Home > Claimed by a Royal Alien Warrio(2)

Claimed by a Royal Alien Warrio(2)
Author: Vanessa Mars

“What’s this about DNA?”

“All earthlings have their DNA on file with the government,” she tells me.

“I know, but what does my DNA have to do with my vacation?”

Her eyes light up and she makes a squealing sound that I hope is one of pleasure.

“What?” I ask her.

“You just said my vacation. You’ve already decided, haven’t you? Oh Simone, you’re going to love this, I promise!”

I glance at the paragraph about DNA again. I suppose it makes sense for this company to want a perfect match. They probably don’t want their contest winner to be susceptible to an alien disease.

“Alright,” I tell her. “I’ll go.”

“Wonderful Simone! You won’t regret this!”

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter. But even though I’m trying to stay nonchalant, in my mind all I see are perfect, juicy strawberries. It only takes a few minutes to throw some clothes and as many books as I can carry into a bag. Then, I’m following her outside into the harsh sunlight, wondering what I just got myself into.



An hour later, I step into my room on the transport ship and just about pass out. There’s a gigantic canopy bed. A glossy marble floor. And a grand wardrobe in the corner. I’m only supposed to be on this ship for less than a day, right? This setup seems fit for a queen.

I glance out the wall-to-ceiling windows to see my hometown below me. We’re not in the air yet, but everything still looks small. I wave goodbye even though I know no one can see me. One week in paradise. I can’t believe this is actually happening, but now that I’m on the ship, it seems so real.

The ship takes off. Soon, earth is only a bright blue marble in the distance. Stars fly by in the blink of an eye. I’ve never seen so many in my life. I wish we’d go slower so I could take it all in.

The ship slows as we reach a huge yellow planet. That must be Talrak, my paradise. As my excitement builds, I hear a huge bang!

What the hell was that? It felt like an earthquake.

“Attention! Attention!” A loud voice calls over the speakers. “All workers report to your stations immediately! I repeat, all workers report to your stations immediately! All other passengers must hold on to something! I repeat, all other passengers must hold on to something!”

I grab a bedpost as another shake occurs. And another. And another. My stomach twists and I swear I’m about to throw up. I swallow hard and shut my eyes.

With one more sharp jolt, I lose my grip and topple to the floor. My body rolls until I hit the wall. The ship finally stills and I slowly lift myself off the sparkling marble.

My stomach is no longer twisting, but a sickening feeling lingers in the back of my throat. I glance out the window.

Outside is an endless sea of golden sand. The sky is a deep rouge as the sun melts into the horizon.

No oceans. No fruits, or even any plantlife. Just sand.

What have I gotten myself into?









“It’s our brother,” Kozar, my second in command, tells me.

I work my jaw. “Which one?”

“The oldest.” He hands me the hotofone.

Groaning, I swipe my thumbpad over the black screen, projecting a flickering image of the pampas ass on the white wall of the military compound in front of me. We get shitty reception out here in the deep desert, thank God.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Is that any way to speak to your king?”

I smirk. “Fuck you.” Then, I raise my thumb to swipe his pompous ass into oblivion. I have real shit to do. Whatever he needs can wait.

“Stop!” he yells. “I need your help!”

“Oh really? Are you going to say please?”

He pouts, trying to hide his smile. “I should punish you for your insolence.”

“You already banished me to the desert.”

“But you like the desert.”

I shrug. “There’s lots of stuff to kill, but I could do without all the sand up my—”

“Irriuth,” the king interrupts, “this call is of the utmost importance, and as such is being recorded in the royal archives. I’d appreciate you keeping your colorful language to a minimum.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine. What’s going on?”

“My wife’s ship just crash-landed in the desert, and you’re the closest soldier to the site. I need you to bring her home to me.”

“I didn’t know you were married.” I mean, we aren’t close, but holy shit.

“Well, we’re not married yet. She’s my future wife. In fact, I didn’t even know of her existence until two days ago, but it turns out her DNA is a perfect match for our bloodline.”

I snort, “How romantic.”

“Like you’ve ever cared about romance, or anything else!”

“Alright, alright, I’ll go.” Anything to get him off the hotofone. I don’t need yet another list of my transgressions detailed in the royal archives.

“Good. I’ve already sent her coordinates. If there’s anything else you need—”

“There isn’t,” I tell him, swiping my thumb and ending the conversation. It isn’t the first time I’ve had to go and rescue one of my brother’s booty calls. I stuff the damn holofone in my pocket and grab a supply pack.

“When are you leaving?” Kozar asks.

“Right now. Hold down the base until I get back.” I reach into my pocket and wrap my fingers around the keys to my trusty truck. I rebuilt it over 15 years ago.

“Please don’t tell me you’re taking that piece of shit on a royal mission in the desert,” Kozar says.

Now I’m just offended. I built my truck 20 years ago from parts I scavenged from desert scrap yards and abandoned reader camps. “My truck has never steered me wrong.”

Kozar rolls his eyes.

I scowl. “Don’t look at me like that. That pun was not intentional.”

“Doesn’t matter. It still hurts — but not as much as my ass is going to hurt riding shotgun.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Who says you’re coming with me?”

“You’re really going to do this alone?”

I laugh at that. “I think I can handle one little woman.”



As the heat of two suns beats down on me, I curse my brother. Couldn’t he have found a better pilot? If your future wife isn’t precious cargo, I don’t know what is.

The gravitational pull of Talrak is stronger than most. Despite all the warnings, many inexperienced pilots fly too close and become caught in its cruel grasp. Before they realize what’s happening, it’s too late. They can’t pull out of the wash and come crashing down, escaping with their lives if they’re lucky.

My heart sinks as black smoke plums fill the rapidly darkening sky. The crash site is a tangle of molten metal and twisted wires. Sparks fly in all directions. It’ll be a miracle if anyone survived.

Under my breath, I say a prayer for any departed souls. As a soldier I’m used to death, but I still hate it. Others may accuse me of bloodlust due to my reputation, but I took an oath to protect, not to kill. More than anything, I hate unnecessary suffering and lost lives.

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