Home > Scoring Chance (Utah Fury Hockey Book 9)(2)

Scoring Chance (Utah Fury Hockey Book 9)(2)
Author: Brittney Mulliner

“How old is she?” Lucy asked from across the table.

“She’s twenty-three. She just finished her masters and is getting ready for the board exams.”

“That’s so awesome. Do you think a position at the clinic would be right?” Lucy looked to Madi.

“Physical therapy isn’t the exact same thing as what a trainer does, but it would be great exposure. With all the teams we work with, she’d get some experience in her field.”

Elena nodded. “Experience is exactly what she needs right now.”

“Is she going to live with you?” Erik asked Elena while eyeing Nikolay.

“If she’s a good fit and accepts the offer, yeah, she’ll move in with me.”

A few of the guys chuckled, but Nikolay leveled them with a glare.

“Nikolay, how’s Yula? I haven’t been able to visit since last week.” Addi, Grant’s fiancé, asked while bouncing her little boy, Eli, on her knee.

The man finally stopped glaring for a few seconds. “She’s doing well. The doctors are happy with how chemo is going.”

Elena nodded. “She’s still tired and a bit sick, but she’s doing a lot better. Next week is the end of this course.”

“That’s so exciting. We’ll have to throw her a party when she’s done,” Chloe said and the women began nodding.

“I’m sure she’d love that,” Nikolay replied with a sad smile.

I wasn’t used to seeing the brute so emotional, but I knew his soft spot was anything to do with his family. I couldn’t imagine what he was going through as a brother. I’d lose my mind watching my little sister fighting for her life.

I wanted to say something to him, try to let him know I was there for him, but I knew it would end up being twisted and used as ammo against me.

The pizzas were finally delivered to the table and I didn’t hesitate to fill my plate. At least with food to distract us, I could pretend like I wasn’t an outsider with my own team.









I paced my bedroom while tapping my hand on my thigh in a random beat. I shouldn’t have been so nervous, but this was my only interview outside of Houston. As much as I loved the city I grew up in, I needed out. This place was cursed now. The only thing that would save all the time, work, and energy I’d put into the last six years was finding a job somewhere far from here. I needed a fresh start more than I needed my next meal. I’d survive for twenty-one days without food, painfully, of course, but I wouldn’t survive at all if I didn’t get out of here.

As much as it sucked, I had to leave my home behind. Even though I shouldn't have to be the one running, here I was, forced to start over in the eleventh hour.

My phone vibrated in my hand, and I took a steadying breath before answering. “This is Amelia.”

“Hi Amelia, this is Madeline. Elena’s friend.”

I grinned, and the beat against my leg sped up. “Hi, Madeline. Thanks for calling.”

“I’m over hiring at the clinic in Salt Lake. Elena let me know you’re interested in sports training. I almost went that route before deciding on physical therapy. I know working at the clinic isn’t your end goal, but I think there’s a lot for you to learn here.”

My shoulders relaxed a bit at her warm personality. “I agree. It would be a great opportunity.”

“I got the resume you sent me. I’m impressed by your training hours. You almost have me beat.”

I laughed. “Some people might say I missed out on critical college experiences, but I have no regrets.”

“Me either. I was always more comfortable in a lab than at a party.”

I beamed. A kindred spirit. “Elena mentioned that your dad is Coach Romney. Did he influence your decision to pick physical therapy?”

She chuckled. “Oh, if it were up to him, I would be playing hockey. Physical therapy was a happy middle ground for us. I still work with athletes, but I’m not the one out there.” She paused. “Sorry, enough about me. Tell me about what got you interested in the field? What’s your favorite aspect of sports medicine?”

“Well, when I was younger, I was a gymnast. I got to the elite level and was working toward the Olympics.”

“No way! Elena never mentioned that.”

I smiled to myself. She never brought it up unless I did first. “That’s because it didn’t end well for me. I had a catastrophic knee injury when I was sixteen that ended my career.”

“Oh Amelia, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. It was really hard at the time, and realizing I had to find a new dream was difficult.” Nearly impossible. “But I didn’t want to leave the gymnastic world behind. I coached while I was in high school and loved it, but it wasn’t something I wanted to do forever. I thought about everyone who helped me get so far in my gymnastics career and considered physical therapy since it was the reason I was able to walk without a brace or cane for the rest of my life, but I wanted to be in on the action. That’s why I landed on sports medicine. I want to be there on the side lines, to prevent and treat injuries, and make sure athletes can keep doing what they love the most.”

I haven’t talked about my gymnastics career in years. It was such a huge part of my life, until it wasn’t. The accident changed the trajectory of my life, though. I found a new passion and a new way to make my mark on the world.

“That’s really brave of you. I know too many people who shut out that part of their life after an injury or when their career ends. They can’t stand to be around it at all. I admire that you still want to be in the sporting world.”

I briefly closed my eyes. It wasn’t always easy to be around and treat athletes when I used to be the star, but it made me feel good to know I was helping someone else fulfill their dreams, even if I had to let mine go.

“I’ll admit, it’s still hard to work with gymnasts, so that’s why I want to work for a team.”

“I understand that. At the clinic, we’re contracted with Salt Lake’s soccer, basketball, and hockey teams so you’d be exposed to a lot of different athletes and sports.”

“That sounds amazing.” I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of working with professional athletes. I’d worked mostly with the university's football and baseball team during my clinical hours, but this would be a new level of clientele. It would be challenging and intimidating, but it was ultimately what I wanted to do.

“Well, I know I should probably ask you more basic interview questions or ask something harder, but honestly, I think you would be a great fit for the assistant trainer position. If you’re interested, we’d love to have you.”

I jumped up and did a silly victory dance while silently cheering.

I fought to keep my voice level. “That would be great, Madeline.”

“Is Monday too soon to start?” she asked with a cautious tone.

I was living back at home, and the majority of my belongings were still packed up from when I moved from my apartment near campus. It would take me two to three days to drive to Salt Lake. If I left tomorrow, I’d get there on Friday and have the weekend to settle in.

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