Home > Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(59)

Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(59)
Author: Ashley Jade

Yeah…I’m going to pretend like he didn’t just say that.

Stuffing down my irritation, I grab a champagne glass from one of the passing waiters.

I’m not a drinker, but holy hell I could use one right about now.

Ruth comes back with a tall, older gentleman in tow who I can only assume must be her dad.

Appearing green now, Stone straightens his spine and holds out his hand. “Hello, Dr. Kelp, it’s so nice to finally meet you.”

The older man smiles as he shakes it. “I can say the same.” He places his arm around Ruth’s shoulders. “My Ruthie here has told me nothing but great things about you.” He winks and does that stupid mock gun thing. “Great job killing it on your last exam. Ruthie said you received the highest score in class.”

Yes, he did. Because it’s all he could talk about last week.

I down my glass of champagne and grab another.

Stone tries to act modest, but he doesn’t do a very good job. “Well, what can I say? Your daughter makes a terrific study partner.”

Does she now?

Ruth beams like he handed her all the stars in the sky. “Only because you’re so smart.”

My eyes drift to poor Eugene who looks like a fish out of water.

Mr. Kelp slaps him on the back. “Eugene, why don’t you do us a favor and fetch us some of those spring rolls.”

My mouth practically drops open because rude.

“Actually,” I interject. “I’ll do it.” I give Mr. Kelp a sugary sweet smile. “I’m Bianca by the way.”

I shoot Stone a menacing glare as I trek off.

After tracking down a tray of spring rolls, and another glass of champagne for myself, I head back over.

“It’s been two years since the accident,” I overhear Ruth say as I approach their little circle.

I halt in my tracks, hoping like hell I’m hallucinating their conversation.

“Such a shame,” Mr. Kelp hums. “In my experience, if memories don’t return to the patient before then, they never will. Poor girl sounds like a lost cause.”

White-hot rage surges through me and I clear my throat. Loudly.

“Here’s the thing,” I start. “I don’t appreciate being talked about behind my back.” And because I’m enraged, I don’t stop there. “I know they don’t teach this in medical school, but patients are human beings. They don’t deserve to be talked about like goddamn lab rats or reduced to a lost cause.” I shove my tray of eggrolls into Mr. Kelp’s hands. “Here.” Mocking him, I add, “In my experience, if you eat them too fast, you’ll choke on them.”

With that, I stalk off.

Unfortunately, Stone’s right on my heels.

“What the hell are you doing?” Grabbing me by my elbow, he steers me into an empty room. “Do you have any idea how much you’ve just embarrassed me?”

Wow. The fact that he cares about what Mr. Kelp thinks more than me is just…

Straight-up nauseating.

I down my glass of champagne and set the empty glass on a nearby table. “You know what? Fuck this shit.” I pat his shoulder. “Enjoy the rest of your evening with Mr. Kelp and your—” I make air quotes. “’Terrific study buddy.’” Waving both my middle fingers in the air, I saunter toward the door. “I’m leaving.”

He seizes my arm. “What the hell is going on with you, Bianca? You’re not acting like yourself right now. It’s like I don’t even know you.”

I laugh, but there’s not a single ounce of humor. “Funny. I can say the same about you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Gee, where should I start?” I begin ticking things off with my fingers. “How about the fact that you’ve recently become fond of having sex with me while I’m sleeping. Or, that you let your friends talk about me like I’m some kind of science experiment whether I’m there or not. Or, that you tell me to shut up—”

“Because you were defending him,” he roars. “The guy who almost killed you.” He snorts. “And yeah, maybe I do try to turn you on when you’re sleeping in hopes you spare me some attention and affection, but it’s only because you turned into a frigid snob who’s not interested in screwing her fiancé anymore.”

Holy hell. Fuck him.

“Well, don’t worry, champ. It seems like Ruthie is very interested in screwing you.”

Taking a step back, he laughs. “Oh, Jesus. Is that what you think? That I’m interested in her? For Christ’s sake have you seen her? There are dogs that are better looking.”

Revulsion rolls through me like a boulder going downhill and picking up speed.

Placing his hand on his chest, he says, “I’m not saying I’m perfect, Bourne. But I’m trying to make our relationship a priority. Which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about you these days.”

I am trying to make our relationship a priority. I’m trying so hard I’m practically turning myself inside out doing it.

Irritated, I cross my arms. “What in the actual fuck are you talking about?”

“I asked you how dress shopping went the other day and you didn’t even answer me. It’s like our wedding is the farthest thing from your mind—”

“Because I don’t want to get married!” I shout before I can stop myself.

Oh, God. There it is.

Out in the universe.

I should feel bad, but all I can feel is a strange sense of…freedom.

Stone looks like I just sucked all the oxygen out of the room and left him to suffocate.

“What? What do you mean you don’t want to get married?” Slowly, he shakes his head, like he’s trying to process the atomic bomb I’ve just placed on his lap. “You don’t…you don’t love me?”

“No,” I quickly say because it’s not that. “I still care about you, but…” I close my eyes. “Everything happened so fast between us. We got engaged so quickly that I barely had a chance to wrap my head around the accident, graduating, and leaving for college before we were planning a wedding and—”

“Leave,” he croaks.

When I look up, I notice his eyes are glassy.

“I’m sorry, Stone. This isn’t how I wanted to tell you—”

“Leave,” he repeats, harsher this time. “It hurts too much to look at you right now.”

I’m at a loss for what to do because I don’t want to abandon him while he’s so upset…

But I know I’m the one who caused it.

So, I do what I should have done a long time ago.

I walk away so we can have some space.



Chapter 36






I probably shouldn’t have drunk all that champagne.

By the time Oakley arrives at Ruth’s house to pick me up, I’m so buzzed I start giggling when I see him pull up on his motorcycle.

“What did the pirate say on his eightieth birthday?”

A curious expression lights his face as he gets off his bike. “What?”

I punch the air. “Aye ‘maighty.”

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