Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(272)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(272)
Author: Anna Campbell

“My dearest Lauren, you are a constant delight. Come with me now. I want to prove something to you.”

She gave him a look filled with alarm, her body trembling within the circle of his embrace.

“Did you not prove matters before, Hawthorne?”

“You require additional convincing, it seems,” he responded lazily.

“It’s not necessary.” Lauren’s voice strengthened. “What more could you do that wasn’t done last time?”

Theodore smiled. “You won’t know unless you come with me. Aren’t you the least bit curious to know?”

“These attempts at coercion are wasted ones. Besides, if your intent is merely to accost me in a shadowy alcove, you’ve already done that. You’ll need to do better.”

Theodore’s head dipped until his forehead touched hers. He waited there a moment, then moved until his lips rested against her ear.

His words were raspy, slivers of desire escaping his throat as he bared his lust, and there was no mistaking her shiver of response. “I shall do better. Because Lauren, my intent is to place my mouth between those pretty, silken thighs of yours. For you, I shall lick and bite your tender flesh until you forget your own name. Then I’ll begin in earnest until you are screaming mine. Now, come with me, darling, so I may prove my point.”



Chapter 11



Lauren gripped Theodore’s sleeve, although if the reason was to push him away or pull him close, she wasn’t sure. She was saved from the arduous task of decision making by the unmistakable approach of others from the corridor.

Theodore nipped her ear with his sharp teeth and let her slip from his arms. While she quickly placed a respectable distance between them, rubbing the lobe of her ear with shaky fingers, the earl gave her an unrepentant grin. Between his fingers, he twirled the mistletoe taken from the bodice of her gown.

“There you are, Lady Lauren,” Lord Sanderson exclaimed, entering the salon with Lord Jenkins at his side and Lady Emma Whitestone trailing close behind. “A group of us are embarking on a frivolous game of Hide and Seek to while away the afternoon. Would you care to join us?”

Theodore’s brows snapped together as Lauren stood silent.

Emma stepped forward. She was a quiet thing, very pretty and possessing a warm smile. “Do say yes. It seems like such fun, but we need more ladies if we are to do things properly.”

“You’re just who we need,” Lord Jenkins chimed in.

“Yes, just who we need.” Sanderson glanced at the mistletoe in Theodore’s hands, and a faint scowl darkened his face.

A heavy silence permeated the salon as Sanderson poured himself a glass of whiskey from the bar service.

“What if I should join your silly child’s game?” Theodore stalked toward Sanderson until he’d placed himself between the young lord and Lauren. “Would it upset your delicate ratio of men to women?”

Sanderson’s eyes widened before he regained his composure. “Of course not, Hawthorne. We would, of course, enlist another lady to join the fun.” He tilted his glass toward Theodore with a smile. “Lady Melanie indicated interest if you decided to play. We would be evenly matched in that case.”

Lauren stiffened. She had no intention of playing anything with that woman involved, but if Theodore wanted to run around the mansion hiding in cupboards and darkened corners hoping a lady might grope him, then he was welcome to it.

“Sounds intriguing,” Theodore drawled, rocking on his heels. A satisfied expression flitted across his features as his gaze slid to Lauren, gaging her reaction to his next statement. “Perhaps it’s best you do go along, Lauren. Lady Emma has obviously never played this game and doesn’t realize the damage to her reputation when the wrong participant finds her.”

Lady Emma frowned. “I can take care of myself, my lord, but it would be lovely if you and Lady Lauren joined us.”

Theodore waved a hand at the girl without bothering a glance at her. “Of course, you can take care of yourself. I did not mean to imply otherwise.”

Giving the girl a pointed look, Lauren tried conveying the level of concern she instantly felt. “Such games can be rather outrageous, Lady Emma. Do you have anyone else you can partner with?”

“I see no harm in playing alone,” the girl returned stubbornly.

Theodore’s winter blue eyes narrowed on Lauren. “What do you say then, Lauren? Shall we?”

Lauren lifted an eyebrow. She wasn’t so naïve as to mistake Theodore’s secret intent. He wanted to find her alone… somewhere he could continue this assault on her heart unimpeded. He’d declared warfare, and oddly enough, she was eager to reengage in battle.

“Yes, we shall.” Lauren nearly laughed out loud at the surprise in Theodore’s eyes. Her words twisted to fit their situation, reminding him he’d concealed the truth for so long. “I’ve no skill with this particular game, but maybe I’ll be as good at hiding as some of the expert players.”



They gathered with approximately eight others in the library. Melanie was there, and Lauren gritted her teeth when the lady’s eyes lit up with pleasure to see Theodore. It went against everything in her nature, but she sidled closer to him. Glancing down at her, he simply arched a brow, quirked a knowing smile, and tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow.

As the rules of the game were explained, amidst much giggling and excited conversations, Theodore leaned down and whispered in Lauren’s ear.

“Go directly to your room. I shall meet you there.”

When she stiffened in silent protest, Lauren felt Theodore’s grin even though she couldn’t see it. His breath was responsible for the chills racing up and down her spine.

“Do you really want Sanderson to find you?” he inquired softly. “Now, you will go to your room, won’t you?”

She nodded, casting her eyes downward when she noticed Melanie staring at the two of them.

“You will send your maid to Lady Penelope with a message. You’ve developed a sudden headache and decided to rest for the afternoon,” he instructed further, and Lauren nodded again.

Theodore moved away, hands clasped behind his back, silently waiting until Sanderson finished explaining how things would go.

“I’m afraid my aversion to parlor games prohibits me from participating after all,” Theodore tsked softly. “Forgive me if my absence throws the ratio into chaos.”

The women murmured in disappointment. Melanie’s eyes narrowed with suspicion, focused on Lauren and Theodore.

“It will still be great fun, I think!” Emma exclaimed, clapping her hands.

“Of course, we wish you would reconsider, Hawthorne, but your feelings on the matter are noted.” Sanderson was almost gleeful. “While it is little more than a nursery game, there’s something to be said for the thrill of the hunt.”

Lauren frowned at Sanderson’s choice of words, discomforted at the thought of being pursued through the halls of her cousin’s home. Her gaze caught and held with Theodore’s for a brief instance. The bright gleam of excitement she saw in the blue depths sent anticipation zinging through her veins. There was no doubt, if the game were conducted on his terms, he’d show no hesitation in hunting her down.

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