Home > Holding On : Ruthless Sinners MC(58)

Holding On : Ruthless Sinners MC(58)
Author: L.Wilder

After we’d given the boys their bath and put them to bed, we went to our room and collapsed on the bed. I glanced over at Remington and smiled. She was lying on her stomach with her arms under her head, and she looked beautiful as always. Her hair was splayed out across her back, and her sweater had inched up around her waist, revealing the curve of her ass. Damn. Even after all this time, she still got to me like no other. She let out a deep breath as she asked, “That went well, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, it most definitely did.” I closed my eyes as I said, “I think everyone enjoyed themselves.”

“I know it seems silly, but I still can’t believe Madeline and Thomas are married. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great together, and she’s really happy with him, but why did she try to set me up with him when she had a thing for him?”

“Maybe it took almost losing him for her to see how much he meant to her. Either way, I’m glad she set you up on that blind date.”

“What makes you say that?”

I rolled over to look at her. “’Cause if you hadn’t gone on that date with him, then I might not be lying here with you right now.”

“You’re such an old softie.”

“Softie, huh? Well, I tell you what. I’ve got something that’s not exactly soft right now.” I gave her one of my looks. “You up for a go? Maybe start working on baby number three.”

Her dark eyes narrowed with disbelief. “Your boys were just on the roof a few hours ago, and you want to try for another one?”

“Absolutely.” I leaned towards her and started kissing along the nape of her neck. “We need us a little girl to balance all the testosterone in this house.”

“And what happens when we have another boy?”

“I’m sure we’ll make it just fine. We always do.”

After a few more minutes of teasing, she rolled over to face me. The second I saw the lustful look in her eyes, I knew I had her. She pressed her lips to mine, and it didn’t take long for things to get heated. It was always like that with Remington—possessive, hungry, eager. Riddled with need, I reached for the hem of her sweater and slipped it over her head. I was about to unfasten her bra when I heard Colt call out, “Momma?”

I looked up to find Colt and Tyler standing in our doorway. They were both in their pajamas staring at us with sleepy eyes. Tyler inched further into the room as he whispered, “We can’t sleep.”

“What’s wrong, buddy?”

“We had a bad dream.”

“Both of you...at the same time?” I smiled as I asked him, “You sure about that?”

Remington sat up and quickly put her sweater back on. Before getting out of bed, she leaned over and kissed me briefly before whispering, “Remember this moment the next time you want baby number three.”

“Are you kidding? This only makes me want one even more.”

“And that’s why I love you like I do.” She smiled and got up from the bed. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I watched the three people I loved most in the world walk out of the room and down the hall. At first, I could hear Remington talking to the boys, but after a few minutes, the house fell silent. When I got up to check on them, I found Remington sound asleep on the edge of the bed next to Tyler and Colt. It was a sight that moved me in a way I couldn’t begin to describe. In the good times and bad, they were my world, my true purpose, and with them, my life was complete.

The End



More from the Ruthless Sinners coming soon



A little Southern Humor



I’m not sure who wrote this, but each one of these are so very true! I just had to share.





1. Save all bacon grease. You will be instructed later how to use it.

2. If you do run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men in the cab of a four-wheel drive with a 12-pack of beer and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them. Just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.

3. Remember: "Y'all" is singular. "All y'all" is plural. "All y'all's" is plural possessive.

4. Get used to the phrase "It's not the heat; it's the humidity". And the collateral phrase "You call this hot? Wait ‘til August."

5. Don't tell us how you did it up there. Nobody cares.

6. If you think it's too hot, don't worry. It'll cool down-in December.

7. A Mercedes-Benz is not a status symbol—a Chevy, Dodge, or Ford is.

8. If someone says they're "fixin" to do something, that doesn't mean anything's broken.

9. The value of a parking space is not determined by the distance to the door, but the availability of shade.

10. If you are driving a slower moving vehicle, on a two-lane road pull onto the shoulder. That is called "courtesy".

11. BBQ is a food group. It does NOT mean grilling burgers and hot dogs outdoors.

12. Yes, weddings, funerals, and divorces must take into account for UT Football games.

13. Everything is better with Ranch dressing.

14. DO NOT honk your horn at us to be obnoxious, we will sit there until we die.

15. We pull over and stop for emergency vehicles to pass.

16. We pull over for funeral processions, turn our music off and men remove hats or caps. Some people put their hand over their heart.

17. "Bless your Heart" is a nice way of saying you're an idiot.

18. No matter what kind: Sprite, Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, it isn't called soda or pop. It is all called coke.

19. There will always be a tractor on the two-lane when you are running late, so allow time for that.

20. If you don't like the weather in Tennessee, wait 15 minutes, it will change.


There will be more of the Ruthless Sinners coming soon. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for updates on upcoming releases. There will be a short excerpt of Ties That Bind, the first book in the Sinner’s series following the acknowledgements.






I am blessed to have so many wonderful people who are willing to give their time and effort to making my books the best they can be. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to breathe life into my characters and share their stories with you. To the people I’ve listed below and so many others, I want to say thank you for taking this journey with me. Your support means the world to me, and I truly mean it when I say I appreciate everything you do. I love you all!


PA: Natalie Weston

Editing/Proofing: Lisa Cullinan-Editor, Rose Holub-Proofer

Promoting: Amy Jones, Veronica Ines Garcia, Neringa Neringiukas, Whynter M. Raven

BETAS/Early Readers: Kaci Stewart, Tanya Skaggs, Jo Lynn, Sherie Kaminsky, and Jessey Elliott

Street Team: All the wonderful members of Wilder’s Women. (You guys are the best! I truly appreciate all that you do.)

Best Friend and biggest supporter: My mother (Love you to the moon and back.)


A short excerpt of Ties That Bind: Ruthless Sinners book 1 is included in the following pages. If you love MC Romances, be sure to check out my Satan’s Fury MC-Memphis series. Blaze, Shadow, Riggs, Murphy, Gunner, Gus, Rider, Prospect and T-Bone can all be found on Amazon, and they are all free with KU.

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