Home > One Good Thing(32)

One Good Thing(32)
Author: Kacey Shea

I wouldn’t be able to refuse her, even if I did. But it doesn’t matter what happens to these things. I don’t know why I even keep them here. I should trash most of it. “You can have whatever you want.”

“Be careful what you’re offering.” She raises her brow and the hint of a smile plays on her lips. “I can be a very greedy girl.”

“Oh?” My brows raise with interest and my body tightens with need. The need for her. The need to share everything with this woman.

She nods slowly and bites at her lip as her gaze drops to the space between us. Her breath hitches and I wonder if she’s remembering my mouth on her clit as I made her come. I sure as hell am.

“Will you help bring these things up to my condo?”

I’d do anything for her. My body thrums with need—for hers. For pleasure. For connection. I’d also be happy to take her home with no more than a sweet kiss on the cheek outside her door if that’s what she desires. “If that’s what you want.”

“It is.” She smiles almost shyly, which takes me by surprise. She hands over the vase and walks to the door, waiting for me to follow. “It really, really is.”









He doesn’t say much on the drive to my place, and for once I don’t either. There’s no need to fill the silence with chatter. Not only because I’m comfortable around Isaac, but because I want to rip his clothes off. Seriously, it’s only a short drive but I don’t trust myself to stay in my seat when my body burns for his.

I want to taste him. Touch him. I want to lose control, and by the sexy glances he gives at each stop light, he wants the same.

He pulls the truck into the parking lot of my condo and I point to one of the guest parking spaces.

The engine cuts and it’s as if a spark ignites in my belly. I need to kiss him. Now. I reach for the seat belt fastener, not caring who sees and intending to wrap myself around him before he exits the truck. Only the universe has other plans. A laugh bursts from my lips as I press the button and tug at the belt. I’m stuck again.

“Oh, hell.” Isaac swears and climbs across the seat to help. “You’re never gonna let me take you out again,” he grumbles, fiddling with the belt. “Fucking hell. I’m sorry.” His frustration tightens his features—his hard jawline, dip of his eyebrows, and the blaze in his chocolate eyes—making him appear even more handsome.

“Hey.” I quash my laughter and bring a hand up to brush across his cheek. He stills at my touch, raising his gaze to mine. We’re only a few breaths apart, and all I can think about are his plump lips on mine—teasing, caressing, loving. “This has been the best date. Seat belt malfunction included.”

“You sure about that?”

“Makes it easier to do this.” My fingers glide to the back of his head and I tug him to me. Crashing his lips to mine, I set the pace with a brutal kiss. One full of taking and wanting. Yearning. Craving. Lust unfurls in my belly like an untamed beast, and it’s probably best I’m strapped in place. Otherwise, I’d straddle his lap. My sex pulses with desire and my entire body hungers for more. His touch. His kisses. His skin on mine.

His hands run down my sides to my hip and I don’t realize what he’s doing until the click echoes over our heavy breaths.

“You did it,” I say, shoving the belt off my chest to pull him closer.

He chuckles, backing out of my reach. “I haven’t even started. Let’s go.” He scoots to the driver’s side, jumps out, and is around to my side before I calm my racing heart. He holds out his hand with a wicked grin, helping me from the truck, then reaching into the back to retrieve my treasures.

I practically jog into the building, his laugh trailing at my back.

“Where’s the fire?”

I want to retort, “My pants,” but given the security staff is watching us closely, I don’t. Instead I throw a smile over my shoulder. “Come on, old man. Keep up.”

“Old?” His brows shoot up and he cackles with laughter, closing the space between us in a few long strides. He presses the elevator button and shakes his head. “Old, huh? That’s how it is? I’m pretty sure I’m younger than you.” He is by a good nine years, but the difference doesn’t matter. At least not to me.

“You’re the hottest dad I know.”

He laughs again, gesturing for me to step in first when the elevator doors slide open. “You . . .” His gaze narrows. The doors close at his back and he’s in front of my body with one long stride, caging me against the wall with his frame. “Are gonna pay for that.” His lips tease over my neck, along with his words. Goosebumps scatter with each press of his mouth at my skin. He trails kisses along my shoulder and back up my neck until his tongue brushes my ear lobe.


“Promise?” I manage to say with a steady tone when inside I tremble with the race of my pulse. I push past him and lead the way to my apartment. “So, this is me.” I slide the key in the lock, push open the door, and flip on the light.

“I like it.” Isaac steps inside and gives the place a long perusal. I wonder what he really thinks, trying to see it through his fresh eyes. It’s a little cold. I’ve never really taken the time to reflect my tastes and style with wall hangings or furniture, but I’m not here most days other than to sleep. But who am I kidding, we didn’t come here so he could judge my lack of décor. We came here to be alone.

Locking the door and kicking off my shoes, I saunter over to take the painting and vase from him before they become a casualty of our explosive sexual energy. I set them in my dining room, then take his hand in mine, walking backward to lead him down the hall. “But what I really want to show you is my bedroom.”

“Yeah?” He smirks back with that sexy look, the one that does things to my heart.

“Yeah.” God, I want this man. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be with someone more than I do in this moment. He could hurt me. I feel split open in his presence. The thought is slightly terrifying, but I push past it because I want real. I want to feel alive. I want to bask in his touch, his kiss, his affection. I want to come undone.

Inside my room, I flip the light switch, filling the room with soft illumination from the corner lamp. We reach the edge of my bed and I tug him forward, erasing the space between our bodies. I don’t know who kisses whom first, but our mouths slant together in a perfect delicious fit. His fingers tease along the side of my body, up my hips to my backside. I rub against him, the primal need for friction and pleasure pulsing between my legs.

He’s already hard, and my mouth salivates as I brush my fingers along the bulge at the front of his jeans. I want to take him in my mouth. I want to drive him to the edge like he’s done for me. “Let’s get naked.”

“Yeah.” His laughter is throaty and light, a complete contradiction to the intensity of his gaze. “Let’s.”

He takes a step back, undoing the buttons on his shirt in record speed as I pull my dress over my head and toss it to the chair in the corner. My lingerie consists of pale pink lace that barely conceals the skin beneath. I watch for his reaction, loving how his eyes eat me up and his hands still as if he’s forgotten the task at hand.

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