Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(17)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(17)
Author: Ella Edon


“I am so glad your mama said yes,” Hal whispered.


“So am I,” Hestony said. “I’m so excited.”


Hal swallowed hard, unable to find words to express how he felt. He was going to London with Hestony. Her mother had not actually agreed to let him court her, but this was close enough for him to be content.


He could not have felt more overwhelmed, or more excited, about anything.



Chapter Eight



Trip to London



Hestony stood on the doorstep at Amhurst, her heart tense with a mix of nerves and excitement. She looked around to where her maid, Judy, carried the last of her luggage downstairs – a light cloth bag in which she’d packed her embroidery, some apples and a Madeira cake for the trip.


“All set?” she asked.


“Yes, My Lady. That’s the last of the luggage.”


Hestony smiled at Judy, knowing that she was nervous. Her mama had spoken to her afterwards, stressing the fact that Judy must be present at all times. She had been clear—this was not official permission for her to see Hal as anything other than a guardsman. Hestony had listened gravely, but in her heart she knew that it meant so much more to her. She was pleased to have Judy’s company, even though it would have been easier to talk to Hal, she imagined, without her observation.


“Your things are already with Mr. Emms?” Hestony asked her, kindly. Their coachman was already outside in the drive, where Hestony could just see him busying himself with the packing of the coach.


“My things? Oh, yes, My Lady! They’re already packed. Are we going to Westmore House now, My Lady?”


“Yes.” Hestony nodded. She felt her stomach tighten into a knot that was part-anticipation, part fear.


Mama was so firm about everything I can and cannot do. I’m half-afraid to talk to Hal, lest I upset some important protocol.


She bit her lip, knowing she was being foolish – she had kissed Hal, more than once! As long as she was very careful to not be alone with him, either in public or at the townhouse, all would be as it ought to be.


“Are we ready, then, My Lady?”


Hestony nodded, swallowing hard. “Yes. Let’s alight now.”


Clutching the canvas bag firmly in one hand, Hestony headed down to the coach. She accepted a hand-up into the coach and waited until her maid had alighted too, and then the coachman shut the door. Hestony swallowed hard, peering up at the upper terrace, where her mother stood, a handkerchief in hand, waving down to her.


“Goodbye, Mama!” she called, opening the window of the coach.


“Safe travels, daughter!” her mother yelled down to her.


Hestony watched the balcony until they were down the drive, then closed the window and leaned back. Her stomach untied itself a little from the knot and she felt relaxed. Now that they were on the road, it all seemed somewhat easier.


“We’ll stay a week only, will we, My Lady?” Hestony’s maid asked anxiously.


“That’s right. Just a week. With three days’ travel on either side, we can expect to be gone almost a fortnight,” Hestony reminded her. The coach passed over a furrow in the road, and her maid gasped, slipping sideways on the carriage seat. Hestony clung on grimly.


“Forgive me, My Lady,” Judy murmured, once the coach was righted again. “I will never get used to coach travel. And, with the tales of outlaws in these woods, hereabout, I thought, maybe…” she trailed off, looking uncomfortably away.


“Tales of outlaws?” Hestony gasped aloud.


I saw one such! She wanted to say. I saw one that day when I caught my fever, over a week hence.


She didn’t say it, though, and they carried on down the road to Westmore.


When they arrived there, Hal was standing on the steps. Hestony felt her stomach turn over. He looked so handsome! He was dressed in a blue jacket and top hat of matching blue velvet, and his tall frame looked elegant and refined.


“Lady Hestony!” he greeted. He bowed low as the coachman opened the door for him, then grinned apologetically as the fellow, unable to hide the disapproving noise he made, tried to fit his luggage on the top of the coach.


“Mr. Ellington,” she smiled. “You are welcome.”


“I am glad to see we will make an early start,” he commented, swinging up easily into the coach, and grinning at Hestony’s maid. “Good afternoon, Miss. I’mMr. Ellington, friend of Lady Hestony. I believe your name is Miss Armstrong?”


Judy blushed. “That be correct, sir. My Lady? Have you the apples in that bag of yours?”


Hestony grinned. “Are you hungry?”


Judy went red. “Yes, My Lady. A bit.”


Hestony nodded and opened the canvas bag. There were three apples. She passed them around, and Hal took one, his fingers brushing against hers.


“Thank you, My Lady,” he murmured.


“It’s really nothing, sir,” Hestony replied, trying to contain the wild surge of feeling that flowed through her as his fingers brushed hers.


They were interrupted by munching sound as Judy bit into her apple. Hestony tried not to laugh, and Hal’s eyes sparkled and, together, they all rolled on down the hill toward London.


Judy was already starting to fall asleep after the first ten minutes. Hestony watched as her eyelids drooped, and slowly, she started to loll a little with the motion of the coach. She glanced across at Hal, who was looking out of the window. His eyes turned to her and he smiled.


“It seems your maid has obligingly given us time to talk,” he murmured.


“So it seems, yes,” Hestony whispered. Judy was fast asleep, and she swallowed hard as Hal leaned forward in the seat. His knees were close to hers, and she tried to ignore that proximity, even though every particle of her body sang with joy at the closeness.


“Think you, would it be acceptable for us to attend a ball together?” Hal asked, brow raised.


“I think so,” Hestony murmured. Her heart beat a thudding rhythm. Attending a ball alone! With Hal, and no interference or prying eyes…it was a dream. She swallowed hard.


“Well, then. I had word from a friend of mine in London that he is planning an event. We are welcome to visit him, should we wish that…”


“It sounds like a delightful prospect.”




He leaned back in the seat, a small smile on his lips. Hestony felt a light blossom inside her. She watched the road go past and felt the first real tingle of excitement in her belly. In three days’ time, they would be in London.

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