Home > Rescued : An Everyday Heroes World Novel(14)

Rescued : An Everyday Heroes World Novel(14)
Author: Evan Grace

“Let’s get out of here.” Tawney places her hand on my chest. “You know I can make you feel good.”

This is what I wanted — I wanted to fuck Gwen out of my system, but then why do I feel like I’m cheating on her if I do?

“Ahhh… so this is why you had to cut our hike short.”

I freeze and turn my head to find Gwen standing next to us with her sister and two other girls I don’t know. She looks at me and she looks at Tawney. I open my mouth to speak, but Tawney beats me to it.

“Hey Gwennie, me and Maverick were just on our way out. I’m gonna go make him feel good because let’s face it, I’m the only one who can give it to him the way he likes it.” Then the bitch goes right for the kill shot. “Remember, I did the same thing for Scott because you couldn’t even get him off.”

Gwen starts laughing and before I can stop her, she pulls her fist back and punches Tawney with a quickness I wasn’t expecting. All of a sudden Tawney pounces, knocking Gwen to the ground.

Taylor and the other two girls try to pull Tawney off Gwen, but they’ve got each other by the hair.

“Troy!” I shout his name and he comes running over.

He grabs Tawney and gets her off of Gwen. I try to help her up and see she’s got a bloody nose, but she smacks my hands away. Tawney goes after Gwen again, and the next thing I know it’s chaos.

The girls with Tawney saw what was going on and jumped in, which cause Taylor and the two other girls to jump in too.

It takes ten minutes and four officers, including me and Troy and some of our other friends that were there to break it up. I tried to talk them into not arresting Gwen, but Tawney wouldn’t back down on pressing charges.

They didn’t put cuffs on Gwen, but they did use zip ties. Tawney threw a tantrum when they zip tied her wrists too.

I walked up to Gwen who had turned her back on everyone while she waited to be loaded into the police car. “I’ll be right behind you.”

She doesn’t acknowledge me, but I don’t miss the tear that leaves a silvery trail as it slides down her cheek.

“Gwen, I’ll call Dad,” Taylor says as she puts her phone to her ear.

When they’re ready to go, I help Gwen inside the cruiser while one of the other officers puts Tawney in the other one. “She’ll drop the charges, okay?”

She just stares straight ahead and with a sigh, I shut the door. I should’ve just stayed home.

Troy comes toward me. “Let’s head to the station.”









I lie in bed, debating on whether I should get up or not. I know my parents want answers, but honestly, I don’t know what to tell them. I mean, it’s not like I’m a kid, but when the chief of police’s daughter gets arrested, it’s kind of a big deal.

Okay, I wasn’t technically arrested and neither of us was actually in a cell, but whoever talked to Tawney got her to agree to drop the charges if I dropped mine and I did, reluctantly.

I’m just embarrassed and humiliated. I just don’t know what came over me. When we got to the bar, I was looking forward to kicking back with my sister, bestie, and one of my cousins, but then I saw her, and I saw she was hanging all over Maverick.

He’d told me he had to work, which obviously was a lie, but to do that to spend time with Tawney cut me deep. Then she ran her mouth, and all I saw was red. I swear it was an out-of-body experience. It felt like I was watching myself as I threw the punch.

I hold up my hand and look at my knuckles, which are bruised. Luckily they got me an ice pack for my knuckles and one for my nose. At least that is not broken.

It’s time to face the firing squad—I climb off my bed and go use the bathroom, freshening up and examining the damage. I have the beginnings of two black eyes and my nose is swollen.

“Just great,” I whisper. Since I’ve been home I’ve been in, what could’ve been, a deadly accident and a fight. Maybe it’s time for me to go. I have some friends in San Diego. I could always stay with them until I decide what to do.

They always invite me, but I just haven’t had time to go… until now. I head downstairs and find my parents sitting at the kitchen counter.

“Hey,” I say as I walk farther into the room.

I stop right next to my dad and begin sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I’m so embarrassed. I hate her and let her get to me. I think it’s for the best if I go stay with Kara and Dane in San Diego.” I don’t give him or Mom a chance to respond before I turn and walk past Taylor who just came down.

Taylor tries to stop me, but I shrug her off. After I got out I wanted to go back to the apartment, but they brought me back here to their house—probably to keep an eye on me.

By the time I’m back in my old room, it feels like someone is sitting on my chest. My pulse races and my body trembles. Oh God, my hands are numb. I try shaking them out, but it’s no use. I squat down as my door opens.

“Gwen, baby. What’s wrong?” Mom puts her hand on my back.

“I-I can’t breathe. My c-chest hurts.”

She helps me off the floor and onto my bed. Mom squats down in front of me. She brushes my hair back. “Gwen, try to slow your breathing. I think you’re having a panic attack. Just take a deep breath in.” I do what she says, copying the deep breath she’s taking. “That’s good, sweetheart.”

We repeat that over and over until the feeling comes back in my fingers. She gets up and then crawls onto my bed with me. I lay down next to her and she wraps her arm around my waist. “Just rest, sweetheart.”

“Dad must hate me,” I whisper softly.

Mom squeezes me. “There is nothing you could do that would cause your dad to hate you. He loves you so much, sweetheart. It was a mistake and lord knows we’ve all made them, but it’s how you learn from them that matters. I’ve never liked that Jacobs girl, always causing trouble.”

I grab her hand and pull it up, hugging it to my chest.

“Are you really going to San Diego?”

I roll over until I’m facing Mom. “I think it’s a good idea. Maybe just to stay for a week or two, I’ll be back.”

“Did something happen between you and Maverick?”

My cheeks heat up and I’m sure they’re giving away that something has happened. I nod, slowly. “Yes, a few times.”

“Is he why you want to go? Is he the reason you punched Tawney?”

Mom’s a smart cookie. She reads between the lines and that’s why I’ve never lied to her because she always knew the truth.

“Yes and partly.”

“You’re a grown woman, baby. You do what you need to do, but you come home when you’re ready.”

There’s a knock on the door and Dad comes in. The tears begin again and he sits down next to my hip and pulls me into his arms. “Don’t cry, baby girl. I can’t stand seeing your tears. No one pressed charges, and this will all blow over soon enough. You’re a Malone and we have wicked right hooks.”

I laugh through my tears and my mom excuses herself, saying she’ll be right back. When she returns, she hands me a glass of water and a little white pill. “It’s Ativan. It’ll help relax you.”

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