Home > Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(73)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Scandal (The Lairds Most Likely #7.5)(73)
Author: Anna Campbell

She looked up to see his face filled with pleasure. “Well, the pen drawings are printed out so we can reproduce them in numbers, but then they are hand-painted so they’re colourful.”

Bunty stared at the puzzle a little longer, considering, studying the way the light glimmered on the duck pond and the sunlight glittered on the puddles in the cobbled yard, as if it had just rained.

“These are the originals?” she guessed, looking up at him.

Ludo nodded. “The painting on the ones we sell are less detailed, as it takes too long, but still very good quality. We’ve some marvellous painters working with us.”

“Yes,” Bunty agreed, nodding. “You do.”

“You like them, then?” he asked, and she heard the eagerness in his voice.

“I think they’re wonderful. Any child would be delighted to receive such a gift. Goodness, I would be delighted. They’re marvellous, Ludo.”

Bunty squealed as he swept her up, spun her around, and then kissed her soundly.

“You’re marvellous,” he said, and she could see happiness shining in his eyes.

Her heart lurched, knowing she had done that. She kissed him and then pushed him away with a laugh, returning the puzzles she’d made back to their boxes. As she put the last lid back on the box she frowned, tracing her finger over the words, John Cooper’s Dissected Puzzles.

“This was your idea, wasn’t it, Ludo? Your creation?”

Ludo nodded. “Yes.”

“Then why isn’t your name on the box. Who is John Cooper?”

“John is the printer, my business partner. Be reasonable, love. Who in their right mind would buy something for a child created by Lascivious Lord Courtenay?”

He laughed, but she thought there was regret in the sound.

“I suppose so,” she said, not liking the truth of his words. “It’s not fair, though, when it was your idea.”

Rather more than his idea, she suspected.

Ludo moved closer to her and lifted her chin, kissing her. “You know. That’s all I care about. Now come along, my love, and let us get the tedious part of the day over with. I’ve no doubt Middleton will put me in a wretched temper, so I shall leave it to you to cheer me up once we’re done.”

He winked at her to show he didn’t blame her for dragging him to see the man, and Bunty followed him out to find a hackney.



Mr Middleton’s office was every bit as neat and precise as the man himself. He was small of stature, balding, and with a round face which seemed rounder still as he peered owlishly out from behind thick spectacles. He took them off, cleaning the lenses with care, and surreptitiously glancing at Ludo who was pacing the elegant room like a caged lion, tension rolling off his large frame with every move.

“Ludo, do come and sit down,” Bunty said, patting the chair beside her, aware that his prowling was making Mr Middleton nervous.

He folded his arms, scowling, and for a moment Bunty worried he’d balk and tell Middleton to bloody well get on with it. She could see the desire to do so burning in his eyes. She patted the seat again and he sighed, moving to sit beside her with a glower. Bunty reached for his hand and he curled his fingers around hers.

“Thank you for coming, my lord,” Middleton said, replacing his spectacles. “I… I admit I was uncertain you would come but, for once, I believe I can do you some good.”

“You mean unlike that time when you told me my father had cut me out of his will?”

Middleton blanched and Bunty squeezed his hand.

“Mr Middleton was only doing his job, Ludo. It was not his choice.”

Middleton sent her a look of profound gratitude and nodded. “Quite so, my lord. I was sorry to do it, and for any other… er… unpleasantness that has passed through my hands over the years.”

Ludo snorted but said nothing.

“Bearing that in mind, I beg you to remember that your father is my employer and that he strictly forbade me to give you any details of… of the inheritance your mother left you.”

“Inheritance?” Ludo echoed, sounding stunned. “But there was nothing. Father always took great delight in reminding me I had nothing of hers….”

He broke off and Bunty firmed her grip on his hand.

“That was untrue, I regret to say,” Middleton said with a heavy sigh. “Though it would not have been yours until now, until you took a wife. Those were the terms of the will.”

Mr Middleton reached down beside him and lifted a box, placing it on the table before him. “Firstly, there are these personal effects which your mother wished you to have.”

Bunty watched Ludo, saw his throat working, saw the moment he gathered his courage and reached for the box. He placed it carefully on his lap and lifted the lid.

Inside were two small paintings. One was of his mother as a young woman, a beautiful smiling portrait with vivid blue eyes and soft brown curls.

“You have her eyes,” Bunty said, hearing her voice quaver.

Ludo blinked hard and nodded, handing her the painting to look beneath.

“Oh,” he said.

Here was a painting of a man. A big, rugged, pirate of a man, with thick black curls and dark, laughing eyes, a full sensuous mouth, and an air of disreputable charm.

“Your father,” Middleton said, smiling. “I believe there are details of where he might be contacted, should you wish to do so?”

“He’s still alive?” Ludo said, clearly astonished. “But Bramwell said—” He cursed and shook his head. “Idiot.”

“Aren’t you glad you came?” Bunty asked gently, watching his face.

“I am,” he said, staring at the portrait of his father, of a man who bore a striking resemblance to Ludo. He reached for his mother’s portrait, and Bunty felt her heart constrict as he touched a reverent finger to her lovely face. “Thank you, Middleton. I… I cannot tell you how happy I am to have these. I’m grateful.”

Middleton returned a look full of regret. “I am only happy to have brought you something pleasant for a change, my lord.”

“Not your fault,” Ludo said gruffly, putting the paintings back in the box with care. He stood and held his hand out to the man. “Well, if that’s all, I’ll bid you—”

“Oh! No, my lord, that is not all.”

Ludo frowned at him. “It isn’t?”

Middleton shook his head, his eyes glimmering with amusement. “No, Lord Courtenay. There is the matter of your mother’s house, and a bequest of… let me see, with interest… yes, nine thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven pounds.

Ludo sat down again with such a crash Bunty feared for the chair.

“H-House?” he said faintly. “Nine thousand…?”

“Nine thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven pounds, ten shillings and sixpence, if you wish the precise figure,” Middleton repeated helpfully.

“Breathe, Ludo,” Bunty said, reaching for his hand again, as he’d gone a rather odd colour.

He clutched at her hand so tightly she almost protested.

“Where is the house?” Bunty said, hoping it was Ludo’s childhood home.

“In Kent, Lady Courtenay. I understand it has been in Lord Courtenay’s mother’s family for generations. It is in good order, having had caretakers look after it in the interim. I took the liberty of asking them to prepare for your arrival, having assumed you would wish to visit the property.”

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