Home > Healing Aiden (Lords of Discord #5)(55)

Healing Aiden (Lords of Discord #5)(55)
Author: Jocelynn Drake

“It didn’t matter. I was beyond logic for a time. When my gift arrived, I saw it as a sign that I was supposed to be death. I slaughtered my clan, the vampires who made me and tore me from you that first night. It took me nearly fifty years, but I traveled back to where we were ambushed that night. Naturally, there was no sign of you. I slaughtered the humans who had been the enemies of your family all those years ago, even though I doubted any of them even recalled our names. I wandered for a long time, killing vampires. No one spoke of my gift because I left behind no one to speak of it.”

“What made you stop?”

He huffed out a dark, bitter laugh. “I saw the ravages of the Black Death. I saw its indiscriminate touch. The waste of life. The children sobbing next to dead parents as the illness slowly stole their lives away. My anger and vengeance were nothing compared to it. I was small. A pathetic child screaming against the darkness, and I decided, no more. I studied other fighting styles. I’d be able to defend myself should I be attacked, but I wouldn’t use my gift again. I told myself that I would have to accept what fate handed me. If I was not strong enough to win in a fight, then that was what fate willed.”

“But tonight—”

“My resolve broke. I broke.”

“You didn’t,” Ronan forcefully said, immediately rallying to Aiden’s defense. The warmth it conjured in his chest was short-lived, though.

“I did, my prince.” Aiden lifted his head to look into Ronan’s dark, worried eyes. He refused to run from this. “I think the threats against my family have steadily worn me down over the past several years. For too long, we fought constant attacks from those who saw us as a threat because of Julianna, because of our close bond, and ultimately, because too many sensed that I was incredibly old. We won each time, but I could always see a new battle waiting on the horizon. I was tired.”

“And I was the final straw that broke your resolve.”

“No, Ronan. You were my first glimmer of hope. You were the first thing I wanted for myself in so very long. I’m not proud of what happened tonight, but I refused to be bullied by the Ministry another second. They needed to know that I would protect my family, my mate, with everything that I had.”

Ronan’s arms tightened around him and captured Aiden’s mouth in a long, demanding kiss, wiping away any lingering doubts. “Thank you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for risking the lives of your children for me.”

Aiden smiled against Ronan’s lips. “I think it’s adorable that you think I could have stopped them from accompanying me.” Ronan chuckled and Aiden rested his head back on his lover’s chest.

“Do you think it’s over?” Ronan asked quietly in the darkness.

He didn’t even need to think about his answer. “No. The Ministry isn’t the type to just let this go, even if it is in their best interests. We’ll be hearing from them again, but it won’t be any time soon.”

“That would be nice. A little peace and quiet—” A bark of laughter jumped from Aiden’s throat and he pressed his face into Ronan’s chest. “What? You don’t think it will be quieter now that the Ministry has been at least temporarily taken care of?”

Aiden lifted his head and grinned broadly down at his lover. “I know you haven’t been here long, but you have met my sons. Do you honestly think they are capable of peace and quiet?”

Ronan’s nose wrinkled and his brow furrowed as some thought crossed his mind. “No. You’re right. They will definitely find some mischief.”

With a happy sigh, Aiden placed his head on Ronan’s chest again. “Welcome to the Varik clan.”






“Hey! We agreed no powers!” Rafe’s voice echoed off the walls and high ceiling of the foyer. It was followed by the furtive shuffle of feet and an evil laugh from possibly Fox. That last cackle was definitely from Ethan.

Aiden could only shake his head as he picked up his glass from the floor, sipped the warm blood, and set it down again. He snuggled back against Ronan, who was somehow lightly dozing through all the noise.

It was Christmas morning. Well, three a.m. on Christmas morning. The family room glowed with candlelight and twinkle lights on the giant tree in the corner of the room. At Ethan’s request, the family had gathered together on Christmas Eve for dinner before exchanging gifts. Not that anyone needed anything. The presents were largely tongue-in-cheek jokes. Marcus and Ethan had gotten a child’s chemistry set for Bel. Rafe had presented the wolves with squeaky chew toys. His darling children had gotten him a candy crown and a lube-dispensing scepter.

But apparently, Ronan’s gifts to all of them were proving to be the best.

Closing his eyes, Aiden let his mind drift as he listened to the steady rhythm of Ronan’s heart under his ear. His mate had stretched out on the comfortable couch and pulled Aiden on top of him with a soft throw blanket tossed over their legs.

Never in his life had he imagined that he’d be right where he was. A thousand years ago as a human, he’d been prepared to watch the man he loved marry another, father children, and fight to protect his small kingdom. Their life would have been nothing more than stolen glances and maybe a warm hand on his shoulder in the darkest of moments.

As a vampire, it had taken him centuries to crawl out of the blood and violence to bask so briefly in the light of Julianna. Their time had been so very short, but he was forever grateful for the gift of four amazing sons.

“I swear to God, I’m going to stake you in the sun if you disappear one more time, Winter!” Marcus snarled.

“What the hell! I’m your mate, man!” Fox joined in.

The soft shaking of Ronan’s chest and muffled rumble of laughter proved Ronan was still very much awake and listening to the chaos that he’d created.

Aiden lifted his head and shifted so that he could look down on Ronan. “Water guns. You had to get them water guns.”

Ronan cracked one eye open, his lips twitching as if he were fighting to hold in his grin. “They seem to be enjoying them.”

Yes, nine grown men were currently racing around all three floors of the house, squirting each other with ice water on Christmas morning. What had started as a simple game was quickly devolving as they began using their vampiric gifts against each other. God help them all if their resident witch decided to cast spells in the house.

But they did sound happy, aside from the shouting and slightly maniacal laughter. This was also something his sons had not had much of. Their childhood had ended far too quickly because of Julianna’s illness. He also knew they’d not had much hope of finding mates. Their lives had been dedicated to the protection and secrecy of their family. How could they dare to trust outsiders?

Lady Fate had shined her benevolence on them at last. They not only found mates but strengthened their family. He didn’t know what hard trials she had planned for them in the future, but Aiden was sure they were ready to handle whatever was waiting for them.

Leaning down, Aiden brushed a kiss across Ronan’s lips before putting his head on his lover’s chest. Ronan sighed happily and threaded his fingers through Aiden’s hair in a lazy caress.

“No using fire to stop the water!” Bel cried.

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