Home > The Ward of House Rega(44)

The Ward of House Rega(44)
Author: Alma Nilsson

“It is. Now let’s walk in and have breakfast. We can eat inside or out.”

They began walking again, “Doesn’t the heat bother you?”

“No, another trait from my father. I am, of course, the most comfortable in slightly colder climates, but the heat doesn’t bother me as much as it does most Alliance people. However, the longer people’s ancestors have lived on Reima Two, the more they have adapted.”

“Naturally or through science?”

“Good question. I don’t know the answer off the top of my head, but both I would think.”

As they walked up the grand stone stairs to the Main House, Ellie felt as if she was in a dream. It was all so perfect. Everything she could ever want. An Alliance man who was not an Imperial man, a planet like Earth but one that was important in the galaxy. “If I’m still dreaming on your ship, don’t wake me up,” Ellie said as they climbed the massive stone stairs to staff already opening the large double-doors welcoming them. Unlike slaves in the Alliance, these people all had different clothing and hair styles of their own choosing. Before she could ask the question, Valentin answered her.

“Everyone works and choses their own destiny here. These are my staff, they belong to One, but they are not beholden to always work these roles or stay in my House as they would be in the Empire.”

“But their loyalty? What if you House falls to whatever the last number is?”

Valentin laughed, “Then I would probably lose them all to another House. But as long as I maintain a good standard, they are here. Nothing is taken for granted on Reima Two.”

Ellie decided that she would have to learn more about this culture to be comfortable with it. So far it sounded unstable. What she liked about the Empire was a secure feeling of place. When Sandra had moved in with her father before she left Earth, she had felt like the ground had fallen out from under her. Her instability was compounded further because of the bullying she received at university on account of her mother’s choice to stay in the Empire. In the end, Ellie couldn’t handle the bullying and seeing Sandra every day come out of her parents’ bedroom and that’s why she fled to the Empire. So, it gave her pause that stability was not something Reima Two’s society valued. But she reminded herself that they did marry which was more than humans did, so it wasn’t completely without some foundations.

“What’s on your mind?” Valentin asked noticing she had gone deep in thought about something.

“One of the things that made me feel safe about the Empire was its stability,” Ellie said.

“I see,” Valentin replied and then explained, “There are 2,598 Houses on Reima Two and many more inhabitants. No one is required to be a part of a House and there are many wealthy citizens and residents who choose not to be. There is no real stigma if you are a part of the competition with Houses, we play with each other or not. My parents are not part of a House and have suffered nothing from it. I began my House ten years ago. I began at 1,759, then have gradually worked my way up. Moving up the ranks is not only about wealth; it is also based on social standing in the community and the ability to make good judgments.”

“What do you mean, make good judgments?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“Reima Two is a democracy. If there is an even vote, I must be the deciding vote as One. I am given this rank because I have proven myself in the eyes of my peers to be a just person.”

Ellie smiled, “And there I was just thinking you were a handsome Outcast who happened to win the Yoli race.”

“Your human charm makes me feel good, but don’t forget that I’m also Alliance. I want you to be impressed by my accomplishments and my ranking even if it’s not in the Empire.”

“I definitely am impressed, Valentin” Ellie assured him trying to explain herself and salvage his misunderstanding of her reaction. “I just don’t want to marry you and then have everything change. And that’s not about wanting to marry you for all of this,” she waved around them at the opulence. “All of this is beyond my dreams, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you. What I want from you is stability. A partnership. To know that you,” she pointed to his chest, “or this,” she waved casually between them, “won’t change our relationship too much. I don’t think I could handle anymore high-class galactic tricks.”

“I promise you, despite the fluctuations on Reima Two, and there will be fluctuations, no one stays One for more than a few decades at a time, this feeling, our partnership, will always feel the same between us. Our connection is more than just a chance meeting of two like-minded people attracted to one another. I need you just as much as you need me,” he said thinking he needed Elloisa just as much as she needed him. “I am sure that once you experience the rhythm of life here, you will thrive, even if it’s not as stable as the Empire, but unlike the Empire, Reima Two lives,” Valentin reassured her. “And unlike maximum class men and women, you and I can always be together to live our lives together.”

“You make it sound so romantic and exciting, but two weeks isn’t a long time to make a choice about the rest of my life. You must convince me that Reima Two is worth the risk.”

Valentin knew that her last comment was intended more for her heart than his ears, “Reima Two is always worth the risk.” He said mirroring her, saying it more for himself than for her. “Two weeks is more than enough time to understand what this life entails before making a decision. You’re a clever woman and you can ask me anything. I’m wearing a bracelet that forbids me from lying. Please come now, into the house. Let me show you your rooms so you can relax if you would like.”

“Maybe I’m ignorant of the galaxy in this too, but I’m surprised we aren’t sharing your rooms,” Ellie replied as they walked into the grand house past the staff.

“Just because you have your own rooms doesn’t mean that we won’t be spending a lot of time together. On Reima Two, everyone is equal and therefore has their space by tradition. I know this isn’t the custom on Earth nor is it necessarily among the maximum class in the Empire, but here, you’ll always have your own set of rooms to do whatever you would like in them and I will always have mine.”

“But don’t married couples want to sleep together?” Ellie asked as he guided her up another grand stone staircase with the most beautiful stained-glass window above them. The colorful window made the whole white stone staircase light up with different colors that almost took Ellie’s breath away, especially when the light moved a bit with a cloud. She concentrated on keeping her mouth closed as she admired the beauty of One.

“Yes, of course. But sometimes you want your privacy too, don’t you?” This was the first time Valentin wondered if they really were a good match. He couldn’t be with a wife who always needed to be with him or privy to all his business. He had heard that some human women needed that, but he had assumed it was a myth until now.

“Yes, there are times I want to be alone,” she said. Then thought, Why not? and added, “When I have my period for example.” She looked at him to gauge his reaction.

“My doctor informed me that you decided to take birth control, so you won’t have to deal with that while you are here,” he replied nonchalantly. “Why are you looking at me like that? I did provide for you, there is a tab in your room.”

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