Home > Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(83)

Broken Kingdom (Royal Hearts Academy #4)(83)
Author: Ashley Jade

It’s obvious he loves his son.

And even though a parent’s love is a foreign concept to me given my own father was an absentee parent for most of my life…I do have two brothers who would do anything to protect me from harm.

I just didn’t realize until this moment that Oakley and I were so poisonous together.

I thought we were happy and in love.

Two broken pieces of the same soul.

But maybe we weren’t?

Maybe we were fire and gasoline instead.

Maybe what we felt for each other was a lethal addiction.

And the only way to save ourselves from total destruction is to quit each other.

Maybe that’s why my mother made me promise her I’d never fall in love.

Because she knew all along what it could do to a person.

The way it could annihilate you until there was nothing left but a barren, hollow spot where your heart used to be.

And that death was a fate far better than a love you were forbidden to have.

I try to blink away the tears threatening to surface, but it’s pointless. “Can you at least tell me how he is?”

I have to know that he’s okay.

Wayne scrubs a hand down his face before he answers. “He’s still drowsy and out of it. The grand mal seizure was a bad one. Plus, there was also blood loss from the stab wound.” When I wince, he says, “However, it missed his organs and arteries and only required fifteen stitches. He should be discharged later as long as he remains stable.”

Relief fills my chest. “Thank God.”

He nods. “As far as your brother’s concerned, he’ll be released in a few hours. I haven’t heard if Stone’s going to press charges yet, but if he does, he’ll have a weak case.” His gaze drops to my swollen and bruised lip and he frowns. “Considering what he did to you and all.”


He takes a sip of his coffee. “It goes without saying that I’ll defend him if he needs it, on account of…you know.”

Jace taking the rap for it.

“Thank you.” Sorrow sinks like a stone in my gut and I look down at the floor. “Can you tell Oakley I’m sorry for what happened.” My voice cracks, betraying me. “And that I love him.”

Until the day I die.

Wayne stands stoic like a statue. “I’ll tell my son you wish him a speedy recovery.”

The apathetic statement slices through my heart like a jagged shard of glass.

I take a breath, trying to steady myself as I turn and walk away.

“I know it hurts, but you’re doing the right thing,” Wayne states.

Then why does it feel so wrong?

A deep, wide pain spreads through my chest as I wander down the hall, my shaky legs threatening to give out at any moment.

I always thought the worst moments of my life were losing my mother and Liam.

But I was wrong.

Because I didn’t have a choice when it came to that.

And now that I do, I can’t help but think how different things might be if the accident never happened.

If I didn’t end up engaged to another man.

And just like that, pure rage sears my belly, growing so thick it almost chokes me.

Maybe it makes me a horrible person to want to see Stone suffer—because he clearly has some mental issues—but I no longer give a fuck.

All I want is vengeance.

To make him pay for what he did.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a young guy wearing scrubs standing in front of what appears to be a medicine cart.

There are a few vials on top of the cart and he’s currently drawing a clear substance into a needle.

Plastering a sexy smile on my face, I saunter over to him. “Hi.”

It takes him a moment to notice me, but when he does, his eyes gleam with interest. “Hey.”

I bat my eyelashes. “I’m sorry for bothering you. I was just wondering if I could ask you a few questions?”

He doesn’t look troubled in the least. “Sure.”



Stone’s sleeping when I enter his hospital room. No doubt drugged up on all the pain meds they gave him.

I zero in on the arm that’s in a cast and the leg that’s in traction.

He couldn’t go anywhere if he wanted to.

Doesn’t mean he can’t scream, though.

Slipping my hands underneath my dress, I take off my panties.

He stirs when I reach the bed and the moment his eyes open, I stuff the material into his mouth.

Coughing, he goes to remove them, but I take the scrunchie out of my hair and tie his free hand to the bed.

Studying my nails, I circle his bed like a vulture. “You know, some people would feel pity for you and say you’re nothing but a victim of circumstance.” Halting my movements, I hold his gaze. “But fuck that and fuck you.”

He could have chosen a different path.

He didn’t have to end up using his fists on me like his dad did with his mom.

“Being in the same room with you makes me sick to my stomach, so I’m gonna make this nice and short, okay?”

I pull two vials and a needle out of my bra. The nurse was so enraptured by my shameless flirting, he didn’t even notice me steal them.

“Pop quiz, hotshot. Exactly how much insulin does it take to kill someone?” I snicker. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t answer.” Shrugging, I remove the cap from one of the needles. “Guess I’ll just have to find out myself.”

His eyes go big and he starts wriggling and moaning.

“I suggest you stop that,” I warn. “Or mommy dearest will be planning your funeral tonight.”

His body goes slack, his chest rising and falling with quick uneven breaths.

I scrape the bevel of the needle along the calf of his good leg. “I could feed you lines about how there was a time where I thought I actually loved you.” Narrowing my eyes, I add, “But you’re not worth the air I breathe, Stone. You never were.”

I tap the tip of his nose. “So, here’s the deal, sunshine. You and the rest of your lowlife family are never allowed to go anywhere near me or the people I love again.” Shooting him a sadistic grin, I pinch his nose so he can’t breathe. “And, yes, that includes Oakley.”

When he doesn’t give me a response, I pinch him harder. “Show me you understand the terms of the agreement, asshole.”

Finally, he nods.

“Good boy.” I drag the needle along his thigh. “In exchange for your cooperation, you can stay in the premed program and I won’t end your miserable life.”

His relief is tangible.

Flashing him some teeth, I jab the needle into his skin.

“On second thought…that’s not gonna work for a poisonous cunt like me.” Leaning over, I whisper, “See you in hell.”

The look of fear on his face and the pathetic moans emitting from him fill me with so much pleasure I can’t help but smile.

It’s safe to say the war between our families is officially over.

My hand is on the doorknob when I pause. “Relax, Stone. It’s just saline.” Peering over my shoulder, I issue him one final warning. “But the next time you fuck with me or my family. I swear to God, I will kill you.”



Chapter 55

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