Home > Shifting Seasons(19)

Shifting Seasons(19)
Author: Sheryl Nantus

"She won't," Cassie said. "Not if I have anything to do with it." She looked at her watch. "I've got to go."

"We'll be here when you get back. Promise." He gave her a soft smile, soothing over the raw wounds the fear had cut in her heart. "Don't worry. We're going to be just fine."

As if to prove his point, Michael smacked his lips and let out a loud sigh.

"Besides," Alec said, "It takes both of us to handle him now. Can't wait until he hits the terrible twos…" He dramatically rolled his eyes upward.

Holding back a laugh, Cassie headed for the car.


She hadn't guessed wrong about the traffic—starting miles before the turn-off to get to the airport, bumper-to-bumper cars with a light snow falling over everyone and everything.

By the time Cass found a parking spot in the near-full parking lot, she was running late—but a fast glance at the Arrivals screen showed Jean's flight was delayed, giving Cass a chance to catch her breath.

The airport was busy, people racing from one place to the other—the security line was long and the shuttles coming in from the arriving flights packed full. Holiday travel in full blossom, joyful reunions taking place and tearful goodbyes as travelers left family and friends behind.

Cass grabbed a cup of over-priced coffee and studied the board again. Jean's flight from Arizona had just arrived. She found a good spot to watch the shuttles empty out and sipped the hot drink, her mind still racing through the various options of how to deal with the situation.

It was easy to pick Jean out in the midst of the people racing past, her slow, steady stride carrying her through the crowd with the ease of water flowing through a series of stones. She pulled a small suitcase behind her, the bright yellow case chugging along on plastic wheels.

"Jean! Jean!" Cassie waved.

The senior spotted her and slid through the organized mob, headed unerringly for Cassie's location.

Jean let go of the handle, letting the case fall to the ground as she hugged Cassie. "So glad to see you. Sorry we ran late—hit a storm front and had to fight our way through."

Cassie returned the hug with interest, honestly grateful. "Just glad you got here." She pulled back and gestured at the small carry-on. "Is that all you brought?"

"I love to travel light." The white-haired woman smiled. "Did Michael like the toy I sent for Christmas?" She held up her tote. "I brought some clothing—I think you'll love them. If he hasn't outgrown them already. Every time you send me a picture, I can't believe how much bigger he's gotten."

She wore a jean jacket over her light blue t-shirt, shrugging off Cass's concerns about her attire. "I've gotten used to the dry heat in Arizona—couldn't wear anything else, not for traveling! Don't worry, I've got a sweater or two in here."

The light talk calmed Cass's nervous stomach, settling the invisible butterflies down as she led Jean out to the parking lot. Soon they were on the highway, heading down to home.

They turned the last corner onto the dead-end street, the tires slipping a bit on the snow-covered road.

The house was there and...

Alec was on the front porch, bundled up with a tiny snowman in his arms—Michael flapping his arms in the bright red snowsuit and already babbling as they pulled up.

Jean leaped from the car as soon as they stopped, charging toward the baby with a smile so wide Cassie was sure her face would break.

"Oh, look at you!" She gushed as Alec handed him over. "You've gotten so big!" Jean smiled at Alec and Cassie saw a bit of the frostiness chip away. "Thanks."

"He must have a psychic connection to you." Alec tucked his hands into the top pockets of his jeans. "Started fussing and crawling toward the door only a few minutes ago. Figured he knew you were coming, so..."

Jean let out a low whistle as a cold wind swept over them. "I'm ready to pull out my cardigan."

Cassie handed Alec the single luggage bag from out of the back seat, giving him a grateful smile.

"Come on in—I've got fresh coffee waiting." He motioned them inside, Jean cooing over Michael. "And some apple strudel picked up from the diner for a snack."


Within the hour, Alec had broken Jean down with a friendly, cheerful welcome offensive that would have charmed the pants off any woman. As it was, her aunt couldn't help blushing and grinning—especially when Michael, babbling and waving his hands, pulled himself up on the end of the coffee table and let out a scream of delight, drawing everyone's attention.

Cassie held her breath as he launched himself at the sofa, the awkward steps turning into a run as he headed for Alec—Jean sitting beside him, eyes widening as she witnessed a major moment in Michael's life.

His first steps...

Michael charged into Alec's arms with a piercing yell, babbling frantically.

Alec roared as he picked up his son, swinging him high into the air as Jean squealed with excitement, clapping her hands.

Tears clouded Cassie's vision as she took hold of the nearby chair to steady herself, wallowing in the pride and joy circling around the room.

Alec put Michael down, letting out another shout of pride.

Michael gave a good impression of his father's cry as he sat down on the floor with a thump, his diaper taking the brunt of the impact.

Cassie blinked, seeing something stick out of the top of the baby's pants—he wore jeans and a t-shirt.

Was that...

She glanced at Alec in shock before reaching for Michael, her heart racing.

Alec winced, closing his eyes with an angry shake of his head—likely berating himself for not taking the pelt away. They'd had a swim together in the tub that morning, all three of them racing around the house in otter form. She'd thought about plucking it from Michael, but had been distracted by worrying about the airport traffic.

Too late.



Chapter Ten



With a high-pitched shout, Michael shifted into a baby otter, sliding out of his clothing with ease.

Oh... damn.

Letting out a loud rolling yelp, Michael ran around the couch, then up onto Alec's legs—jumping over into Jean's lap as the older woman sat there, eyes going wide.

Michael rolled onto his back and chittered, pawing the air with his tiny hands.

Jean, to her credit, didn't jump up. She didn't scream, she didn't swat the tiny creature in her lap.

She fainted, slumping back against the cushions.

"Aunt J!" Cassie jumped forward as Alec scooped the baby animal from the unconscious woman's legs. She sat next to Jean, lightly tapping her face. "Oh, God—if she has a heart attack..."

"You take care of her. I'll take care of him." Alec headed up the stairs with Michael, cursing under his breath.

Cassie checked her aunt's pulse—strong and steady. She stroked Jean's cheek, pulling back the black cardigan to rub her arm.

"Come on, wake up. Come on..."

She let out a sigh of relief as Jean's eyelids fluttered, then opened. She sat up with a start, nails digging into Cassie's thigh.

"What..." She gasped, her gaze darting around the room. "Where is he..."

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