolish not to,” he says proudly, which only makes what I have to say even more important.

 “While I was there, I went looking for a charger for my phone, and that’s when I found these,” I explain, holding out my phone to him, so he can look at the photos on the screen.

 Owen scrolls through the numerous pictures I took of the black, sinister letters I found and then quickly deletes them.

 “You shouldn’t have this on your phone.”

 “Well, I couldn’t send them to you either,” I point out.

 “True.” He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.

 “What do they mean, Owen? Who is The Society? Is Easton in trouble?”

 “Yes,” he deadpans, increasing my anxiety with just one word. “But not only him. Those four are in for a world of hurt if The Society is after them.”

 “Are you going to help them? Please tell me that you are. I can’t lose Easton. I can’t,” I stutter, my body shivering with the idea that some harm could come to the man I love.

 Owen pulls me into a comforting hug, softly caressing my hair.

 “No harm will come to the boy. You have my word.”

 “You promise?”


 My eyes are still filled with unshed tears as I look up at the man who has been like a father to me and cling to his vow.

 “What do they want from them, Owen?”

 “The Society has only one motto—rid the world of evil men,” he explains patiently, drying the tears that have made their way down my cheeks.

 “How do you know that?” I hiccup through my sobs.

 “Ah, sweet girl,” he coos sinisterly, creating a shiver to run down my spine with the blank stare in his eyes. “Just who do you think you’ve been working for this past year?”






 I lean against the wall, my eyes never straying far from their table. My nose flares, as pure hatred burns a hole through my chest. Rage like I’ve never felt before cripples me as their laughter makes its way to my ears.

 They’re laughing at me.

 They think they’ve won.

 And in a way, they have.

 What I did to Easton should have had him running for the hills, and yet, there he sits, looking right as rain as if I didn’t almost succeed in ruining his life. I underestimated the dark prince and his resilience to endure embarrassment. I wanted him broken. I wanted him disgraced and alone, back to the life of squalor he should have never escaped from in the first place. My revenge had been planned perfectly, and he still found a way to beat me at my own game.

 Once I ensured that his mother was made the laughing stock of all of Asheville, ridiculed in such a vile manner, I was positive Easton would flee, with her in tow, to a faraway place where she could live out her shame away from the public eye. I banked on his pride and the love for his mother being his Achilles heel. And that’s where I went wrong.

 I should have figured his feelings for his mother were all an act, too. He doesn’t care for her or her good name. Not when the Price fortune is on the line. Both he and his mother confirmed my suspicions—they are nothing but cheap, greedy gold diggers, ready to accept whatever embarrassment comes their way, as long as they keep their bank accounts flushed with Price money.

 I will not make the same mistake twice in regards to how low people will go to preserve their way of life.

 Fool me once, shame on you.

 Fool me twice, shame on me.

 Easton’s favorite plaything, though, served her purpose well enough. If she understood what her part really was in this little game of mine, then all of them would have been at my doorstep right now, demanding justifications. But as no such visit happened, it’s safe to say they are still as clueless as they’ve ever been to who is actually pulling their strings.

 I walk over to the bar and order a drink, knowing that nothing The Brass Guild has on tap can take away the bitter taste of defeat in my mouth.

 “I didn’t think I’d see you here tonight. Having fun?” a velvet voice asks beside me.

 I tilt my head to the side, throwing him my best menacing smile.

 “Do I look like I’m having fun?”

 “Oh, so you’re in bitch mode tonight. Got it, babe.” He has the audacity to laugh at my pain as he orders his own drink. “Maybe I can make you feel better.” He winks suggestively.

 “I’ve got more important things on my mind right now that a quick fuck with you upstairs will be able to fix,” I huff out, drinking my shot in one go.

 I turn around in my seat, my focus going back to the table filled with the four men I’ve vowed to destroy. I feel his body stiffen beside me as he takes in what has my full attention.

 “Those fuckers really think they’re the shit, don’t they?” he sneers in disgust. “Someone should really teach them a lesson in humility.” He swallows his shot and slams the glass on the counter.

 “Yes, someone should.”

 “I still don’t understand how you can be friends with those assholes.”

 Now it’s my turn to laugh.

 “Haven’t you ever heard the saying keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?”

 “And where do I fit in that? Am I a friend or foe?”

 “You’re a necessary evil that benefits me greatly.”

 “Ouch.” He fakes being wounded, grabbing his chest. “I’ll remember that the next time I have you on all fours, deep throating my cock.”

 “I never said you didn’t get perks of your own with the alliance.” I shrug.

 He lets out a chuckle and orders two more shots for us. The sound of his voice traveling over to the table full of my enemies ends up pulling Colt’s attention over to the bar. His eyes sear through me, and I lick my lips, pleased by his reaction of seeing us both here.

 Colt Turner.

 I might have missed my mark on Easton, but Colt will be a walk in the park.

 His life is full of secrets—ones that he keeps, and others that have been kept from him.

 Little does he know that I’m about to expose them all.

 My shoulders begin to relax as the surge of adrenaline spikes in my bloodstream, thinking of all the glorious ways I will destroy the arctic Richfield heir. The crown he so proudly wears on his head, added with that fucking arrogant aura he displays to the world, will be a hard thing to sustain when all his dirty secrets are revealed. I’m going to hold court on the street for everyone to see that, just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth doesn’t mean you are better than the rest of us mere mortals.

 You bleed just like the rest of us, Colt.

 And I know exactly what sharp-edged knife will pierce right through your cold heart.

 Your life, as you know it, will cease to exist.

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