Home > Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(77)

Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(77)
Author: Ashley Jade

Everything but him.

It’s as if the world is black and white, but he’s the only one in color.

I’m not sure if it’s the sex that’s fundamentally changed me, or all the time we’ve spent together this summer…but I feel different somehow.

As if all the heaviness I’ve been carrying inside my chest my whole life has finally lifted.

I snuggle against him as he wakes up. “Morning.”

Those gorgeous blue eyes travel over my face and his lips curl into a soft smile. “Good morning.” A soft chuckle escapes him. “I figured you’d be asleep for a few more hours at least.”

Normally, I would because mornings so aren’t my thing, but the more time I spend asleep…the less time I’m spending with him.

My heart melts as I take him in. There’s so much more to Oakley than people give him credit for.

I trace the curve of his eyebrow. “I could stare at you forever.”

“Oh yeah?” His expression turns pensive. “What would you see?”

I give him total honesty. “All the things no one else does.”

Most people think Oakley’s nothing but a stoner who likes to goof around all the time, but he’s not.

Deep down he’s brilliant and introspective…sensitive yet profoundly complex and guarded.

He doesn’t let just anyone in, but when he does?

It’s like feeling the sun’s rays for the very first time and you can’t help but bask in everything he is.

There’s only one flaw. Thanks to his piece of shit mother abandoning him, he doesn’t think he deserves everything he gives back.

But if he lets me…I’ll spend my whole life undoing what she did and proving to him he’s worthy of being loved too.

I’ll give him everything he wants. Everything he needs.

Bringing my hand to his lips, he kisses the inside of my wrist. “You have no fucking idea—”

The sound of his phone ringing cuts him off before he can finish his sentence.

With an irritated groan, he picks it up.

“Loki?” I ask, secretly hoping it’s not Hayley.

His face tenses. “My dad.” He presses a button on his cell. “I’m ignoring it.”

“Don’t—” I start to tell him, but it’s too late.

I won’t pretend to know all the mechanics of Oakley’s strained relationship with his dad, but I do know how much Wayne loves him.

He’s always calling to see if Oakley’s okay and if he can stop by to talk—yet no matter how hard he tries to reach out to his son—Oakley keeps pushing him away.

And it’s not because he doesn’t love his father…it’s because he’s ashamed of the secret he’s been keeping from him.

The guilt from sleeping with his stepmother is slowly eating him alive.

And the worst part is Wayne has no idea why his son started acting like he suddenly despises him.

“He probably wants to make sure you’re all right.”

“I can’t talk to him.” His grip on the phone tightens. “Besides, he’s in the Caribbean with the conniving, cheating gold digger.”

He spits the last word out like it’s rancid.

I kiss his shoulder blade, wishing I could make everything better for him. “I know it’s hard talking to your dad, but at least let him know you’re okay.”

“Fine,” he concedes.

Begrudgingly, he taps the speakerphone button.

Wayne answers on the first ring. “Oak? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Oakley assures him. “I’ve been camping at the beach.”

I can hear Wayne’s deep sigh of relief over the extension. “Thank God. I’ve been worried sick. Jace called me last night and told me about the fire, but he said he couldn’t get ahold of you. I must have called you about a hundred times since yesterday.”

“The reception sucks here,” Oakley lies.

“Right.” Another long sigh. “I sure picked a shit time to go on vacation, huh?”

Oakley snorts. “I’d say you picked a pretty good time considering Royal Manor almost burned to the ground.” His expression evens out. “Look, don’t freak, but I borrowed your motorcycle. The roads were jammed due to everyone trying to leave town and I needed to get to Bian—” Catching himself, he gives my hand a squeeze. “I needed to get to safety. I’ll return it before you get back.”

“Oak,” Wayne says. “I don’t give a shit about the motorcycle. I’m glad you’re okay.” He gives a hearty laugh. “I guess I can tell Crystal to stop packing since now we don’t have to catch the next flight home anymore.”

“Yeah.” For the briefest of moments, pain flickers in Oakley’s eyes. “I should go. Enjoy the rest of your vacation—”

“Wait,” Wayne says before Oakley ends the call.

“What’s up?”

“Maybe you can stop by when we get back. Clarissa Jasmine…she’s getting so big now. Just the other day she took her first steps.” The sadness in Wayne’s voice is palpable. “She’d love to meet her big brother.”

My heart folds in on itself. As far as I know, Oakley’s never even seen his little sister.

Oakley closes his eyes. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m busy.”

“Come on, Oak. Please.” His voice cracks. “I miss my son goddammit.”

“I miss you too, Dad,” Oakley whispers and there’s no denying the pain laced in his words.

“I don’t know what happened, but whatever it is we can fix it—”

“I have to go,” Oakley interjects.

“Okay.” Wayne clears his throat. “But please stop by soon and meet Clarissa Jasmine.”

“I’ll think about it,” Oak finally says before he hangs up.

Silence sits heavy between us for what feels like an eternity.

Finally, I find my voice.

“I’m not trying to tell you what to do—”

“Then why does it sound like that’s exactly what you’re about to do?” Oakley snaps.

I’m not the type to tiptoe around shit—even when my boyfriend’s being a dick—and right now is no different.

“Look, I get that everything is fucked-up when it comes to you and your family, but don’t punish your baby sister for it.” My gaze rises to his. “She deserves to know you.”

As much as I hate the thought of Crystal being back in his life, I really want him to start a relationship with his sister.

His jaw tics. “Trust me, she’s better off not knowing me.”

“That’s not true,” I argue. “You’re her big brother. You’re the one she’s supposed to go to when she fucks up so bad and she’s too afraid to tell your dad, but she needs someone to help. You’re the one she’ll look up to and spill all her problems to. You’re the one who’s gonna put the fear of God into every boy she likes and try to protect her from all the bad shit in this world. You might not realize it yet, but take it from me…that little girl is going to need her big brother, Oakley.”

My chest squeezes. “I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have Jace or Cole…” Tears prickle the back of my throat. “Or Liam.”

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