Home > Dying for the Dead (The Dead and Not So Dead #3)(12)

Dying for the Dead (The Dead and Not So Dead #3)(12)
Author: M. Sinclair

I had no idea how to feel about the new addition, and I was just glad that it didn't go above my collarbone. I arched a brow at my long, dangerously sharp black nails that glinted menacingly under the candlelight.

I wasn’t positive how long I stood there staring at myself in shock, wondering if I was imagining it or possibly still sleeping. Eventually, my hangover-like symptoms began to disappear, and I turned to see that the massive tub, centered in the room, was slowly filling. Convenient. Steam came off of the surface as rose-smelling bubbles began to form, urging me forward as I decided that maybe this was exactly what I needed right now. Sure... I could have gone and gotten the guys, but I had to admit, I was feeling a bit selfish right now.

Plus, I wasn’t exactly a stranger to bathtubs that seemingly appeared to be filled up by ghostly sources. Shit happened all the time at home, and honestly, it made me feel a bit more comfortable here.

Stripping off my clothes, removing the smells of fucking on the ground and waking up in a near panic attack, felt goddamn amazing. A slow moan left my mouth as I sank into the tub, my eyes closing in relief. Oh, thank the Maker. But of course, because this is me, I was able to relax for about two seconds until everything hit me at once.

We. Were. In. Hell.

We were in the kingdom that ruled this circle of the Demonic realm. We had been taken by the guards when I’d passed out, presumably to said kingdom. The guards who had been clearly crazy, because one of them had called the high king... my father. Which couldn't possibly be true, right? Of course not. That would be crazy. And I, for one, was not crazy.

I mean, I would know if I was heir to a demonic throne. Right?

Muttering a curse, I dipped myself under the water, fully sinking down as the rose-scented bubbles began to do their work. I wasn’t ready for the real world yet. I wasn't ready for its overwhelming truths. I needed to be clean and possibly be holding a cup of coffee before any of that bullshit occurred.

Letting out a soft hum, I scrubbed my hair and body before using oils on a small counter nearby to soften my skin. I let out a small yawn as I stood after what felt like over an hour of washing myself, still in a haze of denial. I was really good at distracting myself when needed, and to be honest, I know I’d asked for answers about my life... a lot. But not all at once, you feel me?

Grabbing a large towel, I dried my hair and then wrapped myself in it completely, loving that I now smelled fresh and like roses. Narrowing my eye at the labeless bottle, I found myself annoyed it wasn’t Dove or Suave. You know, something I could buy at Walmart. But of course it wasn’t something I could come by on Earth, because god forbid anyone asks for the little things in life, am I right?

My magic shimmered over my skin, and I walked in front of the mirror, finding my skin dried and flushed with color. My hair was now a mass of fresh, beautiful waves that were warm to the touch. Well, that’s neat. Hadn’t I said how much of a pain in the ass it was to blow dry my hair? A girl could get used to this. As long as it didn’t come with any life-changing information, of course.

A robe was laid on the counter now, and instead of questioning its sudden appearance, I grabbed the material and slipped it over my shoulders. Turning towards the door, I rolled my shoulders back and prepared myself for what I would have to face. I opened the door and almost immediately slammed right into a very familiar, very sexy, clover-smelling chest. Damn him for smelling so good. I literally had to blink, clearing my head so that I wasn't completely distracted by his wonderfulness.

“Declan,” I squeaked, grabbing his shirt. “Warn a girl.” His green eyes widened while examining my new appearance in a curious, surprised, and heated way. A way that had my center tightening and my limbs starting to feel a bit like jelly. It was always flattering to have such an effect on him, but very surprising, even at this point.

“Holy hell,” he mumbled, looking a bit dazed as his accent slowly crept back in along with his surprise. “Lass, you look stoehnnin.” Pretty sure he was telling me that I looked stunning, but just to make sure…

“Christ!” He growled as I zapped him right in the center of the chest, my smile growing at the scowl that formed on his face. Grumpy Declan was oddly adorable.

“Sorry, I wanted to hear your compliment properly,” I teased as he narrowed his eyes, an amused glint filling them.

“You’re gonna get it,” he warned, nipping my bottom lip and making me shiver.

Before I could respond with something sassy, Alaric spoke up. “What the hell happened, Narc? We were out of the room an hour, tops.”

“You didn’t notice this weirdness before now?” I motioned to myself as they all shook their heads. Alright... well, in some ways that made me feel a bit better, because I was going to get pissed if they had noticed this but had just decided it wasn’t important.

“You didn't look like that before we left the room.” Abel’s head tilted curiously as his eyes flickered with a darkness I knew came from his magic. “So I am assuming that the change occurred when you finally woke up. I have no idea how we didn't hear you getting up as it is.”

“You must have had a glamour on you that broke when you officially became conscious within the kingdom’s walls. When we passed through the warded gate, we assumed some effect, but hell... who would have known you were hiding all that?” Dorian noted, tossing me a charming smile and using his words as an excuse to look over me. “You look fucking gorgeous, ma chérie.”

My ears heated slightly, ignoring the satisfaction of even Alaric inhaling sharply while examining me with blatant need. I crossed my arms and looked around, willing myself to not get more turned on than I already was. Now was not the time for an orgy... now was not the time for an orgy... Although...

No! After you figure out where the hell you are. Then you can have an orgy.

“This is the kingdom? We're in the castle? What the hell even happened after I passed out?” There! See? It was good to ask these types of questions. Questions were good.

“Yeah,” Declan admitted, a slight grumpiness in his voice that had me wondering how he felt about the following statement. “Alaric caught you before you passed out and we followed the soldiers back to here.”

Oh, man. He totally did not agree with the move. I almost smirked at the frustration in his voice, but figured now was not the time to tease the demi-god.

“And now we are here in your fath— in the high king’s castle,” Alaric corrected as my eyebrows shot up. He’d started to say ‘father.’ Hadn’t he? I wasn’t crazy. Oh, fuck no.

“You almost said ‘your father’s’ castle!” I accused. We were crazy, but we would not believe the insanity that man had been spouting. No way. No how. Absolutely not.

Honestly though, I didn’t think we had much of a choice here.

“Nope,” Alaric offered, looking very unbelievable as I groaned, putting my head down and rubbing a hand over my face.

“Fuck,” I mumbled. “This can’t be happening. I mean, this is crazy, guys. There is no way he was telling the truth, implying that my heritage is somehow linked to a king of Hell.”

“Is that really so hard to believe?” Abel questioned quietly. “I mean, you are insanely fucking powerful, Narcissa.”

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