Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(49)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(49)
Author: Ella Edon


Hestony stared at her. She could barely believe somebody would say that! After all, wasn’t duty everything?


She studied the older lady’s face, but she seemed to mean it. “Thank you for that,” she murmured.


Her companion laughed. “No need to thank me for my advice. Just take it.”


Hestony felt her lips curve into a smile. She was about to say more, but her mother slipped into the back of the drawing-room and made her way over. Hestony curtseyed and left, heading back to her corner again.


She found herself engaged in conversation with Mr. Macely, a friendly local squire who had come to the soiree because he genuinely enjoyed verse. He and his cousin, Miss Huddersley, were quite lighthearted company, and Hestony felt herself relax, though the weight of her sorrow was still too heavy to bear.


“And your opinion on the works of Byron, My Lady?” Mr. Macely inquired quietly.


“Um…my opinion…” Hestony paused. She had caught sight of a navy jacket and a flash of dark hair, and felt her heart stop, thinking it was Lord Osburne. “Well…I have great admiration for ‘Childe Harold’, had I the need to cite one of his works.” She looked left, checking for the jacket. It seemed to have moved somewhere else.


“How lovely,” Miss Huddersley agreed. “I do like that piece, as well. Though I think I prefer his individual verses, myself. I do find his longer works so long!”


Hestony smiled at her. At least she was unpretentious. “They can be a little long,” she sympathized. She surreptitiously looked left again, but the jacket was definitely absent.




Hestony spun around at the familiar voice. It was him. She curtseyed, feeling her heart thud with the need to be away.


“Greetings, Lord Osburne.”


“My Lady, you look beautiful, if I may say so?”


“Thank you. Yes, you may.”


He smiled. Again, it did not reach his eyes. “I am glad for the permission,” he said levelly. “As I am for the permission your mother has granted me. With that in mind, I am planning a ball at my estate. I trust you will be amenable to accompanying me there?”


Hestony stared at him. Maverly was south and east from here, and it would require at least a day’s journey. He was requesting her to go alone with him?


Hestony, he has the right to ask that of you. Your mother has granted it.


Hestony felt her throat burn, but even as she tried to frame some sort of plausible reason not to attend with him, she noticed the patchy shadows and the denuded plates of sandwiches. They had to do something!


“I’d be glad to, My Lord. Thank you.”


He bowed low. “You will grace my humble home, My Lady Hestony.”


Hestony knew that was said for its ironic potential, for Maverly was anything but humble, and everybody knew that. She swallowed hard.


“Thank you,” she murmured. She caught sight of her mother at that point. She was talking rapturously to Lady Huller, without even glancing her way. She was clearly enjoying it. Hestony felt like somebody had kicked her.


“I trust you would like some fresh air?” Osburne asked in that velvety, smooth voice. “I know you have a fancy for it. You step outside at every ball.”


The thought that he had noticed every time she slipped away during a ball or event sickened Hestony even more than his soft manner. She felt her skin crawl as she looked up into those cold eyes. Suddenly, the room seemed too close, and she felt her heart start to thump, as if she was a hare facing down a horde of hunting-hounds. She turned and went to the door.


“Excuse me, please, My Lord,” she murmured to Lord Osburne. “I feel indisposed and must lie down.”


“Of course, My Lady,” he murmured. “If I may assist you?”


“No, thank you. I can manage,” Hestony said firmly. She was in the hallway outside the drawing-room, and she knew perfectly well how to get from there to her bedroom in her own house! She curtseyed and made herself say farewell. “Goodnight, Lord Osburne.”


“It grieves me to see you ill,” he said smoothly. “Goodnight, My Lady.”


Hestony felt her hands twist in her skirts as she walked swiftly down the hallway to her bedroom. She shut the door and leaned against it, feeling her heart thud in her chest. She had no idea what had happened to her, but her whole body was trembling.


“It’s Like Major Gosling.”


Major Gosling, also known as Count Asworth, was a noted veteran of the Peninsular War. He was also known to react very oddly at any loud noise – the product, people said, of so many years spent in the roar of cannon-fire. Just like he did when he heard a loud noise, Hestony felt her whole body want to curl into as small a space as possible whenever she saw Lord Osburne.


It’s foolery, she told herself harshly. It isn’t as if he hurt you.


There was a fine reason for fear of cannons, but no reason at all that she could imagine for fear of Lord Osburne.


A knock sounded at the door. Hestony stayed where she was, curled up on the floor by the wardrobe. She just knew it was Lady Hartfield. The last thing she wanted was an argument.


“My Lady?” a voice called. “Hello?”


“What is it?” Hestony called, recognizing her maid’s voice. She hoped Judy wasn’t there to announce her mother.


“I brought you something for your indisposition, My Lady,” she called. “A posset, from the kitchen.”


“Thank you, Judy.”


Hestony let her in, realizing that having something to eat would be no bad idea. As a result of Lord Osburne showing up unexpectedly, she hadn’t had a chance to eat so much as a petit-four. She felt her stomach complain.


“It’s nothing, My Lady,” the maid smiled. She carried a covered tray and put it on the dressing-table. “And, My Lady, I also have this.”


“What’s this?” Hestony frowned, as Judy felt about in the wide pocket of her skirts.


“It’s been with Mr. Hall all day,” Judy said apologetically. “He only had a spare moment to give it to me five minutes ago,” she added, passing Hestony the letter.


“Who sent it?” Hestony asked, feeling her heart start to thump. She turned it over. She thought she recognized the hand, but she didn’t want to believe it.


Hal! she rejoiced.


“I don’t know, My Lady.” Judy frowned.


“Thank you,” Hestony said sincerely. “I will read it directly.”


“Will you need anything?” Judy asked.


“No, thank you, Judy,” Hestony murmured.

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