Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(157)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(157)
Author: Anna Campbell

If the flame that burned between them was still alight in Venetia’s heart, old Mr Wells could no longer prevent them from being together.

She gripped the door handle tighter, yet still she hesitated.

She’d never told Sebastian what his father had said to her all those years before: that a match between his son and Dorothea was the price to be paid if the estate were to remain in the family’s hands. It wasn’t just that the union between the children of two old friends and neighbors would ensure peace and prosperity long into the future. Old Mr Wells was deeply indebted to Dorothea’s father.

He’d told Venetia that if his son were to be swayed by his feelings for Venetia, then they were all doomed.

Venetia drew in a deep breath. Glancing out at the partly frozen lake, frost glittering on the bulrushes beneath a weak sun, a bird warbled a tune.

And suddenly, Venetia was overcome by a wave of the most profound joy.

Sebastian had done his father’s bidding, and now he was free to follow his heart.

Yes, Sebastian had a son and heir. He had discharged his duty toward the family line. Toward his father. The debt to Dorothea’s father had been discharged.

Venetia and Sebastian were free to follow their feelings.

And now Sebastian was here.

Waiting for her. Nothing now prevented them being together. Not even past entanglements, for as long as Sebastian loved Venetia above all other women, that was good enough for her.

“Venetia!” The door opened suddenly from the inside and there was Sebastian looking down at her. “Thank heavens you came, after all! I wasn’t sure if you’d get cold feet.” There was nothing awkward or diffident about him as he seized her wrist and drew her inside, locking the door, then embracing her before lowering them both onto the sofa by the fireplace, Venetia across his lap.

The room was small but lofty with a desk by the window and, through the doorway that opened into the next room, a large, commodiously cushioned bed dominated the room.

"For a second, I nearly did, Sebastian. I feel...so different from the girl you once knew.”

“You don’t look any different.” He untied her bonnet and tossed it toward the fireplace, where it lodged itself upon the firebrand. “Damn! I was hoping to burn it,” he said as he turned back to look at her, running his fingers through her hair. “At least, you don’t, now,” he added with a grin. “And I certainly haven’t changed.”

“I find that hard to believe,” she scoffed, though with a smile, for the same humorous light danced behind his eyes. “You’ve seen the world and—”

“And I’ve experienced hope and disappointment, love and loss.” He sobered, taking both her hands and setting them across her knees. “But the greatest loss was you.”

“And now I’m here.” Ridiculously, she felt tearful. “And...you say there’s nothing to keep us apart?” Earlier, this might have been a combative statement; before he’d swayed her with his sincerity. Now, she just wanted to be reassured this was true. If he wanted to kiss her, and make love to her, she would ask no further questions. The prospect of happiness was too alluring, and the more she allowed herself to hope, the more she feared something could intervene to spoil it. Unless she seized it with both hands. Now.

“Dorothea can no longer do that, God rest her soul.”

Venetia shook her head. “She was...a good person. I’m sorry.” What else could she say? There’d been nothing objectionable about Dorothea. Her vapid existence had simply turned into a malignant force in Venetia’s life. But that had not been Dorothea’s fault.

“When Dorothea died...truth be told...I felt released. Released to find you, Venetia. Does that reflect badly on me?”

“Not if you were a faithful and honorable husband.” Now that she’d exorcised her own doubts, Venetia didn’t want to talk anymore about the past. But it seemed Sebastian wished to unburden himself.

“I was. But I was made a fool of by Lady Banks.” He looked into the flames, and Venetia felt his thoughts drift to places she no longer wanted them to go. But if it helped him to speak of it, she’d stay silent. “I’m ashamed of what happened, but I promised I would tell you the truth.”

Resigned, Venetia waited. Let him dismiss, in his own words, the two women with whom the gossipmongers claimed he’d been associated, and then he and Venetia could move on to reclaiming what they had lost.

And embrace their future.

“I told you that Lady Banks had no basis for impugning my reputation, for I did nothing more than help her sell some diamonds to honor a debt.” He cleared his throat. “Of course, her husband took a different view, but that’s old news.” He flicked her a lopsided grin. “Mrs Compton, Barbara Compton, however, is a different story.”

“I don’t want to hear it.” Venetia shook her head. She hesitated, biting her lip as she tried to make sense of his troubled gaze. “Unless you still love her.”

“God, no!” A look of horror crossed his face as he shook his head. “I never did. She tricked me into her bed after inviting me to a soiree at which I was the only attendee. I was a fool for succumbing to her lures!” He released her hands to cup her face. “Please forgive me, Venetia.”

“The past is the past, Sebastian.” She reached up to trace the line of his brow. “I understand. You could not have known you’d ever see me again.” The tentative hope in her breast that there might in fact be a future for them was beginning to swell. Sebastian was everything she wanted in a man: kind and strong; sensitive and brave.

And he loved her. She had no doubt of that now.

“If you have told me everything I need to know before I give myself to you, body and soul,” she whispered, “then I am satisfied.” She felt like a flower, the petals opening up slowly, as it received the warmth and encouragement needed to flourish. “If your conscience is clear, and if you love me, then I will embrace everything that is about to happen between now...and long into the future.”

She thought he’d kiss her then, with the same fervor, but he hesitated. “I love you, Venetia. I love you as much as I ever have.” He seemed to struggle with his words. “You’re right...I could not have known, four months ago…that I would ever see you again. I did things, and made promises, I never would have—if I’d had an inkling that we would be together again.”

“Come here and kiss me, Sebastian,” she whispered, standing up and going to the bed in the next room where she drew back the counterpane.

The bed linen was crisp and clean, an inviting space for the short time they could be together. She removed her walking boots and her pelisse, then climbed onto the bed, patting the sheets beside her, before lying back upon the pillows. “Make love to me, Sebastian. I want things to be like they were between us—before.”

The bed dipped beneath him as he climbed onto the mattress to lie beside her, holding her close against his side.

“I want you, now, and for always, like we once hoped it could be.” She took his hand and put it on her breast for he seemed to be holding himself back, whereas Venetia was on fire. “Lady Indigo will want me to read to her before I dress her for this evening, and we don’t have long.” She closed her eyes as Sebastian began to unbutton her gown, stroking her into the long-missed, familiar sensations of love and lust.

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