Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(15)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(15)
Author: Anna Campbell

To add further to Alice’s woes, she had been the one most keen to attend this particular gathering, and it had taken some kind words and a coin or two to secure an invitation. A famous conductor from Vienna was going to perform with a top-notch orchestra. After the performance, there was going to be dancing. Alice loved to dance; it was one of the few socially acceptable ways for a young woman to publicly enjoy herself within the ton.

“I think we should discuss this in private,” said Cuthbert.

With a derisive sniff, Patience followed him to an out-of-the-way spot in the corner near one of the staircases. Alice sent a silent prayer to heaven. Dear Lord, please let her give him his marching orders.

“Correct me if I am wrong, but there appears to be a distinct chill between your sister and our friend tonight,” said a voice from behind her.

Harry. Thank heaven for small mercies.

“Don’t get your hopes up. Knowing Patience, she will forgive him, and all will be lovey-dovey before the orchestra finishes tuning their instruments.” Alice cast a sideways glance at Harry as he came and stood alongside her.

When he gently placed his hand on the small of her back and left it there to linger, a shiver slid down her spine. If he had any idea what that did to her, he was keeping mum.

Alice turned and gave Harry a fuller inspection. She had never seen a man dressed in such an eye-catching color before. “Is that pink?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Salmon, darling. I would never be so common as to wear pink. A gentleman has to have standards. I must say I love your burgundy and gold gown, especially the way you wear the sleeves off your shoulders. It suits you much better than that grey shroud you wore to the Ashton’s ball.”

“Um, thank you,” she replied.

Alice’s thoughts were too full of Harry’s outfit for her to respond more than that. Her gaze roamed over his attire from top to bottom, then moved back to the top again. There was so much happening that it necessitated a second look.

He was right; the floor-length fully-buttoned-up coat was a fetching shade of salmon. So was the tall silk hat he wore. Then came the black lace, which trimmed the cuffs of the coat and around the band of the hat. But what truly stole the show, however, was the white fur trim around the raised collar of the garment. It gave Harry’s gorgeous face an almost angelic appearance.

When did I start thinking of him as being gorgeous? I have clearly lost my mind.

She caught a glimpse of bare ankle and narrowed her eyes. “Dare I ask what you are wearing beneath your outer garment?” she said.

Harry shook his head. “I don’t think the hostess of this evening would forgive even me if I unbuttoned my coat. Let me just say, it is a tad daring and a whole lot scandalous.”

“Why wear it, then, if you are not going to do the grand reveal?” she replied.

The slow, salacious smile which crept across his lips set her heart racing. Others might see him as bordering on lunatic, but to Alice, he was mesmerizing. Here in the middle of the toff of the ton was an individual who really didn’t give a damn what people thought of him.

“I don’t plan to stay long at this dull-as-dishwater shindy. I am here to check on our fraudulent foe and then leave,” he replied.

And go where?

He was going to abandon her. Disappointment and a touch of irritation stirred within. Didn’t he have any idea as to how famous this conductor was? And if not, couldn’t he at least summon up enough interest in her to want to stay? Especially after the small private moments they had shared of late.

Obviously not. Foolish girl. Fancy thinking that Harry could be seriously interested in you.

That particular notion hurt Alice on a deeper level than she liked. The sting of rejection burned.

“I am sorry that you think these cultural moments are beneath you. As for myself, I have been counting down the days until Herr Schwartz arrived in London,” she bit back.

Alice turned away. Tears threatened, but Harry took hold of her arm and drew her back. Blinking hard, she glared at him. If he thought to kiss her, she was going to nip him on the lips instead. Arrogant, pompous man.

The heady scent of sandalwood soap and another mysterious spice she couldn’t name quickly filled her senses. Being this close to him was like breathing in his essence.

“I’m sorry. That was cruel and unkind. I shouldn’t mock something that you love. Forgive me,” he said.

She had never seen Harry so earnest. There was not a trace of insincerity about him. It was tempting to ask him what had changed, but she held back.

“I never want to see you again, Cuthbert Saint. You are a . . . cold fish.”

They both turned at those words. Patience came storming toward them with Cuthbert hot on her heels.

Alice put a comforting arm around her sister. “What is the matter?” she asked.

“Just a silly misunderstanding. It is nothing of consequence,” replied Cuthbert, flatly.

Patience threw up her arms. “That’s all I am to you—insignificant and foolish.”

“You know that is not true. You mean the world to me,” replied Cuthbert.

Harry caught Alice’s eye, and to her bone-deep relief, he stepped forward. Patience immediately ceased her tantrum and stood staring at him, mouth agape.

“Perhaps now might be a good time to take you home, Miss Patience. My carriage is outside. I often find a little time and distance helps in these sorts of situations,” offered Harry.

“Could you, Lord Steele? That would be most kind of you. We sent our carriage home, not expecting to be finished for a few hours more. What do you think, Patience?” said Alice.

Her sister pursed her lips. “I think that is very good idea. The sooner I am away from Mister Saint the better.”

As Cuthbert went to protest, Harry drew him aside. “Let her go home. A good night’s sleep often cures these ills.”

He clearly wasn’t happy with this development, but to his credit, Cuthbert didn’t push the issue. He bowed to the group and quickly left.

Patience turned back to Alice and promptly burst into tears. By the time they made their exit, she was in an inconsolable state.

Harry wasted no time in having his coach brought around to the front of the elegant town house, and within minutes, the three of them were headed for Mortimer Street and the North family home.

He instructed the driver to take the carriage into the rear mews; the neighbors did not need to be granted an audience to Patience’s distressed state.

A footman pulled down the steps and helped the youngest North sister to alight. Without a word of good night or gratitude, she stormed into the house, leaving an embarrassed Alice to deal with Harry.

“Thank you, Harry. You saved me from a thoroughly unpleasant evening. My sister is not one to be pacified when she is in such a mood. Mama calls her Boadicea when Patience starts getting all riled up. The only thing missing is the blue woad on her face.” She rose from her seat, ready to climb out.

Harry reached over, and taking hold of the door handle, tugged it closed. He rapped on the roof, and the carriage pulled away.

The sudden jolt had a startled Alice finding herself quickly back on the bench. “Are we returning to the concert?”

“That is up to you. I know you are keen to go and listen to the orchestra, but if you are in the mood for something a little more interesting, I could take you to a place I know,” he replied.

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