Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(66)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(66)
Author: Ella Edon


They lay like that for some time. Hal stirred eventually, kissing her hair.


“We should have breakfast,” he murmured.


“We should,” she agreed, sighing and rolling over to look into his eyes. “Do we have any plans?”


“Nothing besides this,” he grinned, stroking her naked shoulder gently. “I could plan to stay here, with you.”


“You could,” she agreed, and he was delighted to see a warmth in her face as she smiled at him. “But we might like to take a walk, or a ride, perhaps? It would be fun to be in the outdoors, too.”


“I suppose,” Hal agreed, grinning at her warmly. “But it does seem something I’m rather reluctant to do.”


“Oh, you!” Hestony chuckled. “You’ll make me want to stay here, too. And then we’ll be as bad as each other.”


“I suppose,” Hal murmured again, kissing her hair.


They both smiled at each other. Hal sat up, stretching. “I think Mrs. Hamden should have managed to make a breakfast,” he sighed, slipping out of bed. “She did a grand job warming this place.”


“She did,” Hestony agreed. “Breakfast?”


Hal laughed. “I think breakfast is certainly on offer.”


“Breakfast!” Hestony chuckled and swung her legs out of the bed. “I’m starving. Let’s go and find it.”


Hal was still smiling as he buttoned his shirt. Sharing a house with Hestony was proving a constant source of joy.


He finished dressing himself, tying his cravat somewhat clumsily. The house had almost no staff at this stage – just Mrs. Hamden, who’d travelled up with the stage-coach, and Mr. Miller, who stayed here all year round to administer the place. Luckily, Mrs. Hamden could work as a lady’s maid and could help Hestony with her clothes.


Hal dressed and went down to breakfast, blowing a kiss to Hestony as he went down. He discovered a delicious array of fresh pastries and coffee set out for them and he stared in surprise.


“The oven’s working well,” Mrs. Hamden said, bustling in with a teaspoon for the bowl of sugar, blowing at a speck of dust on the side-board as she went past. “Got a good batch out of it this morning.”


“Thank you, Mrs. Hamden,” Hal replied, reaching for the newspaper which Mr. Miller had thoughtfully put out. He read the headlines, but barely saw them. He was filled with a delicious glow that flowed through his body and made him smile.


“Hello?” Hestony called, her voice coming just after her footsteps in the hallway.


Hal turned around. She was wearing a blue and white printed dress and her hair was loosely ringleted. She looked wonderful. He stood and bowed, eyes lingering on her beautiful form.


“Breakfast is, apparently, ready.” He gestured at the table. Hestony nodded.


“And a grand breakfast it is, too,” she agreed, smiling, her eyes shining. As Hal watched, she poured tea for both of them, then helped herself to a croissant, biting into the crisp pastry.


Hal chuckled and leaned back in his seat, feeling his heart full of love as she munched happily through her breakfast. He poured a little sugar into his tea, stirred it and sipped it and thought that his life was suddenly so happy.


He had never imagined Hestony would be part of his life. He always wanted it, though.


It had just never seemed possible. Not with the contention from her mother, and the difficulties they had faced. Now, looking over at her, it seemed like that was a distant dream.


“Is there any message you would like to send, mayhap to Cousin Emilia? We could linger here awhile and send Mr. Hurst with it with the coach.”


“I would like her to know I’m safe,” Hestony agreed. Her eyes looked worried. “I will write a note after breakfast, perhaps.”


“No rush,” Hal said gently. “I didn’t mean to worry you. I am sure we can send him with it anytime. When would you like to ride? And where?”


“I wondered if we could explore along the cliff?” Hestony asked. Her eyes shone. Hal felt her excitement infect him.


“Of course,” he replied.


“Well, then.” Hestony smiled, reaching for her teacup. “I think our plans are settled for the day.”


“I think so, too,” Hal agreed, setting his plate aside. “I will speak to Mr. Hurst about the letter. And I do wish I could find somebody to iron my cravats.” He grinned. “I’m all wrinkly.” He waved a hand at his tie, which he knew was a dreadful mess. He found himself missing Mr. Townsfield.


“Oh, Hal,” Hestony chuckled. She patted his hand fondly. “I would love you just as well in a terrible suit as in the finest you can imagine.”


“Or none at all?” He raised an eyebrow.


“Henry Ellington, you’re a real tease,” Hestony chided. Her eyes sparkled, though, and Hal could see the flush in her cheeks. He ached to kiss her, but the breakfast table was in the way.


They finished breakfast and headed out for their ride.


“Isn’t it lovely, Hal?” Hestony murmured. They had stopped on the cliffs, and stared out to sea. Hal stood behind her, feeling her hand tighten on his, her head resting on his chest as she leaned back.


“It is beautiful,” he murmured. He squeezed her fingers and she turned to face him. He bent his neck and gently kissed her. She sighed and leaned back and they stared out to sea, hearts soaring.


When they returned, it was already midday. Hal hung up his hat and coat, feeling his stomach grumbling, and turned to Hestony. “Shall we go through for a spot of lunch?”


She turned to face him. With her cheeks flushed and her eyes shining, she made him stare. She was so beautiful! She smiled.


“I would love a bite to eat. Hal. I just need to go upstairs and change into something more comfortable. Give me a moment?”


“Of course, my dear.” Hal nodded.


He took off his own riding-boots, slipping on a pair of indoor shoes, and headed through to the dining-room. He bumped into Mr. Hurst in the hallway.


“Sir?” The man looked agitated. “I have an urgent message for you.”


“For me?” Hal wondered. “I was about to ask you to send a message home. When did it arrive?”


“This morning, sir. While you were out. Forgive me – I just…thought it was imperative you have it.” He mumbled, looking at his feet.


Hal nodded. “Of course. Is it from Father?”


“No, sir. I do not recognize the address.”


“I see.” Hal nodded. He broke the wax seal, which had his friend Logan’s signet pressed into it. He then unfolded the letter. He started to read.

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