Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(138)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(138)
Author: Anna Campbell

She tossed her head back and closed her eyes on a final moan as her quim tightened and throbbed around his cock.

He plowed into her again and again. His own orgasm tore through him, his seed spilling deep within her.

Giles pressed a kiss to her sweet slicked brow, then slid his cock free of her quim. He rolled to his side and gathered her close. For long moments, he simply held her and enjoyed the afterglow of their lovemaking.

“Will you always be faithful to me?” Juliet asked, her breathing still heavy.

He hugged her closer and said, “You are the only woman I shall ever want.”

Thoughts of his parents came flooding into his mind.

After what his mother and father had put their family through, he could no more stomach the idea of hurting Juliet than he would willingly go to gallows. Old wounds opened, anger seeping into his pores.

Both of his parents dishonored their vows, their family, and each other. Father had a string of mistresses he brazenly carted before Mother. In turn, Mother took on a stable of lovers and made no secret of it.

Their actions hurt each other a great deal, yet neither could manage to cease the damaging behavior. Mother would rail and cry about how Father carried on and the heartache it caused her. Father would scream and carry on about how Mother embarrassed and degraded him with her actions.

The two of them were constantly at war with one another and did their level best, from Giles’s perspective, to hurt each other. On the rare occasions that they were not fighting, they were frigging each other. For a few days, maybe even a few weeks, all would be well. Then, inevitably, one of them would stray into another’s bed, and the war would start anew.

It was not until Father was killed dueling one of Mothers many lovers, and Mother threw herself into deep mourning that Giles realized they had loved each other. And with that came the revelation that love could be toxic. It could destroy a person. Love could destroy him as it had his parents and he wanted none of it.

Shaking away the dreary rumination, Giles turned his attention to the present. In this moment, he was happy. He pulled Juliet closer and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I vowed to remain faithful to you for all of my days. On that, you can trust me.”

She turned skeptical eyes on him. “How can you make such a promise when you have lived your life as a rogue? In time, you may grow bored and old habits, as they say, are hard to break.”

Her words pierced his heart, for how could one argue with the truth? He blew out a slow breath, then said, “My lifestyle was not a habit. I lived as I did, as a means to protect my heart.”

Juliet worried her lip as she studied him. “What were you protecting it from?”

“My childhood was far from a pleasant experience. My parents were both fickle and unfaithful.” He pulled in a breath. “I made an oath to myself that when the day came for me to take a wife—if the day came—I would not behave as they did. Their love was toxic.”

“I see,” she said. “And now that you have taken a wife?” she arched a blond brow.

“I will cherish the gift I have received.” He kissed her deeply. “You can trust me, Juliet. Those days are behind me. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with you.”

He nearly told her he loved her, but held back. Still, he knew it to be so. His duchess had his heart, and he was glad for it.

Now he wanted hers in return.



Chapter 13



Dover, England

Clear River Run

December 24, 1811



This morning, Juliet had awoken with a smile curving her lips. Last night, Giles had carried her to bed after making love to her in the parlor, then ravished her all over again before sleep claimed them. If that was not reason enough for waking with a spring in her step and a song in her heart, tomorrow was Christmas.

And she had arranged a surprise for her husband today.

It thrilled her that she had come up with a way to turn the tables on him. Four times now, he had surprised her. First, there was the ring. She held her hand out in front of her and gazed at the sparkling sapphire encircled with diamonds. That really had been too much, considering he’d known her for less than twenty-four hours when he gave it to her.

But she adored it and him for gifting it to her. The deed had softened her disposition toward him, as well as her heart.

Then he had followed up the ring by ferreting out her decorating scheme for the wedding breakfast and copying it at the church. After that came the hothouse flowers, then mistletoe in the clearing. In truth, he had surprised her six times if she counted his unexpected arrival in Olivia’s library and how he had awakened her passionate nature. She really ought not to forget last night’s gift, either.

Oh, the way he had explored her. It was wicked and passionate and left her a puddle of jelly. And then, he had done the best thing of all when he opened himself to her and shared that bit about his parents—his past.

The whole evening had been a delectable surprise. One she most defiantly wanted to return. And this afternoon, she would. Juliet strode toward the parlor, determined not to waste a moment. Giles had gone to his office, as was his custom in the afternoons, and he would join her in a few hours for tea.

She had to work fast if she were going to pull off her endeavor. And she would not settle for less than she planned. If she did, the effect would not be as significant, and she meant to thrill him.

Juliet smiled at the maids and footmen awaiting her in the parlor. She had given the housekeeper and butler orders to send her a small army, then ordered them to keep silent about her request. It pleased her that they had done as asked.

“Your Grace.” They all bowed or curtsied as they greeted her.

Juliet strode deeper into the parlor, then nodded at one footman. “Close the door. It would not due to be caught or overheard.”

He moved with long strides to do her bidding.

Once the door clicked shut, Juliet turned her attention back to the line of retainers. “I suppose you are all wondering why you have been sent to me.”

“Have we displeased you, Ma’am?” A young brunet maid asked.

The older, more rotund maid at her side elbowed her. “Hush,” she warned.

Juliet waved a dismissive hand. “It is quite alright.” She cast a warm smile in the young maids’ direction. “No one is to be released from service to the duke. On the contrary, the lot of you are going to help me decorate for Christmas.” She paused for dramatic effect, then added, “But our work is a secret. You see, I mean to surprise the duke, so you must not let on. If anyone asks what you are about, simply tell them you are doing the duchesses’ bidding and carry on with your task.” She strolled down the line of retainers as she spoke. “Can you do as I have asked?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” they all said in unison.

“Good.” Juliet stilled and turned to face them. Her gaze moved to the far end of the line where two rather tall footmen stood. They were all tall, but these two had at least three inches on the others, and their forms appeared more filled out. “You two will go into the woods and cut down an evergreen. A fir if you can. Otherwise, any pine tree will do.”

The men nodded their understanding.

Juliet pointed to the corner of the parlor. “Once you have it cut, bring it in here and set it up over there.”

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