Home > Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(20)

Hollywood Double (Hollywood Name Game #4)(20)
Author: Alexa Aston

“I love you.”

Her jaw dropped. She tried to speak. Nothing came out.

“I almost blurted it out before but I was afraid you’d think it was one of those in the moment things people say and then regret. That I was confusing sex with love.” Determination filled his face. “I’m not. I love you, Keely. It’s an all-encompassing, overwhelming, incredible thing but I know what’s in my heart. You. You’re nothing that I thought you’d be and everything and more that I want in a lover and friend.”

“Mac, I think you—”

“Don’t think. Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m telling you how I feel, Keely. There’s no guesswork involved. From the beginning when we met, I’ve never been so unguarded. So honest. So true with anyone. It’s the combination of you and me together that’s giving me confidence. Not just about this role. Sure, the chance to switch gears and pursue an acting career is exciting but I could walk away from it if that’s what’s standing between us. What I’m sure about is us, as a couple. Two people meant to be together and explore everything that’s good.”

Her throat thickened with unshed tears. “Mac, don’t throw away the opportunity you’ve been given to start an entirely new career. You don’t need entanglements or commitments dragging you down. I’m a six at best. Seven on screen because I photograph well. You’re a ten on a bad day.”

Anger blanketed him. “This is about looks? How shallow do you think I am? Didn’t I just tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman I know?” His hand tightened around hers and then released it, disgust filling his face. “You believe I’ll ‘go Hollywood’ on you? That being in a Sydney Revere film will turn my head and my ego will be stroked by a bunch of sycophants? That I would dump you?”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not that high school jock that ditched you, Keely. Or the stupid asshole you were living with that couldn’t handle the fact you’d gotten a break and made the most of it. I’m a grown-ass man who faced death so many times I can’t count them. I know what’s important in life. What’s genuine. What counts.”

Mac’s hands balled into fists. “Would you throw away what we have if it turns out I can’t act? Or if this film bombed?”

“Of course not.”

“Exactly. Because that’s not who you are. That’s not who we are together. We may be working on a project for a couple of months and then never work together again.”

He poked his finger at his heart. “What’s inside here, how I feel for you, is real. It has nothing to do with our job or Hollywood. Don’t brush aside what we have because of some arbitrary timeline. Life is short. I know that. I’ve seen it end in a split second with a bullet or IED. I wasn’t looking for love. Love found me. It found us, Keely.”

Mac’s hands cradled her face. “Have faith in who we can be together.”

He kissed her and Keely could tell he poured every ounce of what he’d spoken into the kiss. It was raw. Honest. Unrestrained.

And it told her everything she needed to know.

Her arms went around him. She kissed him back, opening her heart.

They made love with a wild abandon, craving one another, a mix of hunger and need. Keely had never completely given herself to any man—until now.

Spent, they lay entangled, the sheets hot, their heated bodies slowly cooling.

She swallowed. “I have a problem with vulnerability. I don’t like it,” she admitted. “I’ve only had myself to count on for so many years, it’s hard to be unguarded. The thing is, Mac, you do make me feel safe.”

He pressed a kiss to her neck. “Being vulnerable with me doesn’t mean you’re weak or helpless, babe. You’re not frail at all. You’re a strong, powerful woman. Talented. A go-getter. Opening up to me—to us—doesn’t change that.” He stroked her hair. “Do you think it’s a bad idea to do this film together? If you think so, I’ll call Sydney right now and call the whole thing off.”

Keely cupped his cheek. “Don’t do that!”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you. Walk away from acting and never look back.”

She kissed him. “I’m sorry I projected my insecurities onto you. I’ve kept my heart under lock and key for so long that letting it out scares me. Falling for you this hard and fast wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Mac grinned. “So, you’ve fallen for me?”

“It would seem so.” She braced herself. “I didn’t believe I’d ever say these words again. I have a great career. Terrific friends. The most awesome dog on the planet. I’ve been brave and done my own thing for so long but you slammed into my life, Mac Randall, tackling me so hard you took me out of the game I didn’t even know I was playing. What I’m trying to say—and doing a horrible job of it—is that I love you, too.”

The light that shone in his eyes caused a warmth to radiate through Keely.

“I love you,” she repeated, liking the sound of the words. Especially when it meant Mac. Then arching her brows, she said, “And that is not something open for debate.”






Mac pulled into the line where a security guard consulted a list and allowed entrance. He found Mac’s name and checked it off, offering him a thumbs up as he wished him good luck with his first film. He drove to the east side of the lot and instead of pulling into the parking spot he had a few days ago, turned into one reserved for him. He cut the engine and stared at the sign bearing his name, still not quite believing the quick turn of events in his life.

Keely’s SUV sat next to his truck. He wished they could have arrived together, as a team, but she was adamant that they not show up together on the first day of filming. She wanted to stick with the plan of only allowing a small circle of friends to know about their budding relationship. He’d backed off and honored her request, still a little worried about fragile she seemed.

He’d almost lost her yesterday. She’d been willing to walk away from him in order to save him. At least in her mind. He didn’t need saving. He wasn’t worried about anyone finding out about them being together. Mac assured Keely he wasn’t some twenty-one-year-old kid who might let fame go to his head. That’s if fame came. He didn’t know how this film would turn out. All he knew was that he had a chance to challenge himself in a way he never had and he was excited about the prospect. He had one of the best directors in the business guiding him through a sharp, carefully crafted script and a talented co-star who would help him shine in their scenes. Mac only hoped they could capture lightning in a bottle.

As he got out of his truck, he thought about the email Carson sent early this morning. Pretty much a to-do list they needed to sit down and go over. His new agent wanted Mac to open social media accounts. Hire an assistant. Set up a training schedule. Get professional stills made. Mac had no desire to tweet. He didn’t think he was interesting enough, much less able to say something catchy in a limited amount of characters. He did have a Facebook account because he wanted access to a private page created by one of his sergeants. It was an easy way to keep in touch with some of his men and see how they’re lives were both still in and away from the army. He’d never posted on his personal page. It still held a faceless silhouette in the profile section. He’d listed no personal information and never intended to.

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