Home > Dying for the Dead (The Dead and Not So Dead #3)(20)

Dying for the Dead (The Dead and Not So Dead #3)(20)
Author: M. Sinclair

Now, did that make calling the three of them her ‘fathers’ any less weird? Absolutely not. I also was at a complete loss on how to act towards her mother now. I didn’t think Narcissa fully realized it, but in the Demonic realm was really the first time we had properly interacted with her mother. Before, she’d been a concept, someone I could easily dislike because Narcissa did.

Now though? She was not only clearly very real and not as dead as we’d assumed, but I could see that their relationship was far more complicated than I could have imagined. I would just have to take Narc’s lead when it came to this. It was the only possible solution, right? Nearly shaking my head, I found myself glad that we had a good relationship with Narcissa’s grandmother, because for now, that was what mattered most. I hoped.

I didn’t want any of this to change things. Unless, of course, it made Narcissa happier. I wasn’t dumb. I had seen how her mother had affected her and the sadness radiating from her at times whenever we spoke of our families.

For so long she had been very clear about how she was perfectly happy with her setup, but if this meant having a larger family? Filling the void of a parent’s love? I would happily help her figure this all out because I knew how important family could be.

Before my own mother passed away, we’d been extremely close, and having that family security was huge. So yeah, while it may be complicated, I was going to help her figure out whatever the hell she needed to.

That was what you did when you loved someone. You stuck by them and helped them figure out the hard shit, even if it didn’t directly affect you.

“Where are we?” Narcissa’s voice rang out over the large boom of thunder. The portal closed, leaving the eight of us standing in the relative silence of the swamp, following the echoes of the storm.

As the breeze blew, my eyes traced over the spanish moss cascading from the trees, reminding me of the willow I’d pinned Narcissa against before fucking her deep enough that I knew she would feel it tomorrow.

Trying to control my magic, I stuffed that thought down. Obviously, as an incubus, I was sexual in nature... but sex with Narc had been nothing like I’d ever experienced before. Not only had I fucking loved sinking myself into that tight, hot pussy while she screamed out my name and clawed up my back, but her magic had just continued to feed my own in a constant cycle.

I had felt goddamn high for an hour afterwards, wanting nothing more than to taste every inch of her just to make sure I had drained every ounce of cum from her perfect form. Fucking hell. Narcissa shivered against me as I tightened my jaw, shoving my magic away as she seemed to let out a small exhale of relief.

Yeah, something tells me that fucking her on the floor of a swamp with her dads nearby was not a solid plan. As in, I would probably, definitely, end up dead.

Fuck. Did we need to ask them for Narcissa’s hand in marriage? My smile grew because she would fucking hate that. No. She could decide and give herself away on her own. Her grandma’s opinion was the only one I cared about... but it was very tempting to give her shit about it. Maybe later.

“I have no idea,” King Alexander stated. “Unless Bourbon Street was moved in the past seventeen or so years, this is not the correct place.” He would be correct on that.

I recognized the space as the swamplands outside of New Orleans and examined the sky with interest. If I had to assume, it was still the same night but around two or three in the morning.

Declan let out an amused laugh as I arched a brow at him. The demi-god was an odd one to begin with, and the more time I spent around him, the more I realized how little I knew about how his magic worked. The mystery surrounding Declan and his magic wasn’t just something I had noticed, either. The others, except for Zachariah, had made note of it, but none of us had asked for an explanation. I felt like there would be some level of a ‘mind fuck’ associated with understanding luck magic, and I’d rather save that for a night when we are all sitting around having a beer rather than dealing with this bullshit.

My smile grew at that thought. Now that Narcissa knew we planned to marry her, I couldn’t explain the level of relief and satisfaction I felt. I knew she wanted to marry us, even if she was a bit overwhelmed, and I was perfectly content with spending my life with all these bastards if it meant her being happy. Honestly, once the pressure of this situation was done, I had absolutely no doubt that things would be much easier and more relaxed.

My brow arched in thought as I wondered how she would react when she realized that all of our families would want to come into town for the wedding. I mean, shit, I wasn’t close with my father, but that was because he was so damn busy. The bastard would no doubt still want to attend, though. Most likely with his harem of demons. Alright, on second thought, maybe this wasn’t the best idea...

“I sent us here,” Declan said and looked around curiously, as if he didn’t understand why. “Apparently.”

I could see Narcissa’s fathers staring at him in confusion, and I realized that they hadn’t asked him what his magic was. In fact, they seemed almost hesitant around him. I figured that despite the lot of them seeming a bit petty, I could help them out.

“Declan is a demi-god of luck,” I filled in as Narcissa leaned her head against my shoulder.

“Ah.” Jeremy nodded as the other two seemed to grow more interested and a bit freaked out by him. Don’t get me wrong, I had heard horror stories about how fucking insane demi-gods could be, but the worst Declan would do is finally give in to the sexual tension between Narc and him. I mean, I could literally feel that shit growing as we spoke. Other than that, the guy was pretty relaxed, so I wasn’t very concerned.

They just didn’t know him, so their reaction was based on a stereotype, and I found myself getting annoyed by that. Damn, when had I gotten protective over the other two of them? I mean, despite the situation being odd at first, I knew Zachariah and Declan were in for the long haul, which meant that they would be brothers in my mind. I had never had real siblings, but the family I had been close to—my mother, mainly—I’d always been protective over. I had found it much the same with Narc’s other guys. They were family.

“Why?” Abel asked curiously, clearly wondering why Declan had chosen this location to begin with. Shifting in the branches had me freezing as a familiar magical scent registered, making me smile.

“I’m not sure why…” Declan’s words fell off as a familiar voice echoed through the space, confusion going to elation on Narcissa’s stunning features. The change had my heart softening as I became distracted enough that I forgot what was actually happening, entrapped by her natural radiance. Was I a romantic? Fuck. I hadn’t thought so, but who the hell knows anymore.

“Mila? Draco?” Narcissa’s voice filled the space.

My brows rows as I watched the thick foliage give way to Mila and Draco, who stepped through carrying three drugged-out shifters. In Mila’s arms was a young girl, and over Draco’s shoulders were two older teen men.

Despite Alaric’s general issue with Draco, I actually didn’t mind him. And while I could tell he had been attracted to Narcissa’s dominance before, that was not an issue anymore. In fact, I wasn’t positive he saw anyone in a sexual light anymore besides Mila. It would probably be good to let my brother know that, but eh... I would let him figure that out.

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