Home > Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(25)

Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(25)
Author: Ali Parker

“How about a burger? Or pizza? We could go to DeAngelo’s.”

“Okay. I’d like that. But are you sure it’s okay? I don’t want to cause problems.”

“You’re not. And no one can tell me where I can and can’t be seen with you. That’s up to us, and I say, screw them. Let’s do what we want.” I had already won one victory, and being with her officially was like winning another one.



I drove her out to DeAngelo’s, and despite the busy night, we only saw one other couple we knew, and that happened to be Layla and Jayce of all people.

They sat on the other side of the restaurant from us thankfully, but I wondered if Avery was okay. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s not like you knew they’d be here, and they’re way over there. If you’re okay, I’m okay.”

“I’m good.”

“No more apologies.”

She was so good about it, and I wondered again how I got so lucky.

I polished off half a pizza before she could even eat two slices. And when we were laughing and talking, Jayce and Layla stopped by the table on their way out.

“Hi, guys,” said Layla.

Jayce shook my hand. “How’s it going, man?”

“Great, thanks.”

Layla gestured to the pizza. “I see Seth ordered his favorite.”

“Actually, that’s mine,” said Avery. “Is it yours too?”

I shrugged. “Yeah. You’re the first person who liked the ham as much as me.”

“Well, it looks like you two have a lot in common,” said Layla with a sweet grin. She was always so pretty, but Avery was pretty and more. It was strange that I was finally over her and moved on. Back when I first lost her, I went through a spell of thinking I’d made the biggest mistake ever, but Avery had put all that to rest.

“Yeah, I don’t have to compromise and have pineapple,” I said, giving her a teasing look.

“Oh no, you eat pineapple on your pizza?” Avery giggled.

Jayce nodded. “Yeah, now I get to compromise.”

“Hey,” said Layla. “I’m worth it.”

“That, you are.” Jayce turned his attention to me. “Great game by the way. We caught the last half. You played like a beast, man. Impressive.”

“Thanks.” I wasn’t sure if Jayce was taking that friendship deal to his head, but that was all right with me. “It was good having Avery there to cheer me on. I felt like I was back on my game for the first time in a long time.”

“Are you going to the victory party at Omega after?” asked Layla.

Avery busied herself with her drink as I responded. “No. I thought I’d sit this one out. It gets old, and I have better places to be now.”

“Good call,” said Jayce.

“Well, it was good to see you,” said Layla. “You two take care of each other.” She gave Avery a big smile, and the two of them left.

Avery looked at me with red cheeks. “I can see why you were in love with her.”

“Love? I’m not sure it was that anymore.”

“It’s okay. I understand if you were.”

“With Lay, it was just different. I think we needed each other for more than love, you know?”

“You call her Lay?”

“It’s her nickname,” I said with a laugh.

“Could you maybe just say Layla? Lay just brings up other images, and while I’m not a jealous girlfriend, I’d rather not have those in my mind.” She laughed it off, but I could tell it was awkward for her.

“Right. Sorry. I never looked at it that way. A lot of her friends call her that.” I shrugged it off and swiped another piece of the pizza.

“You’re putting that away like a garbage disposal. I don’t see how you eat that much.” She was on her third slice and taking it slowly, picking at the crust.

“Play hard, work hard, eat a ton to make up for it.”

“Clara thinks I’m bad.”

“Speaking of your sister, does she know about us?”

She gave me a nervous look. “Well, Clara is complicated. With her health issues, all of her past problems, and the fact that she doesn’t think you’re good for me, I haven’t told her yet.”

“Oh, I see. And what if I said she just walked through the door?” I gestured in that direction.

Avery’s eyes widened as she looked over to the door and held her hand up in case she needed to hide behind it. “You tricked me!”

I laughed, but I felt a little sting that she might not ever tell her sister about us. I knew it was a touchy topic, and Clara’s health was part of the reason. “It’s okay. I get it. You care about your sister’s feelings.” I shrugged, knowing if it were me and Bryan, my brother would be over-the-moon happy for me. What if Clara never accepted us, and what if the rest of her family felt the same?

“You scared me.”

“You’re scared of your sister?” I didn’t get that part of it.

“No, not of her, but of hurting her, yes. She wouldn’t take this well. And she doesn’t need a shock to her system. Not with a bad heart.”

“I see. I didn’t realize she was so bad off.” I’d heard that she had some problems but thought the worst was behind her.

“Yeah. She’s fragile, and I don’t want to kill my sister.” She laughed it off, but I could tell it really bothered her. I thought of Bryan and how I hadn’t really told her anything about him.

I guessed we both had our secrets. I just still wasn’t sure when to tell her about him and how. I figured that proving myself to her first might be the best course of action.



Chapter 15






I watched Seth lean over the table. His cue stick was lined up perfectly for the shot, and his tongue was stuck out from the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on making his final shot. With a quick motion, he struck the cue ball and sent it quickly into the eight, which took a hard hit at the bank and stopped just shy of where he needed it.

“Dammit,” he said.

“You hit it too hard,” I said.

“Yeah, well, it’s not often anyone gives me a run for my money on the table. You’ve played before.”

“My dad had a table in the basement when I was younger. When he and Mom divorced, he left it down there. His new place was too nice for an old bar relic, but I spent a lot of time down there playing while working out my feelings.”

“Well, you still have one shot to make. Let’s see what you’ve got.” He sat and watched as I lined up the next shot. I knew exactly which English to use and the light touch needed to bank a side pocket.

“You’re making me nervous,” I said, looking back at him.

“Don’t mind me. I’m just enjoying the view.”

I gave my ass a wiggle, and while still looking back at him, I made the shot. Seth rose up from his stool and watched the ball go in. I didn’t even have to look back to know I’d won the game.

He looked down at me with a grin. “Showoff.”

I laughed, knowing it was an easy shot. “I’m actually surprised it worked. I’m never that bold, but it was worth it to watch your face.”

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