Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(285)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(285)
Author: Anna Campbell

Lady Emma hugged her tight next. “This is so exciting. Although we’ve only just become friends, I’m honored you extended an invitation to visit you and Lord Hawthorne after you are settled. It is a kindness I never expected.”

“As was your kindness to me,” Lauren murmured.

“Scandal is not a game one should play unwittingly.” Emma laughed. “I learned my lesson.”

“As did I.” Lauren’s brow rose as Melanie approached the small group of women. The girl had taken the news quite sullenly. Even now, a distinct scowl marred her pretty face.

“I heard something earlier, Lady Lauren, and I hope you forgive my curiosity, but several gentlemen were discussing your impending nuptials.”

Lauren stiffened. “Oh? I can’t imagine they would find the subject to be very interesting.”

“The need for haste is a peculiar development. But what is a Christmas house party without a bit of scandal attached?” Perching on the settee, Melanie fluffed her skirts. “It’s said Hawthorne will purchase that new cotton factory in Leeds now that he will have the benefit of your considerable inheritance. He’s had his eye on it for some time, but Lord Eastwood’s interest has grown recently as well. Perhaps they’ll enter a bidding war. Wouldn’t that be exciting?”

“Do hush, Melanie.” Penelope frowned at her cousin-in-law. “You create needless gossip.”

“But we all know how eagerly men spend new funds once it is within hand, Penelope. It’s no secret Hawthorne will now control her fortune. Much to many a man’s dismay.” Melanie tilted her head, narrowed eyes giving Lauren a thorough consideration. “You would have been quite popular this season, Lady Lauren. All the rage, but you’re now off the marriage mart, so to speak. Of course, you could have enjoyed a bit of independence, too.”

“Hawthorne intends to set my monies aside,” Lauren replied stiffly. “It is to be used at my own discretion. He’ll not touch it.”

Several of the ladies, noticeably uncomfortable in light of Melanie’s obvious jealousy, now appeared shocked by Lauren’s bold declaration. Even Penelope nervously tugged at Lauren’s elbow, but she was determined to defend her future husband.

Melanie’s eyes widened before she began laughing. “Oh, my dear! How droll you are with your stories.” She smirked. “Surely, you don’t believe that. It is unheard of, you know.”

Lauren’s chin rose stubbornly, although inwardly, her stomach clenched at the thought she’d fallen into a trap of her own making. Had she allowed love to blind her yet again? Or was she correct in placing all of her trust and love in Theodore? He mentioned the need to visit their barristers upon his arrival in London. To put in place the terms of the contract their fathers devised, perhaps. Or finalize the purchase of a cotton mill with newly obtained funds?

Nausea rose in Lauren’s throat as she remembered their sweet kiss upon parting that very morning. He’d made no mention of his plans for her inheritance—not during the dark of night after making love to her, nor while they lay awake and whispered of their future together. She hadn’t asked him either, too caught up in the magic of being his to consider he might have used her.

“Maybe I am naïve, but I’ve faith the earl will do as he says. I’ve no reason not to believe him.” Lauren’s tone was firm, but Melanie, sensing weakness, snatched that opportunity to press the point.

“But you can’t be sure, and once you are wed, it’s unfortunately too late. Everything you have becomes his, including yourself.” Finally, heeding Penelope’s burning glare, Melanie shrugged and offered Lauren an insincere smile. “Despite all that, I do extend my felicitations. I’m sure Hawthorne is pleased with the way things turned out. It is to his benefit, after all. The mere suggestion a woman should have charge of her own funds is something men aren’t likely to ever embrace. It’s foolish, but a pleasant dream for some, I suppose.”



Two days passed quickly, and the weather cooperated with bright sunshine, although it remained frigid enough that the snow stayed intact.

Lauren alternated between very different emotions—dizzying happiness that she would soon become Theodore’s wife, and nagging despair she was possibly barreling headlong into the biggest mistake of her life.

Anne spent the time bustling about, packing Lauren’s belongings with cheerful enthusiasm and sighing over the romanticism of the impending elopement. If she worried over her mistress’s change of heart regarding marriage in general, she kept those thoughts private.

Lauren stood in the foyer and bid Penelope and George goodbye. Everyone had come down to see her off, and the well-wishes did much to lift her spirits. Even Lord Sanderson, who’d carefully avoided her, bowed over her hand and wished her and the earl much happiness. Of course, it did not escape notice that he just briefly touched her, and only because courtesy dictated it. No doubt, Theodore’s warning still echoed in the man’s ears.

“Goodbye, dear cousin. Remind Hawthorne of our plans to visit you both before the Season begins.” George kissed Lauren on the cheek, and Penelope did the same.

“Yes. Now that he will be relations, he should expect to see more of us. It shall make for merry holidays in the future. Especially once children begin appearing. Oh! Imagine the fun we shall have then!”

Lauren blushed hotly. “Penelope! We’ve not even wed yet, and here you speak of children.”

Penelope winked at her. “It’s never too early to speak of starting a family, dear cousin.” Her hand slid to her own stomach, and Lauren understood her meaning. “They bring so much magic to ordinary life.”

Lauren hugged Penelope fiercely while George gave them a suspicious glance. “Take good care of yourself, and I will see you both soon. And you as well, Lady Emma.”

Climbing into the coach with Ollie’s assistance, Lauren waved through the glass at everyone gathered to see her off while Anne settled the warming pot at their feet.

“On to Hawthorne Green, my lady, and your new life as a countess,” Anne said excitedly.

Lauren chewed her bottom lip as the coach lurched forward. From the train station, it was a relatively short trip to Kent where Theodore’s family estate was located.

Their marriage would take place, and hopefully, a betrayal of her heart would not materialize.



The afternoon was surprisingly warm, and the garden, although starkly bare, contained a few splashes of color from blooming winter roses. Lauren lifted her face to the sun, savoring the balminess.

She’d left the Gold Parlor after taking tea with her mother and Lady Hawthorne. The two older ladies had only arrived together just the day before, and although it was a very sweet reunion, Lauren was bitterly disappointed Theodore was not with them.

“Some business matter that needed attending, my dear,” his mother had said with a wave of her hand. “Theodore assured us he will arrive by tomorrow.”

Lady Katherine Kendall had given her daughter a hug. “I’m grateful I felt well enough to travel. When Lord Hawthorne arrived to tell me the news, I was almost as excited as he.” Tucking a stray lock behind Lauren’s ear, her mother gave her a tender smile. “I cannot tell you how happy I am you renewed your relationship with the earl. Your happiness is of the utmost importance to him, Lauren, and to me.”

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