Home > Shall We Dance_ (Dance With Me #1)(33)

Shall We Dance_ (Dance With Me #1)(33)
Author: Shelley Shepard Gray

   Even though she didn’t have a relationship with Jack, there was still a part of her that didn’t want him to catch sight of these women. How could she not pale next to them? She had an extra twenty pounds, a scar on her cheek. Oh, and had a dozen hang-ups.

   “So, want to go over there today?”


   “Sure? Why not? I don’t have a class scheduled until two o’clock, and the roads are fine. It would be nice to get out.”

   “I can do anything. My time is my own right now,” Kimber said. “I’d love to check out this place. I’m a huge reader.”

   “That’s really nice of both of you.” Really nice, especially since she’d pretty much ruined their evening last night.

   “We want to go,” Shannon said as her voice gentled. “Hey, I know you’re probably still shaken up from that note, but it might do you good to get your mind off of it.”

   Shannon had a good point. She also realized that she wanted to be around these women some more. They were so nice, they made her feel like she didn’t have to be alone anymore. Somehow, their friendliness was making her even feel like she could live her life even if things were happening that were out of her control.

   “That would be nice.”

   “Sure it would,” Kimber said.

   Just as she started thinking about how much fun that would be, she looked down at herself. She had on yesterday’s clothes. She’d slept in them, too. Plus, there was no telling what her hair and face looked like. Her eyes felt gritty since she’d slept in her contacts. “I can’t go over there until I get cleaned up at home.”

   Kimber nodded like that made perfect sense. “How about you go home and get ready, and then we’ll run by your house and pick you up in an hour? Is that enough time?”

   “More than enough.”

   Kimber looked at her sister. “What about you, Shannon?”

   “I can leave in an hour, no prob. Jennifer, we have a plan.”

   “Thanks, guys.”

   After saying goodbye, she walked out to her car and got in without a bit of fear. She really was doing better.

   She was making friends, they were going to pick her up at her house and then all go to the bookstore not twelve hours after she had been sure she wasn’t going to be able to leave the safety of a locked and alarmed house for days.

   Six months ago, she wouldn’t have believed such a thing was possible. God was so good.



      CHAPTER 20

   “If you stumble, make it part of your dance.”

   You’re doing WHAT?

   Dylan had texted her three times that morning. The first time Shannon had gotten a message from him, she’d felt a little thrill, loving the idea that she was on his mind. He’d certainly been on her’s. Dancing with him last night had been so special. It had been everything she’d ever dreamed about back when she’d first started ballroom dancing lessons in high school. Back then, she’d been sure that one day she would get to have the thrill of twirling around in a handsome man’s arms. Unfortunately, that hope had faded when she’d come to realize that competitive ballroom dancing was anything but romantic. It had been stressful and exhausting. The pleasure she’d gotten from the sport had been because she and her partner had scored well or won a trophy . . . not because she’d been swept away in his arms.

   But now, as she continued to receive Dylan’s texts, it was becoming obvious that her warm thoughts had been one-sided. The reality was that Dylan was simply worried about his sister.

   Of course. Anyone would be.

   She’d texted him right back, relaying that Jennifer was still asleep but that she’d let him know when she got up. That text was followed by a quick message that said Jennifer seemed to be doing okay and that she was drinking coffee.

   But as soon as she conveyed their new mission—to get Jennifer back out and about—she’d received the text she was currently staring at.

   Her finger hovered over her phone’s screen, debating how to respond. She didn’t want to make him nervous, but she also didn’t want to betray Jennifer. Not that Jennifer had asked her to keep a secret or anything . . . but Shannon was fairly certain that there was a girl code to follow, even when one was almost thirty. That code included not tattling to a girl’s older brother about plans he might not agree with.

   She decided to reply back with something simple.

   Don’t worry. Kimber and I will go with.

   He replied back immediately.

   That is supposed to make me feel better?

   Absolutely. She went home to change. We’re picking her up in 45.

   You’re going to my house?

   She smiled. They might be both worried about Jennifer’s health and emotional stability, but she couldn’t deny that there was something kind of playful in their exchange. Especially since he seemed a little alarmed by her seeing his house without him there.

   Taking a chance, she texted something a little more flirty.

   I hope you picked up your underwear off the floor.

   The moment she pressed send, she bit her lip. Maybe that didn’t sound flirty at all. Maybe it was more in creepy territory.

   Thirty seconds later, he texted back.

   Does that mean you’re going to inspect my bedroom?

   Okay. He didn’t sound mad. Grinning, she wrote back.


   “What has got you so smiley?” Kimber asked.

   “I’ve been texting Dylan.”


   “Oh, yes,” she replied before realizing how goofy she sounded. When Kimber gave her a look, Shannon attempted to sound like a grown woman instead of a love-struck teenager. “Dylan has been worried about Jennifer. I’ve been reassuring him.”

   “I bet.”

   Okay, so she wasn’t fooling either herself or her sister. But that didn’t really matter. She was having fun. When her phone buzzed again, signaling another incoming text, she said, “I’m ready when you are.”

   “Give me ten and I’ll meet you at the door.”

   “Perfect.” The minute Kimber left the room, Shannon looked at her screen again.

   Stay out of my bedroom, Shannon Murphy.

   I will! I was just teasing.

   You know the only time I want you to see it is when I’m with you.

   And . . . they had just ventured into new territory.

   Feeling her cheeks burn, she let her finger hover over the screen, then wrote him back.

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