Home > The Ward of House Rega(26)

The Ward of House Rega(26)
Author: Alma Nilsson

“Ellie,” he began without any religious preamble.

She could tell by his voice that he was displeased with her. Her kittens scattered off her bed and ran away into a different part of her room when they heard his tone.

He didn’t wait for her to reply, “Do you know what kind of people are Outcasts to the Empire?”

“People who are born of parents between classes,” she answered obediently.

“Yes, among other things. And how do we tell them apart from members of the Empire?”

“By their lack of membership in an Alliance House,” she recited dutifully.

“Good. I’m glad that you know that so now I can ask you, why did you kiss a man multiple times that you knew was an Outcast?”

Ellie shifted, “I’m human. I liked him. It’s what humans do.”

Jei waited for a few seconds and then replied, “I understand that you are young, and that the victor’s reception was your first time attending anything that felt similar to an Assembly. And given that this Outcast won the competition the usual rules around Outcasts were not strictly adhered to which could have caused some confusion, especially for you. However, I want to make it very clear that you are not allowed to marry an Outcast or anyone not of maximum class.”

“But if humans are Alliance citizens now, why is he still an Outcast because one of his parents is Alliance and the other human?”

“Many reasons, but the first being that it is his father who is human, and human men, aside from the ones who have sired children through the artificial wombs scandal and married human Alliance women are not granted citizenship as a rule.”

“What’s so wrong with human men? Oh, that’s right, they are just competition for Alliance men who must have something wrong with them,” Ellie said bitingly.

“You are clever enough to know that is not the reason,” Jei replied evenly.

“But here’s the thing,” Ellie wasn’t giving up so easily, “Magnolia will be half-Alliance and half-human just like this Outcast. And as a human I cannot see the importance of placing citizenship solely based on the sex and species of just one parent.”

“Even if it would have been his mother who was human, he would still be an Outcast because when his parents decided to marry, it was still forbidden. His parents chose to disregard the law and face the consequences of their actions.”

“But it’s not against the law now so shouldn’t all these children who are considered Outcasts be welcomed back with their parents?”

“That’s not the way the laws work,” Jei said. He understood why she was saying this, and he didn’t want to admit that, of course, he thought it was wrong that these children, especially ones born to human mothers and Alliance fathers were still considered Outcasts. “And let me remind you it is his father who is human.”

“It’s not right.”

“It’s the law. If you want it changed join the High Council and petition for it.”

Ellie ignored his absurd suggestion. “Are you going to scold me for kissing someone too?” Ellie asked, wanting to lash out so she could get some of her own frustration out as well.

“No,” Jei replied flatly.

“Really?” Ellie asked disappointed.

“Ellie, I am over 200 years old. I know what it is to be taken in by a romantic moment. Those moments are what makes life worth living. I also know this particular Outcast personally. Val, Commander of the Nage Horde, is a formidable young man and you are young, and it was your first outing as an almost eligible young woman. I don’t mind that you were taken in by the moment, I’m sure he was very charming and you were enchanted by his attentions, and paying the fines isn’t an issue, so no, I’m not going to chastise you for your behavior this time.”

“There were fines?”

Jei smiled, “You have the honor of racking up the most fines House Rega has ever received within two hours on your first night out in Alliance Two society. Let’s just not make a habit of it.”

“I would say ‘sorry’, but I’m not sorry.”

Jei heard her correctly, but pretended that she had asked for forgiveness, “There’s no need to apologize. As I said, you are young. Mistakes are made. But now you know, you must marry a maximum class man from Alliance Planet Two.”

“Or marry three men,” she said referring to Jade. “Or become an Outcast myself,” Ellie replied.

Jei knew it was futile to argue with a young person in this state, “Yes, or become an Outcast yourself, however it would be a tough life especially for someone who has become so accustomed to the finer things the Empire has to offer, including the stability of a good life in front of you, there will be no more surprises as long as you reside in House Rega and are safe in the Empire.” He didn’t add that associating with Val was dangerous as well. He worried that this knowledge would only encourage some romantic idea young people sometimes would have about criminals and the unfounded romantic thrill of life-and-death situations. He would definitely make a note to contact Ellie’s doctor and use her influence to lessen Ellie’s interest in Val, so that every time she would remember to look for him in the GC records or in the galactic gossip columns she would get a headache or forget altogether. “Now, are we clear?”

“Yes,” Ellie replied. “May you walk in the gods’ light.”

“May they show you your true other half in good time,” he replied sincerely and then ended the RVM.

Ellie put her IC aside and touched her new ID necklace again and said softly to herself, “I’ve found my true other half and he is just as good as Magnolia. The Empire’s unjust laws about human fathers won’t stop me.”






Thinking about Resurrection



Valentin had just left the bridge and was heading to his quarters when he passed his first officer, Lon, in the corridor.

“Have you read the Capital City Gossip Columns today?”

Valentin thought this was a very strange question for his first officer to be asking him, “No?”

“I think you should have a look. There is news pertaining to a young woman you recently met, and I think, if I am not mistaken, admire.”

Valentin nodded understanding. Then, they continued their separate ways. As soon as Valentin entered his quarters, he loosened his collar and went directly to his computer. He opened the Capital City Gossip Columns and began scanning the articles with the key words ‘Ward of House Rega’, ‘Ellie,’ and ‘humans on Alliance Planet Two.’. It didn’t take long for him to find a very recent article about Elloisa.


The Ward of House Rega Leaves Ceremony


Earlier this morning, the Ward of House Rega was seen leaving the Alba City Temple in a flood of tears. She had been attending a ceremony to mark the first year of her mother ascending into the Afterlife as the goddess of humanity. Rumors are that when the ceremonial blood was poured through the eyes of the statue of the goddess of humanity by Admiral Jei, the Ward, demanded the ceremony be stopped and ran out of the building closely followed by her guards. The ceremony could not be completed because the Ward refused to sanction the sacrificial animals before she stormed out and the only other descendant of the goddess of humanity, Magnolia of House Rega, is still too young to participate. I can speak for everyone here at Capital City Gossip that we hope that Ellie of House Rega recognizes her mistakes today and rectifies them for next year’s ceremony so that we do not anger the goddess of humanity.

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