Home > One Good Thing(52)

One Good Thing(52)
Author: Kacey Shea

“Hey,” I scold. “I’m a great driver.”

“Sure you are, babe.” He chuckles. “But thank God for the military grade seatbelts.”

“Ha ha.” I sneak another glance his way at the next slow in traffic. He’s so fucking attractive. I love his mind, his soul, his sensitive and gentle spirit. I keep waiting to find something I can’t stand but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Hell, he even trusts me to kidnap him for a day.

He catches me staring. “What?”

“Nothing. I just love everything about you.”

A chuckle bursts from his mouth. “Oh, really?”

“Don’t act so surprised.”

A horn blares. I glance forward to see the light has changed. “Shit.” I wince and floor it.

“Whoa!” He grabs the safety handle again and laughs.


“I love you too. You know that?”

It’s hard to keep my eyes on the road. I’m tempted to swerve, throw my vehicle in park, climb into his lap and kiss him. Instead, I bite my lip to hold back the smile that threatens to take over my face. Not that it helps. I’m smiling like a loon. “You do?” I flick my gaze to his for a brief second.

“Yeah.” He chuckles. “Your driving? Not so much.”

It’s only another twenty minutes before I park at the secluded lookout. The view stretches along the horizon to where the sun glitters over the ocean with a reflection so bright it hurts to stare at. On the other side, the city lights glitter in the dusk. “Come on.” I reach for the door handle and jump out of the cab. He does the same and follows me to sit on the metal railing and take in the beauty of it all.

Isaac reaches for my hand. “This is peaceful.”

“Yeah. Isn’t it?” Wind whips the air, cool from the ocean below, sending tendrils of hair dancing around my face. I inhale the salty breeze. “Whenever I get too overwhelmed, or in my own head, I come here.” A shiver skirts down my spine and goosebumps rise on my arms. I scoot closer to his body for warmth and lean into his side. “I used to come here all the time.”

“What changed?”

“I started crushing on this really cute barista, and his late-night coffee shop became my new haunt.” I turn my cheek to meet his gaze.

His brows rise. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Did you seriously not know?” It’s not like I threw myself at him, but I was there at least four nights a week.

Isaac turns his gaze back out to watch the setting sun. “I mean, honestly? No. You’re Cora Bentley. I’m me. We don’t even exist in the same world.”

“So, you never had feelings for me?” I don’t know why, but I always hoped he did.

His lips curve up with the start of a smile. “I didn’t say that.”

“Tell me more.”

His arm wraps around my waist and he tugs me closer so my body turns toward his. “You already know you’re gorgeous, and smart. You have a wicked sense of humor, and you always know how to make me laugh.”

“I love seeing you smile.”

“Obviously, you’ve become my favorite customer.” He winks and then his expression sobers. “But it was how you’ve always treated me as an equal. All those nights you came by to talk, I wasn’t David’s father, or a failed artist, or even some poor kid just trying to survive. You make me feel like I matter, not because of what I can do, but simply for existing.” His gaze drifts to the ocean and he shrugs. “Plus, I make a mean double chocolate chip blended mocha latte.”

“I really do love your lattes.”

“I’m so thankful for you, Cora. For us. For this moment, and all the others you’ll give me. I don’t feel as though I deserve them, but I’m grateful all the same.”

My throat thickens with emotion. His admission stirs powerful, overwhelming feelings. Feelings that’ve grown daily for this man. “It’s the same for me, you know? No one ever sees me. They see the actress. They see the persona I put out via social media. They want to use my connections, or my body. With you, I’m just a woman. A woman falling madly in love with a man.”

He cups my jaw and slants his lips over mine. Our kiss is slow at first, languid and easy. In his arms, it’s as if time and space no longer matter. I forget to protect my heart, and fall even harder, leaning into his touch.

We completely miss the sunset.

Desire builds within the fibers of my body, compounding until I can’t take it anymore. I want to feel his skin on mine. I want him over me, under me, touching every part. I feel as if I’ll burst, and as much as I’d love to get naked, we can’t do that. Not here. Reluctantly, I pull back. “We should . . .” I whisper, pressing my forehead to his as I catch my breath.

His chest heaves. “Yeah.”

“I could stay like this all night.” Forever. It’s a word I’ve never associated with any man, but somehow Isaac’s earned it. He holds the power to hurt me, to break my heart in a way no man has before. Yet my soul knows he won’t do that. I trust him. Maybe that’s why I’m able to give him so much. How he’s worked his way into my heart.

We walk back to my vehicle and Isaac nods at the driver’s side. “Maybe I should drive?”

I laugh, shaking my head. “You wish.”

“It might be safer,” he teases, climbing into the passenger seat.

“Sorry, big guy. You’re stuck with me,” I say as the engine roars to life. I check the mirrors, then flash him a grin. “I hope you’re up for a little danger.”

“If it involves you, I’m down.”

I peel out of the parking space, wincing as I pop over a curb I didn’t notice.

A few minutes later Isaac clears his throat. “So, there’s something I’ve been wondering.” There’s something in his tone, as if he’s trying to hide his interest and it only piques mine.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Last week. The day, uh, the one with just you and Scott.” He clears his throat again. “You really didn’t feel anything? When you were—faking it?”

A laugh bursts from my lips at his question. “It did bother you! I knew it!”

He shakes his head, joining in my laughter. “It was strange, for sure, watching his hands all over you.”

There might have been a time in my life when I liked a guy going all alpha-dick-ish over my co-star, but it’s not what I’m looking for anymore. I need a partner who accepts my job—all parts of it—without feeling insecure. “Did it make you jealous?”

“Not exactly.” He pauses as if to consider his next words. “Logically, I understand you’re both working, but I had to fight off an irrational urge to drag you back to your trailer.” He shakes his head, almost as if he’s annoyed. “You looked so damn hot. When you’re acting, you exude confidence. This insane power I can’t quite name. It’s sexy as hell.”

“Go on.”

“I wanted to be the one touching you. To remind you how it feels to make love. To feel me.” He drags his hand over his head. “I wanted to fuck you so bad, right then and there.” He lets loose a wry chuckle. “Well, not there there. I don’t want an audience or cameras.”

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