Home > Xavier (Vampires in America #14)(64)

Xavier (Vampires in America #14)(64)
Author: D. B. Reynolds

    Xavier had to think about that saying, but it clicked quickly enough. She was tired from getting up early to command the Fortalesa in daylight, and still contribute to the investigation in the evening, not to mention the much later hours she’d kept with him.

    He kissed her again, needing to feel her soft and warm and his, before walking her upstairs to the outside door, and wishing her a good night’s sleep.

IT WAS TWO HOURS after sunset the next night when Joaquim brought him the news he’d been waiting for. Sakal had arrived at the farm compound and had disappeared into the building, just as he had on previous nights. Joaquim had even copied Layla’s maneuver and swung around the building before leaving, to sneak a look through the cafeteria windows, although he’d been able to get closer and hadn’t required a long-range scope.

    “He was there, my lord, just as before. Though I can’t imagine what he has to talk about night after night.”

    “And the scouts in the city? Were they able to confirm his departure before that, from what we believe to be his daylight lair?” Xavier asked.

    “Yes, they did, my lord. The building is not as . . . golden, as the prisoner described, but its location and description fit. They also agreed that the women are bodyguards, and exceedingly well-trained.”

    Xavier grunted a response. Human bodyguards were hardly a threat, but if his plan worked, they’d be more of a challenge than their master, Sakal.



Chapter Fourteen

    LAYLA REMAINED in bed late the next morning, the first time she’d done so in weeks, it seemed. When they’d been on assignment in France as glorified bodyguards, she’d rolled her team out of bed early every morning for no reason other than to keep them on a schedule that would suit future assignments. They rarely had the luxury of more than a day or two to allow their bodies to adjust to any time zone shifts. And since her full team wasn’t necessary to do the vineyard job, anyone not actively working had engaged in drills. She wanted them physically and mentally in shape for future assignments.

    But this morning, though she was aware of Brian and the others thumping about, laughing and arguing over breakfast, she inserted ear plugs and went back to sleep. Or she tried. Her brain just wouldn’t shut up about that fucking vampire. She argued back and forth with herself, reminding her of those cartoons where the main character had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.

    The angel, obviously, argued for her to stay the hell away from the esteemed Lord Xavier, even if it meant leaving the Fortalesa and bunking in town. Or worst case scenario, placing her team under Brian’s command and getting the hell out of Spain altogether. He was just as capable as she was. Not quite as compulsive about knowing every damn thing, and more willing to trust other team members’ judgment when it came to performing their assigned roles, but nonetheless quite brilliant and utterly committed to the safety of every member of their team. The devil, on the other hand, told her to stop being such a frightened little pussy and go after what she wanted.

    Unfortunately, she didn’t know what she wanted. No, she thought, shaking her head. That wasn’t quite true. She wanted Xavier. She’d always wanted him, though she could admit now that he’d done the right thing rejecting her all those years ago. She’d been a child, and he’d been . . . well, he’d been a vampire lord. He might have looked like a twenty-something sex god, but he’d been an old man. So what had changed? Why did he now find her to be an acceptable lover?


        She punched her pillow, trying to get comfortable enough to drift back to sleep, so she could stop thinking about this shit. Especially questions she already knew the answers to. Vampires didn’t take human lovers their own age. For fuck’s sake, there were none. Vamps were overwhelmingly male, so even if they’d wanted one of their own as a lover, they were mostly out of luck. They also happened to prefer human lovers, so they got a twofer—sex and food in one tidy package.

    And she was letting her thoughts wander down meaningless paths to avoid dealing with the big question. Xavier wanted her. It was early in their relationship 2.0 to expect a commitment, though he’d definitely said he loved her. She didn’t know if that had come out in the heat of the moment, or excitement because she was something brand new, or if he truly meant it. The problem—and she was honest enough to admit it—was that she wanted him. That had never changed. He was the reason she’d never managed to have a serious relationship with anyone. She hadn’t been a nun, for Christ’s sake, but the minute the guy started getting that soft expression on his face when he looked at her, she’d come up with a perfectly logical excuse for why they’d never make it. For why he wasn’t “the one.”

    All those excuses had been pure bullshit, she admitted now. None of those men had qualified because the position had already been filled. Xavier had always been the one and he always would be. So why wasn’t she grabbing onto him with both hands? Because he’d broken her heart, and the fact that he’d done the right thing didn’t matter to her heart. She was afraid he’d break it again. And she didn’t know if she could survive a second time.

    Disgusted with herself, she let loose a low howl of frustration and jolted out of bed. What was the point of lying there if it served only to drive her crazy? She might as well join her team and recruit them to help her teach the daylight guards some new tricks. And keep them ready in case Sakal decided it was time for another surprise attack.

THE SUN WAS ALMOST two hours past setting by the time the necessary vampires had all reported for night duty, and Joachim had relieved her for the night. He didn’t always. Sometimes it was one of the vampire commanders instead. But tonight, he made a point of not only being there personally, but taking the time to chat with her a little.

    Contrarily, however, she didn’t find that to be reassuring or friendly. She found it odd. Was it because they’d been in a few briefings together? Or was he there in order to assure her that the situation was under control, and she could relax for the rest of the night, with no concerns whatsoever. Telling herself she was being too suspicious, she returned to the barracks with her team, who’d waited with her until Joachim showed up.


        When she checked her phone after showering, there was a message from Xavier. She couldn’t remember him leaving her any previous messages, but since he had tonight, she listened.

    “Layla, cariño. I’m still being hounded by my fellow vampire lords who are being nosier, and more neurotic, than usual. If it’s not too late by the time I’m free of it, I’ll call. If it is already too late, I will miss you, and dream of you, and definitely see you tomorrow night. Love you.”

    She played the message a second time, asking herself if she was being utterly paranoid to think he’d been shoveling some serious bullshit with that message. She thought about having a conversation with the unexpectedly chatty Joachim, but dismissed that idea immediately. He wouldn’t tell her anything Xavier didn’t want her to know. But between Joachim’s unusual concern for her sleep habits, and Xavier’s message, her suspicion that something was up had sure as hell been confirmed. Unfortunately, she couldn’t storm into Xavier’s office or, better yet, his bedroom and demand to know what was up. She didn’t have the code, and as with Joachim, the guards wouldn’t let her in if Xavier had told them not to.

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