Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(20)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(20)
Author: Anna Campbell

Harry wasn’t a man with a penchant for violence, so having Cuthbert roughed up and left for dead would never be his first choice. Nor would any attempt to have him arrested be likely to succeed. Without the victim of the theft being able to bring charges, the authorities would have nothing to go on, and Harry was not going to risk Cuthbert facing the hangman over a few pieces of jewelry.

He slipped a coin into the stable boy’s hand and took the reins of his horse. Apart from trying to talk Patience out of continuing to see Cuthbert Saint, there was really only one other sensible option left.

“If it has to be, it has to be,” he muttered.

All he had to do was to get Alice to appreciate the value of a firmly worded threat delivered at gunpoint.



Chapter 14



“Isn’t it divine? He is so thoughtful.”

Alice swallowed the last of her breakfast and followed it with a gulp of tea. Listening to Patience carrying on over the bracelet that Cuthbert had sent as an apology would make anyone struggle to eat their food.

Her sister waved the trinket in Alice’s face and she was forced to paint a smile on her lips in response. “Yes, it is pretty.”

It was also cheaply made and would probably turn Patience’s wrist green before the day was out. Not that she would either notice or care. What likely mattered more to Patience was that Cuthbert had thoughtfully chosen a bracelet the same color as the new gown over which he and she had fought.

After the less-than-satisfactory end to the evening with Harry last night, Alice didn’t feel up to playing the role of happy big sister this morning. Her heart ached too much.

Seeing Patience gush over a man who could only bring her misery compounded her own sense of sadness.

“I wonder if Cuthbert is going to be at any social gatherings this evening. I really should seek him out and give him my thanks. Mama always says you should do everything to help smooth over tiffs with your spouse,” said Patience.

The mere mention of Cuthbert and spouse in the same breath had Alice wishing she hadn’t bothered with that second piece of pork pie. A knock at the door of the breakfast room stopped Alice from saying what she really thought of the idea of being related to Cuthbert Saint.

Knowing her stubborn sister, if Alice said anything against him, Patience would start making plans to have the banns read.

The North family butler entered carrying a silver tray, upon which sat a note. Alice silently prayed.

Please. Please. Please, let it be a letter from Mama and Papa saying they are on their way home to England.

If it were, she might still have a chance to convince her sister that any possible talk of marriage could wait until Cuthbert was able to speak with their father.

She took the note and quickly read it.

Developments on CS. Come to Grosvenor Street this morning. H.

The man was nothing if not succinct with his words.

If the note had not made mention of Cuthbert, she would have been tempted to ignore Harry’s request. Instead she folded the paper and put it in her pocket.

After downing the last of her tea, Alice rose from the table. “I have to go out this morning. Let’s discuss our evening plans when I return.”

If Harry was looking to make a move on Cuthbert, she didn’t want to be caught wrong-footed at any social event. Keeping her sister away from being connected with a scandal was crucial.

Half an hour later, Alice knocked on the front door of number 16 Grosvenor Street. Harry’s dark-clothed hulk of a butler answered the door, but this time she pushed past him and made for the stairs, leaving him to follow in her wake.

She found Harry standing by the window in the drawing room; the piglet was nowhere to be seen.

“Miss Alice North,” announced the butler.

Harry nodded at him. “Alice, this is Sir Stephen Moore. He has been working with me on the case. Stephen is involved in the coaching company which I partly own.”

Stephen bowed low. “At your service, Miss North.”

“Service? Is that what you call answering the door rudely, not showing a lady to a chair, and generally doing a terrible job of being a butler?” she replied.

He chuckled. “Yes, sorry about that. The first morning you came here, I wasn’t in the best of moods. You are not the only one with family problems.”

She took the seat he offered, privately relieved when Stephen came and sat next to her. The last thing Alice wanted this morning was to be alone with Harry. The man himself strolled over to the center of the room and stood in front of a low coffee table, facing her.

“You sent word that you had new information about Cuthbert.” Keeping her gaze firmly fixed on Harry, she pretended not to notice the look which passed between him and Stephen. She wasn’t here for niceties; she was here for answers.

Harry cleared his throat. “Yes, we can confirm that Cuthbert did not attend Eton. We also have solid evidence that his name is in fact Cuthbert Leigh, and that until a matter of months ago, he was employed as a valet for a wealthy Scottish family. He has been funding his stay in London with the proceeds from the sale of items he stole from them.”

Alice clapped her hands together. This was the news she had been waiting to hear. Confirmation that Cuthbert was a fortune-hunting blackguard who only wanted to win the love of her sister in order to get his hands on her dowry.

“So, what now?” she replied.

“Eager little thing,” murmured Stephen.

She shot him a disdainful look. “It’s not your sister who is in grave danger of being married to a rogue, so perhaps you might want to shut your mouth.”

“Steady on!” replied Stephen.

Alice reached into her reticule and pulled out the coin purse. She stood and tossed it onto the table in front of Harry. “According to the contract, that is the penultimate payment. I am paying for your services, Lord Steele. It is high time you delivered.”

Harry glanced at the purse but left it where it had landed. He and Alice locked gazes; she flinched when she caught sight of the expression on his face. She had fully expected to see open defiance and was surprised that instead it was a mixture of hurt and confusion.

You cannot be that clueless about how I would take your words last night. You expect me to come out of my cage while you lurk behind the door of your stone castle.

She dropped her gaze to the Persian rug on the floor as anger and disappointment battled.

“Alice, could we please fill you in on the plan and get your approval?” said Harry.

She nodded, grateful that he was making some effort toward showing her at least a modicum of respect.

“A ticket will be sent to Cuthbert Saint at the Grand Hotel today inviting him to join you and Patience at the theatre this evening. This, of course, is merely a ruse to make sure that we know where he will be at that time,” said Harry.

“Not long after he leaves the hotel, he will find himself having a little chat with a gentleman dressed all in black. The pistol in his face should help convince him that he needs to quit his accommodations and depart London forthwith,” added Stephen.

“And you will send word once the message has been delivered?” she asked.

“Of course,” replied Harry.

Alice nodded at the purse. “Once you provide me with confirmation that Cuthbert Saint has indeed left town, I shall pay the remainder of your fee. Good day to you, gentlemen.”

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