Home > Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong, #1)(2)

Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong, #1)(2)
Author: S.E. Roberts

“I’m so sorry. I told her not to wake you up, but she never listens.” I turn toward the sound of my sister’s voice. She hobbling on one foot as she puts a shoe on the other. She blows a strand of hair out of her face before plopping down into the recliner across from me.

“Rough morning?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

She sighs in exasperation. “Dallas had an early morning meeting and Tay thought she needed to get up to see him off.”

Mother Dearest always used to tell us how much she hated when people named their children after cities. She also hates gender neutral names. Chloe struck out when she married Dallas and then gave her baby girl the same name as our neighbor boy growing up.

I throw a pillow at her like we used to when we were kids.

“Did you forget you have me? You could have woken me up.”

She looks up from her shoe she has just finished lacing and glares at me.

“I don’t want you to help. I want you to find a job so you can stop sleeping on my couch.”

“Bitch,” I mumble under my breath and then we both burst into laughter. This is the type of relationship we’ve always had, and I missed her while I was in Michigan.

I’ve been back in Chicago for four weeks now, and I haven’t stopped looking for job openings since I got here. Okay, that’s a lie. After my night out, when I met Mister Asshole, I sulked on my sister’s couch for a few days, but then I was scrolling through ads online, from sun up to sun down.

It was pathetic how much energy I put into that jerk. Hell, I never even got his name; he’s truly nothing to me. But I thought we had clicked well at the bar, but then he put me out like yesterday’s trash. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so shitty in all my life… and that’s saying a lot considering how my parents treat me.

“We’re headed to the zoo with Tay’s school friend, but text if you need anything.”

“I’ll be fine. I’ve got an interview at eleven and then I might meet Greta for lunch, if her lazy ass is out of bed by then.”

“Aunt Maddie, language!” Taylor shrieks and I mouth “sorry” to my sister as they walk out the door.

I check my phone and realize I only have an hour to shower, look decent, and find this place. It was truly a miracle that I was able to score an interview with Wright Enterprises because they’re the largest real estate agency in the Midwest. I suppose that was the one good thing that came out of working for my stepfather. He gave me the experience I needed to move away from them. Now if I can just get out of my sister’s apartment.

My phone pings in my hand.

Greta: Hey, we still on for lunch this afternoon?

Maddison: Yep. I’ve got my interview at 11. I’ll call you when I’m done.

Greta: Good luck! Love you.

Maddison: Love you, too.



I shower and then take extra care in getting ready. Don’t get me wrong. I like to look nice. I almost never go without makeup, but lately, I’ve been bumming around at Chloe’s and haven’t exactly been presentable. Let’s just say that my mother would have a fit if she saw how I looked. I think a part of me is trying to be rebellious… in hopes that she’ll show up on Chloe’s doorstep and have a heart attack when she sees me. I never said I’d be winning any awards for being an outstanding daughter.

Thirty-five minutes later, I request an Uber before looking myself over one last time. I decided on my black pencil-skirt suit. A purple, laced camisole sits underneath the jacket. I look hot as hell if I do say so myself. I’ve paired my outfit with my Brian Atwood flats.

My phone alerts me that my ride is waiting for me so I grab my purse and lock up before making my way downstairs.

I’m filled with nervous energy the entire ride, and it isn’t lost on me that my driver keeps giving me dirty looks through the rearview mirror. I’m sure my bouncing leg is driving him absolutely bat shit, but I can’t sit still.

“Thank you,” I tell the driver as I push the door of his sedan open. I look up at the skyscraper in front of me. I grew up right outside of the city and we came here often, but the vastness of the Windy City still amazes me.

I slip my purse over my shoulder and make my way through the revolving glass doors. Everything about this place speaks money. Hank’s building is very similar to this, but Chicago is immense compared to most of the rest of the world. Nothing is ever simple or low-scale.

As soon as I’m inside, I notice the floor-to-ceiling glass walls and the fact that there is very little color anywhere. Everything is covered in blacks, grays, and whites. Very modern.

I find the elevator straight ahead and double-check the address on my phone and see that Wright Enterprises is on the seventh floor. I wait for the other patrons to get off before I step into the car and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

The bell above my head dings, letting me know I’ve reached my destination. Here goes nothing.

“Can I help you?” I’m greeted by an older woman with short, curly, red hair as soon as I get off the elevator. She has kindness in her eyes, and I immediately feel more relaxed, just by her presence. If my new boss is half as pleasant as her, I’ll be just fine.

“Hi, I’m Maddison Monroe. I have an interview with Mr. Wright at eleven.” I fidget with the strap of my purse as she types away on her keyboard.

“Oh, yes! Ms. Monroe. Let me go tell him you’re here. Can I get you a water while you wait? Or perhaps coffee?”

I could go for a coffee since I’m currently not caffeinated, but I tell her I’ll take a water. Maybe Hank’s clients would like him better if he offered them coffee and water. As wealthy as the man is, he’s a tight-ass and would never do such a thing.

The woman, who I learn is named Nellie, brings me a Perrier. Dang, even their water is fancy. I take a seat in one of the gray leather chairs and screw the cap off, taking a long chug from the bottle. I’m desperate to do anything that’ll help calm my nerves a bit.

Five minutes later, I hear Nellie’s heels clanking on the tile floor. I look up from my phone, wondering if she’ll think I’m unfit for this job, after seeing me playing on it. But the thought leaves my mind when I see her cheery face.

“He’s ready for you, Ms. Monroe.”

I stand from the chair and return her smile.

“Thank you. Please call me Maddie.”

She leads me down a long-tiled hallway. The walls are adorned in black and white photos. The place screams masculinity.

Once we reach the door at the very end of the hall, Nellie enters before I do.

“Mr. Wright, can I get you a coffee or anything?”

“I’m fine,” he grumbles, and I immediately get goose bumps at the sound of his voice. I look up from staring at my feet, and my world tilts on its axis.









“All right,” Nellie says with annoyance, before spinning on her heels to exit my office.

“Have a seat,” I tell the woman without taking my eyes off my computer. I’m irritated as hell right now, but my lovely assistant wouldn’t hear me out when I told her I don’t want to replace her. Nellie has worked for Wright Enterprises since before I was born, and in all fairness, it probably is time she gets to retire after all the years she put in with the company, but I’m a selfish bastard. Plus, I don’t like change. Her leaving means I have to find a replacement.

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