Home > Game of Love : A Mafia Romance(116)

Game of Love : A Mafia Romance(116)
Author: Khardine Gray

The result would be to wreck the system and wreak havoc right under their noses.

I didn’t do it very often because it took away from the element of surprise and slipping in and out of somewhere unseen. Plus most places I had to hack didn’t use such state of the art tech.

It took me awhile to analyze the system then create the virus. We’d just let it lose and it was starting to work.

Wes started laughing as the firewall just crumbled down. Those fuckers on surveillance wouldn’t even know we could see inside.

Fucking assholes.

“Dammmmmmn,” Dorian said. He tapped the mouse and moved it over the different rooms in the facility. “We seriously got in. Okay, I’m going to admit your talent definitely exceeds mine.”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Think it’s the same, we’re just good at different things,” I assured him.

“That’s what I tell myself,” Wes chuckled.

Everything was as clear as day. The place was huge, huge and where we’d started looking just had people milling about in a large warehouse space with tons of crates. These guys were workers. Ra workers. They were packing the crates with guns.


I was sure those were all illegal arms. All stolen shit.

It was insane. There were so many crates.

“Well the Feds are gonna have a field day with that. Or whoever we contact.” I shook my head at the scenery. It was unbelievable that something like that was going on right underground like it was all so normal. Who knew what the plan was for those weapons.

We moved to a different section of the warehouse and saw a lot of vehicles. Trucks, cars, bikes.

There was a ramp that led to a large door that looked like it opened upwards. I imagined that they drove up there from underground.

That wouldn’t be the best way in for us.

The best way to find the best way in was to find Jia first then go from there. The place had so many rooms though.

“This may take a while,” Wes stated. He pulled up a chair and sat next to me. Dorian was to my left.

“I hope not. I want us on the move in an hour or so.” I cracked my knuckles. It was eight now. It had taken us all day to get all this stuff together and do what we needed to do.

I’d planned for nine as a ball park time, maybe ten to iron out the plan. Leaving then would give us time to get to the facility under the cover of night fall.

I didn’t want us rushing in, and I didn’t want us to go over the time either. It would take about four hours to get to there as it was situated at the furthest end of Twin Falls. Right there in between Rocky Creek and San Jacinto.

The terrain there wasn’t the best and with the facility not listed on the map it meant we’d have to harness our own map reading skills when we got to a certain point. That meant we needed to be clear from now on our entry points.

“There,” Dorian pointed to the section of the facility listed as Executive. “Maybe it would skip out a few areas if we looked there.”

I tapped on the section and it brought up fifteen rooms on the screen. They were all meeting rooms though.

The section above that was listed by color and called zones. I clicked on the blue zone and that was when the rooms looked more house like.

I would have clicked past a bird cage like structure in a bedroom if not for the sudden movement inside the cage that caught my attention.

Hair of platinum. Bright in the sunlight, silver in the moonlight.

It swished and I saw her face and fury roiled within me.


She was in a cage?

She was in a fucking cage!

I growled and balled my fists. Rising to my feet I backed away from the screen.

Wes came over to me and tried to calm me but I backed away further shaking my head.

“They have her in a cage!” I growled. “He locked my girl in a fucking cage! Like an animal.”

Instantly I remembered Giovanni threatening the same. I very nearly hit him when I heard it. Now look. It didn’t if it was some ironic cruel joke the universe had cast my way. Allowing me to see her that way and be so far away I couldn’t do shit.

“Xander, calm down please. We need you calm if this is going to work. Come on bro. I know it’s hard but try to cool down.” He flicked his palms over and pressed down.

I knew I wasn’t helping by losing my head. I just hated the helplessness.

I moved back to my seat but Dorian had taken the mouse and started hovering to the other rooms. It was an actual house.

“I think you’re going to have to get in somewhere in the basement section of the meeting rooms,” Dorian surmised. “Going any other way won’t cut it.”

He tapped on a section below the meeting rooms that led to some tunnels. It always came to that. It was the best route though. The most practical.

“We can go through there and get across into the house, get her and go back the way we came,” I brainstormed.

“That’s the easy way.” Dorian smirked. “I’m not so sure it will work out so well though. I have a few things that may come in handy. These guys fight dirty don’t they?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Bombs of sorts. Sleep bombs. Just in case you need to clear a path and there’s too many people in the way.”


Jack opened the door to the study and came in. He had a heavy scowl on his face.

“We got another visitor,” Jack declared with mock sarcasm.

I was the first to get up.

I followed him out to the living room, to where Frankie held a gun at Armand’s head and Giovanni looked him over with delight.

“Found him snooping around outside,” Frankie chanted in a sing song voice.

I was already, ready to kill. Seeing this prick here on my turf, in my playground was not good for him.

“I was simply looking for the boss.” Armand tried to defend himself. He had his hands raised.

“Oh yeah?” Giovanni asked and got up in his face. “Why didn’t you just call me?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d answer,” Armand replied. It was the first that I’d seen the man look so terrified.

If Giovanni had a gun he would have probably ended him. He didn’t need to have a gun though to mess him up.

I stepped forward and he looked to me.

“So Armand, we don’t have time for shit, so I’m just going to cut to the part where you’re a rat,” I accused, just launching in for the kill. No time to ask questions. “You are the fucking rat and you’ve been playing both sides all a long.”

“No, I can explain,” Armand shook his head.

Giovanni landed a fist in his face.

“You fucker, how I hoped it wasn’t you,” Giovanni balked. “How I wished it wasn’t you, even when I knew it had to be. Look at all I did for you.”

I understood where he was coming from. It was the result of being too trusting.

We’d all been guilty of it. In his case I had no sympathy. Giovanni may be here and we may be working together but it was all for Jia. I was doing it for her. I had no allegiance or compassion for him. Things were not okay, or even cordial between us.

And, he could kill Armand for all I cared.

“I never knew it would get this far.” Armand tried to defend himself again.

“What are you really doing here?” Giovanni asked.

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