Home > Best Laid Plans(8)

Best Laid Plans(8)
Author: L.K. Farlow

“It’s all good, girl. I’ve kept tabs on you. Hear you got a little one?” The mention of her kid has her pushing away from me as if I’m fucking Michael Myers.

“Oh, uh…um…yup. N-Nate told you about her?”

It still blows my mind that she has a daughter. I’m not sure the world can handle two of her. She inhales sharply, and her cheeks redden. “What did he say? H-have you s-seen her?”

Weird questions, but okay. “Let’s see, he says she is bossy and smart and cute as hell. Which, from the handful of pics he has sent over the years, I’d have to agree.”

Sweat beads along her hairline. “Oh, okay. Good. Great.” Her words are choppy, and she’s acting a little psycho.

Natalie’s reactions are so foreign, so fucking strange, that I feel like we should stick a pin in this topic and save it for when it’s just the two of us. Sure as shit not on my first day as her boss, in front of all of her coworkers.

“Let’s grab coffee one day this week and catch up.” I know she’s going to turn me down, so I pivot and saunter back to the front of the dining room in hopes of getting this meeting back on track. Though, judging from the whispers among the staff, I can see there’s a fat fucking chance of that happening.



* * *


Nate and I have been trying like hell to get together, and tonight our schedules have finally aligned. We’re hitting up Bennet’s for a few drinks. It’s pretty chill, seeing as it’s a Monday night. Honestly though, after today’s orientation meeting, a laid-back atmosphere works for me.

I stroll in at a quarter after seven and damn if this place doesn’t look exactly the same as it did when we used to sneak our underage asses in here. I scan the space looking for Nate, and sure enough, he’s seated at the bar sipping on his drink. He sees me and tips his chin in greeting. I cross the room and he stands, reaching out to shake my hand, but I pull his ass into a hug.

“It’s been too long,” I tell him as we break away.

“That it has. Catching up here and there wasn’t working.”

“I’m home and have no plans to leave.”

“Look at us, living out our dreams.”

I chuckle at his words, but damn if he isn’t right. For as long as I can remember, Nate’s wanted to be a cop. The desire to protect and serve flows through his veins the same way food flows through mine.

“How is it, being the local bacon?”

“Oink, oink, motherfucker. I’m living the dream.”

“Glad to hear it. I will be, too, once I get Bayside up and running how it should be.”

“Got big plans?” he asks, drumming his nails on the wooden bar top.

I flag down the bartender and order a Jack and Coke and pass him a ten-dollar bill. He returns with my drink and change, which I leave for him—if there’s one thing the food industry has taught me, it’s not to skimp on the gratuity.

“Hell yeah. You remember Carlos?” I ask, knowing it’s a toss-up whether he will or not.

“I…I think so. He was a grade behind us, right? Always up at the café?”

“Yeah, that’s right. His mom worked there, and he went up there with her since she was a single mom. My grandparents kind of took him under their wing. Dude is as invested in Bayside as I am, and the minute he heard Don wanted to sell, he tracked me down on Facebook and that was it.”

I sip at my drink. “I was already stateside, visiting my parents in Florida until I figured shit out, and this was just too good. The timing was perfect—I mean, shit, I came into the trust fund my grandparents left right as the café goes up for sale. Fucking kismet.”

Nate signals for another round of drinks. “Please God, tell me you’re fixing the menu.”

“Hell yes. The minute I signed that paperwork I started crafting it. Gonna start implementing it as soon as I get my kitchen sorted.”

“Glad to hear it. Natalie will be too.”

“Speaking of, she’s all grown up now, huh?”

Nate eyes me a little oddly. “Yeah, that’s what happens. Time passes, we grow old, we die.”

I bark out a laugh. “Jesus. Morbid much?”

He shrugs that classic Nate Reynolds shrug.

Our conversation turns from the here and now to reminiscing about the past, and I can’t help but smile. Especially when Nate brings up one of my favorite memories of life here—even if it is for all the wrong reasons.

“You been to the river yet?”

“Nah, not yet. Man, we used to tear it up out there.”

He lifts his drink to me, and we clink them together. “Hell yeah, we did.”

“And Nat was always begging to tag along like the little pest she was.”

“Nah, she wasn’t that bad.” Especially not when she was in her teeny little bikini, but I keep that thought to myself, seeing as she was fifteen, and I was headed to college.

“Bull. She’s cool as shit now, but you’ve always had a soft spot for her, huh?”

If only he knew how he right he was. I’ve always been protective of my Small Fry, but as she grew and matured, so did my feelings, as wrong as they were. The heart—and body—want what they want, and from practically the day she grew tits, my body wanted hers. My mind joined the party a little later, but I never acted on it. I mean, hell, everyone knows your best friend’s baby sister is no-fly zone…not to mention our age difference.

And good God if she isn’t sexier now than she was then. Time has been good to the girl. And apparently so has childbirth. Her once-slim hips now have a delectable flare to them—the kind that’s just right for gripping when I plow into her from be—

My inappropriate daydreams get cut short when Nate waves another Jack and Coke in front of me. “You all good, dude? You looked like you were somewhere else.”

I choke back a laugh, because really, I was—but I’m definitely not telling him I was envisioning myself inside his sister. So, I lie. “Just thinking about work.” An idea pops into my head. It’s probably the alcohol, but fuck it, I’m gonna run with it. “Hey, speaking of work…you wanna let me get Nat’s number?”

Once again, he cuts his eyes my way, really studying me. “For work, huh?”

I nod, not trusting my voice to sound convincing.

He hesitates, and I’m worried he’s going to shoot me down. But then he slips out his phone and fiddles around on the screen. A few seconds later, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I check it, and sure enough, he sent over her contact card.

“Thanks, brother.”

He’s about to reply when a brunette with killer curves approaches us. “Hello there boys,” she says, eyeing us both up and down like we’re juicy, USDA Prime steaks.

Nate tips his chin to her, much the way he did to me. “Evenin’.”

I lift my brows in a friendly gesture.

She twirls a lock of hair around her neon-pink-tipped finger. “My friend and I couldn’t help but notice you boys were over here all alone.”

“And did you ladies want to give us a bit of company?” Nate asks, his voice dropping an octave or so.

Brunette Barbie signals to her friend—who happens to look like an actual Barbie—to come over and join us. Objectively, they’re both beautiful, but damn if my dick doesn’t even take a lick of notice. Hell, after the shit Mia put me through, I can’t say I’m surprised. Especially since she was so much like these two girls—sexy but calculating. Don’t ask me how I know they are—I just know. Thanks to Mia, it’s like a sixth sense now.

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