Home > Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(6)

Playing The Game (Providence University Book 6)(6)
Author: Ali Parker

“Hey, I hope I’m not bothering you. If this is a bad time, I can come back.”

“No, it’s cool. I just thought you were someone from the dorms. Everyone’s bitching about the loud music, but I like the extra noise. And besides,” she raised her voice, shouting into the hall, “I don’t complain about their pot smoking, skateboarding, or the way the rest of this place smells. The last thing I want is another petition stuck in my face.” She stepped aside, and I walked in to sit on her roommate’s bed.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t just live at home,” I said. From what she’d told me, her family only lived a half hour from college, yet both she and her brother decided to live on campus.

“Because I can’t take living with my parents. And I live in the dorm so my brother won’t freak out about my safety.” Her brother was Thomas Hammond, one of Pro-U’s best baseball players.

I shook my head. “Doesn’t he worry that someone might kill you over the noise?” I gave a laugh to show I was joking. “But seriously, what is it about older siblings? They need to trust us.”

“No, kidding. Instead, he bugs the hell out of me.” She plopped down beside me. “So, what’s going on? You look like you have a lot on your mind.”

“I do. When I tried to talk to Seth after practice, he gave me the brush off, but I just got a message from him saying he wants to talk after all. I’m not sure what I should do. I feel like it’s all hot and cold with him.”

Abi gave me a sympathetic look with her big, brown eyes. “So, you’re still crazy about him, aren’t you?” It was much different than the way Clara had asked me.

“Yes, but I told you what happened. What he said that night after the movies?” She hadn’t been any happier about it than I had.

She sighed. “Guys are so dumb. My brother does the same shit. They are sometimes more worried about male posturing than the crap that comes out of their mouths. I’ve thought about it, and I think Seth was just showing off. It’s just guy talk. You shouldn’t let one thing he said ruin everything.”

“But I don’t know what to say. Should I even tell him what’s going on or let it go?”

She gave me a look like I might be crazy. “Hell yeah, you should say something. Just make sure it’s the right time. He needs to know that you need him to stand up for you, and if he can’t do that, he’s not worth it.”

I got a sinking feeling inside. “I want him to be worth it.” I wanted him to be worthy too, and to do something to prove to my sister that he was the real deal, the way that Dillon had with me and my parents.

“I know you do. We all want men to act the way we want them to, but they don’t always get it right. That’s why I don’t date. Boys are too complicated for me right now. And because my brother has already threatened every guy on campus to stay away from me. So that doesn’t help anything.”

“At least he cares,” I said. “Clara is so hellbent on hating Seth from all of the rumors that she will never give him a chance. I’m so glad I have you to lend me an impartial ear.”

“Anytime. Don’t let it get you down.” She patted my shoulder.

“I’m trying, but it’s hard. Can you believe that Clara wanted to call Layla and ask her opinion? I nearly died thinking she was actually going to do it.”

Abi laughed. “Layla’s not bad. I played ball with her before, remember?”

“Oh yeah, I forget that you played softball too. But still, I don’t want to drag her into it. Whatever they had was between them, and besides, they were all into each other’s family lives, and from what I’ve gathered, Seth’s wasn’t so great. I don’t want to bring her into our relationship.”

“I hear you. But still, Layla’s cool. And if she didn’t deter you already, I wouldn’t worry about it. Leave it in the past.”

“Actually, when I saw her at the recovery center with Clara, she was really nice about it. She even gave me some advice. But still, I don’t like hearing about them. I’d hate it even more from her.”

“I think you’re right about that. Things in the past are best left there. Have you had dinner?” She held her tummy. “I’m starved. I thought about ordering something. There’s a hot delivery guy at Lenny’s. I want his number, and I don’t think he has any idea who Thomas Hammond is.”

She was always going after someone her brother didn’t know, as if they were the only ones who weren’t tainted. “Actually, I just had pizza at Clara’s apartment.”

“How about we go out tomorrow? I’m ready to get out and do something. I’ve been locked up here for hours every night this week. You’re the first person I’ve seen outside of practice and class who talked to me.”

“Yeah, we could do something. Tomorrow is great. I’d like that.” I didn’t see her get out too much lately, but then again, if I had a brother looming over my shoulder, I might be the same way. Although Clara was bad enough, at least she couldn’t physically harm Seth. I didn’t think Dillon would do anything I didn’t want him to.

Abi sighed. “I guess. I’m going to order something in and get some sleep. You probably want to go home and talk to Seth.”

I got to my feet. “Actually, I have some studying to do, but I don’t know. I’m still thinking of what to say to him. It’s like the more time that passes, the more awkwardness builds between us.”

“Don’t let it grow,” she said, getting up to change the music which she had left playing softly. It was a mix between power ballads and emo rock. “You should talk and feel it out. Trust me. If he likes you the way I think he does, it’s going to work out for you. Just know that you can talk to me at any time.”

“Thanks,” I said. I was excited to have plans with someone who wasn’t Clara and who wasn’t as difficult about Seth.

I glanced at my phone and Seth’s message once I made it back to the apartment, but I couldn’t let myself get too distracted from my studies, so I sent him one back to let him know I’d like that too, and maybe after our next practice would be a better time.

He didn’t respond back to me. My heart sank after waiting an hour. I guessed I’d messed up again.



Chapter 4






Practice was brutal, and I don’t mean running plays. After getting the brush off from Avery, I felt a sting when I saw her run by. I wanted to chase after her, but instead, I kept my ass in line with the others as we worked through some drills.

My coach was still going to expect me to leave Avery alone, but I just didn’t want to. I had to make her see that I was crazy about her—without making her think I was just plain crazy.

“Okay,” said Coach Carr. “Line up in three lines. Take it to the try line and back. I want to see you pass.” He put his whistle in his mouth and held it there as we lined up.

I started with the ball, and as I ran, I made a lateral pass and continued to run as the ball made its way back to me.

Avery ran by about that time, getting my attention, but I knew better than to miss the next pass coming my way. I caught the ball and kept it going, knowing we had one more set of passes until we had to stop.

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