Home > Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Wishing for a Hero #3)(22)

Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Wishing for a Hero #3)(22)
Author: Kait Nolan

Those eyes blazed as he lifted them to Ethan’s. “That she looked like she’d gone rounds with Floyd Mayweather and wasn’t that gonna cut into her being able to make the rent money on her back this month.”

“I’d have wanted to punch the little shit, too.” His admission made the boy blink. “Look, I’m not interested in policing this town based on a past history of what everybody else says. I’m starting with the now and what I can see with my own two eyes. This right here is, as far as I’m concerned, your first offense.”

Suspicion flashed across Johnny’s features. “So I’m getting off?”

“No. I’m guessing there’s a good chance Neary’s parents are the type that will press assault charges. I’ve got no interest in seeing you thrown in juvie for defending your mother’s honor. I’ve got something else in mind.”

Ethan made some calls. By the time he’d arranged things to suit him, Rene Forbes was hurrying through the front doors of the station. He scanned her with a practiced eye. He didn’t see any overt evidence of new injuries, but she wouldn’t meet his eyes. Beneath the colorful bruising that was too livid for even good makeup to hide, she was wan.

“Is he under arrest?”

“Why don’t you come on back?” Ethan gestured her into his office.

When Rene saw the black eye, she made a pained noise. “We’ve talked about this! You can’t be fighting.”

Johnny ducked his head. “Sorry, Mom.”

“What was this about?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Ethan said. “I’m not arresting him. I’ve already spoken with Judge Carpenter, and we’re putting Johnny on community service. As long as he keeps his nose clean and meets his hours, we’re calling it square.”

“What kind of community service?” Rene asked.

“He’s going to be helping Chester Harkin out at his farm every Saturday for the rest of the semester.”

That finally got a reaction out of the boy. “I’m gonna be doing what now?”

“Whatever Chester needs help with. He’s getting on up there in years and isn’t as spry as he used to be. He can use a young back to help with the animals, hauling feed, mucking stalls, doing repairs. It’s hard, honest work, and it’ll be helping out a senior in need.” Ethan hoped to God Johnny didn’t repeat that statement. Chester would shit a brick at being called a senior in need.

“But…how will he get there? We don’t have an extra car and if I’m working—”

“Don’t you worry about that. If you can’t drop him off, I’ll see that Chester picks him up or I or one of my officers gives him a ride.”

Ethan pulled out two of his cards and passed them over. He figured Rene had tossed the one he’d given her that day in Miranda’s clinic. “This is my contact info, including my cell. If you need a ride to Chester’s, need help, or just need to talk—either of you—you can call any time.”

By the looks on their faces as they reluctantly accepted the cards, Ethan knew they’d never actually use them. Settled on things with Johnny, he shifted his attention to Rene. “Have you given any more thought to what we talked about at the hospital?”

She gave one short, sharp shake of her head. “Things are fine. Quiet.”

Yeah, that’s what Ethan was afraid of. Quiet now. How much longer until the pressure built up enough to blow? And what would be the consequences when it did?

Knowing he wouldn’t get any further by pushing, Ethan rose. “You’re free to go. When is your suspension up?”

“Monday,” Johnny muttered.

Better to keep the kid out of the house this week, then. “All right. Then you can get a head start on your hours tomorrow. I’ll be by to pick you up at seven.”

“Seven! Dude!” The tone of utter baffled outrage almost made Ethan smile.

“Farm work starts early, son. Be glad I’m not getting you at sunrise.” He clapped the boy on the shoulder. “See you in the morning.”



“So I hear you’re getting all creative in your policing.” The remark was punctuated by the familiar tones of tuning as Clay made minor adjustments to his guitar.

Ethan pulled his Taylor out of the case and took the stool across from his friend. “How’s that?”

“Hooking up Johnny Forbes with Chester Harkin instead of sending him to juvie.”

“That just happened this morning. How do you even know about it?”

Clay just laughed. “The only gossip tree faster than the one starting at Dinner Belles is the one at the high school. It’s just a microcosm of the broader town. Anyway, I doubt it was what Dr. Warner had in mind, but it was a nice thing.”

“I’m pretty sure Dr. Warner would’ve preferred Johnny be locked up and the key thrown out. She’s biased against him. I figure it’s my job not to be. Anyway, it was ultimately Judge Carpenter’s decision. I just made a suggestion. Juvie isn’t gonna do that kid any favors. Some good, honest work might. You know him?”

“Never had him as a student, but the high school’s a fish bowl. I see everybody at some point.”

Ethan began checking his own tuning. “What can you tell me about him?”

“Probably not a lot more than you already know. He’s bottom of the social heap. Target of bullies. Mostly he keeps to himself, no matter what gets thrown at him, but he’s been getting hotter under the collar lately. Hence the fight with Scott Neary.”

“What about Neary?”

“Entitled little bastard. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree with that one. I went to school with his daddy. Thought he was God’s gift and no life experiences since then have dissuaded him of that fact.”

“Would you say other students are deliberately seeking Johnny out for harassment?”

“That’s high school.” Clay shrugged. “The popular kids prey on the weak or the weird. I keep an eye out as much as I can, but, as I said, he’s not my student.”

“You think I made the right call?”

“I think it can’t be a bad thing to give a kid another shot. Having somebody give a damn about his situation could make all the difference for somebody like him.”

“That’s certainly the hope. I just wish I could make a difference for his mother, get them both out of that shitty situation.”

“I’m guessing you and Miranda haven’t had any luck on that front.”


Clay’s eyes turned mischievous. “How about on the dating front? Everybody’s been talking about your debut at karaoke night.”

Ethan jerked his shoulders in a move he hoped came off as nonchalance rather than irritation. “The date went fine.”

“Fine? Surely it went better than fine, given how you had your tongue down each other’s throats by the fountain.”

Ethan took a measured breath and released it again. He’d chosen small-town life. He’d known that meant he’d be an object of scrutiny. He’d known he’d be under a microscope as the new guy in town. But he’d foolishly believed that would be more for his performance on the job, not his personal life. Apparently nobody here had any clue about boundaries.

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