Home > Healing Aiden (Lords of Discord #5)(10)

Healing Aiden (Lords of Discord #5)(10)
Author: Jocelynn Drake

“The European Ministry?”

Ronan’s expression turned adorably sheepish, and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he looked away from Aiden. “It’s been a long life, Aiden. I was bored the last century or so. I started taking on some little odd jobs for the Ministry to pass the time.” His smile returned and he looked up at Aiden. “But then I heard about this new King Aiden. I begged, pleaded, and pulled every fucking favor I had to accompany the envoy. I was seriously considering jumping on a plane, even if I didn’t have their approval, and crashing your party, but I didn’t want to burn every bridge I’d built over the years if I wasn’t entirely sure it was you.”

Aiden chuckled. “That sounds like you.”

Ronan huffed with false indignation. “I’ll have you know that I have learned some restraint over years without you around to rein me in.”

“Far more of Europe would have burned if you hadn’t,” Aiden muttered, earning another laugh from Ronan. The sound alone made him want to weep. How he’d missed it! It was better than hearing the first bird song in the early morning hours. More precious than a baby’s bliss-filled sigh.

“What does the European Ministry want?” Aiden asked, not sure what answer he was expecting from Ronan, but definitely not the straightforward reply that he got.

“They want to know how easily you can be influenced,” Ronan admitted with a deadly serious tone. “Apparently, they are accustomed to manipulating and heavily influencing the American Ministry.”

“No. Absolutely not,” Aiden said, turning his voice to hardened steel. “I will not allow the European Ministry to influence how I govern the vampires in America so long as I wear this crown. My duty is to do what is right and best for them. Not the whims of the European Ministers.”

Ronan’s lips tilted up in one corner. “Just as I expected. The crown is new.” His eyebrows rose and his smile grew. “The sons are definitely new. But the attitude, the sense of duty, that’s all old Aiden.”

Aiden refused to let himself bask in the warmth created in his chest at Ronan’s words. “What now? Nothing you or your European confederates say will sway me. Will you kill me under orders from the European Ministry?”

Pain slashed across Ronan’s face, and he shook his head. “I don’t give a damn about the desires of the European Ministry. I would never harm a hair on your head. You know that.”

“I knew that at one time. So much time has passed, Ronan. We’re different men now. I have a family to protect.” The words hurt to say, but they were fair and true. Ronan had to understand that.

Ronan glared at the frozen ground under his feet. “I won’t argue that. We have changed, but I don’t think it’s as much as either of us would expect.” Ronan’s head snapped up and those dark eyes locked on Aiden. “You’re still my greatest friend, and I’ll do everything within my power to keep you safe. You threw yourself into danger hundreds of times to keep me safe because you believed in me.” A slow smile formed on his mouth, and the twinkle returned to his gaze. “I find myself looking forward to doing the same for you. And I will prove to you that you can trust me.”

“I protected you because you were my friend. My prince,” Aiden said, his voice catching on the last two words.

Ronan’s eyes drifted up to Aiden’s crown and he smiled. “My king.”

Aiden broke their stare first, blinking away tears. “We…we should head back. We’ve been out here too long. My sons…”

“Are actively plotting how they’re going to string me up and drain me,” Ronan finished with a chuckle.

Aiden didn’t laugh. “That’s a distinct possibility.”

“Before we go in,” Ronan paused and licked his lips. For the first time since meeting Aiden in the woods, he looked uncomfortable. “I know you don’t trust me. I don’t blame you. It’s been too many years. And vampires…”

“Aren’t normally trustworthy creatures,” Aiden said with a little smile.

“But can I touch you? Just your hand. I…I’m half afraid that my mind has made this all up. I’ve wanted this, prayed that you were still alive for so long.”

Aiden’s heart screamed to charge across the six feet separating them and throw himself into Ronan’s arms. It had been the very thing he’d yearned to do since he first saw the man. But it wasn’t smart. He was being cautious no matter how much it hurt. Ronan had been gone from his life for centuries. He was working for the European Ministry. He could be safe and smart for a little while longer. Just until he’d gathered some more facts.

Slowly, Aiden stretched out his left hand with his palm up toward Ronan. His old friend stretched out his right. For a second, their fingertips brushed, and Aiden half expected electricity to arc between them. The air around them tingled and sparked with tension and longing. Biting the inside of his mouth, Aiden allowed himself one step forward. His palm slid along Ronan’s rough palm, and his old friend moaned with joy, his eyes falling shut. A pair of tears slid free, slipping down his cheeks, and Aiden felt his heart break in half.

“My Aiden,” Ronan whispered. His name carried with it such a wealth of longing and old emotions that Aiden nearly caved and embraced his friend. Ronan flashed him a bright smile and released his hand. “I need to go.” He started to leave, his brisk pace carrying him toward the house, as he roughly wiped away the tears.

“Wait! When do you leave with the envoy?”

Ronan’s loud laughter echoed across the yard and he spun around. He jogged to Aiden’s side, his expression joyous. He caught himself on a tree and leaned toward Aiden, now only a couple of feet separating them. “Leave?” He laughed again. “Are you insane? I just found you. Nothing in this world could make me leave. Unless maybe you banished me from your kingdom.” Ronan’s smile turned wicked. “And even then, I think I’d sneak back in so I could convince you to forgive me.”

Aiden chuckled. “Go, you madman. You’re not doing us any favors if the rest of the envoy starts to suspect something.”

A heavy sigh left Ronan and he pushed away from the tree, straightening. “True. But we will see each other again. We will talk more. It’s happening, Aiden. Forgive me. I mean, Your Majesty.” He concluded with a deep, elegant bow and a broad sweep of his arm cutting through the air.

Ronan turned toward the house, disappearing into the shadows, and Aiden didn’t mind watching his old friend walk away from him. He believed Ronan’s vow. They would see each other again. They would talk. Aiden wanted to know everything that had happened to him.

And there was a little voice deep within his heart demanding to know if they had any chance at the future they’d been denied when they were human.



Chapter Four



Ronan woke to a noise.


Had he heard a noise?

He lay perfectly still in the hotel bed, his senses straining to figure out what exactly had disturbed him from his sleep. It wasn’t often that he slept in a hotel, and it could have been the maid service making the rounds on his floor. Or it could have been someone checking into a room near him.

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