Home > Slaved (Last Chance #2)(2)

Slaved (Last Chance #2)(2)
Author: A.L. Long


“When the time comes, my dear Alannah, you will know everything, but for now, I suggest you remember your training.”


“I don’t understand. Roman purchased me. Why would you take me from him?”


When the back of Master Winston’s hand met my cheek, I knew that I should have kept quiet. The sting was unbearable and the tinge of blood I could taste in my mouth encouraged me to remain silent. I buried every whimper deep inside me, just like the thought of being with Roman again.


The sun had set behind the trees and soon darkness was upon us. I folded my hands in my lap and my cheek continued to throb with pain. Feeling the warmth of a tear hit my hand, I knew I could no longer hold back the sadness I felt knowing I would never see Roman again. Master Winston would never allow me to be with him, and I knew he would once again be my master.


When his phone rang, instead of his focus being on me, it was on the caller. Slowly, I lifted my hand to my face. What I would have given for an ice pack to sooth the pain! My bottom lip was tender and I knew that he split it; the taste of metal still lingering in my mouth.


I placed my hand back on my lap, resuming my position. He said nothing, but I knew he had seen me. Dropping my head to my lap, I remained still for the rest of the ride back to Last Chance.


♥ ♥ ♥


“Willoughby, take Alannah into the house to get cleaned up. We can’t have her looking like that.” He grabbed my arm, obeying Master Winston’s command.


I still didn’t know what was going on as Willoughby led me into the house. What was so important that I had to get cleaned up? Nothing had changed when we entered the mansion. The stale smell was still there and so were the memories of my life here. The only thing I wanted to do was crawl into a corner and shut everything out.


As we walked up the stairs, Master Winston headed into the study to admire his train set. Other than his interest in dominating, having that train set was the only thing he cared about. He didn’t care about me, otherwise he would have let me remain with Roman. What Roman had said about the outside world was true. The world wasn’t bad: people are bad, and Master Winston was a bad person.


Instead of taking me to the attic where I had spent most of my time, Willoughby led me to a room on the third floor. This was a surprise, since I couldn’t enter any of these rooms except the bathroom. Swinging the door open, he moved out of the way to let me enter. Tipping his head, he said, “Master has allowed you half an hour to make yourself presentable. Everything you need is on the bed.”


Looking over to the bed, I could see a dress and some personal items. Twisting my body, I was ready to ask him if he knew what was going on, but I was too late. The door clicked and I was left alone. Falling to my knees, I could finally release all the pain I held back. “Please, God, if you are listening, bring Roman back.”


After shedding the last of my tears, I pulled myself together. No matter what, I would not let this situation tear me down. Roman would find me, that I was sure of. But, for now, I had to be strong. Standing to my feet, I walked over to the bed and focused on the items displayed on the on the white comforter. Looking down, I noticed the dress wasn’t like any of the others Master Winston ordered me to wear. This one was nicer. Picking the dress up off the bed, I held it against my body. It was the perfect size, something that only Master Winston would know. I couldn’t understand how his taste could have changed in a matter of weeks. Almost every dress he had me wear was slutty, but this one was different.


Taking off my clothes, I stepped into the dress and pulled it over my hips. Slipping my arms through the straps, I reached behind me and pulled on the zipper low on my back. Even though the back of the dress hung low, the front was modestly tailored, showing only the valley between my breast. I had to admit that the color complemented my ivory skin and reddish-brown hair.


Gathering the rest of the personal items from the bed, I headed to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. As I applied my make-up, so many thoughts ran through my mind. I couldn’t understand why Master Winston would spare no expense to make me look good. He had never spent the time nor the effort to make sure I looked perfect.


I was so worried about Roman it never crossed my mind why Master Winston was at the police station to begin with. How could he have known we were there? There could only be one explanation. Roman must have told him where I was and to come and get me. “No… no, there’s no way he could do that. He said he loved me.” My chest felt like a sharp object had pierced it and I was finding it hard to breathe. Holding onto to the vanity, I took deep breaths, trying hard not to break down. “In and out, Lanie. In and out,” I told myself repeatedly until the pain in my chest eased.


Completing the task of getting ready without breaking down, I left my thoughts in the bathroom as I made my way to the bedroom. I wasn’t sure if I was to go down when I finished or wait until Willoughby came to get me. Contemplating what to do, I realized the last thing I wanted was to be punished having left the room before being told.


Taking a seat on the bed, I folded my hands on my lap and patiently waited. Hearing the time ticking away in my head, wondering why I was still waiting, I was sure that the half an hour I was given had passed. I was beside myself, deciding on whether or not to leave the room. Rising to my feet, I headed to the door and dragged it open. As I looked down the hallway, there was no one in sight. Something told me I wouldn’t be punished if I explained to Master Winston why I left the room before Willoughby came and got me.


Lifting my dress, each step I took a deep breath escaped my lungs as I hoped that I wouldn’t trip over the hem and tumble down the stairs. I was thankful I reached the bottom in one piece. There was no mistaking that Master Winston was speaking with someone. As I walked toward the study where the voices were coming from, Willoughby stopped me. “You shouldn’t be down here. Master Winston will be very disappointed that you didn’t wait until I came for you.”


“I’m sorry, Mr. Willoughby, but I thought I might be late, and the last thing I wanted was to be punished for my tardiness.”


“Wait here… and don’t make a sound.” Willoughby pointed to the only chair in the foyer, keeping his eyes on me as I took a seat.


Watching him head to the study, my attention was on the voices coming from the other room. I could hear only muddled voices but knew I was the topic of conversation. While I kept my eyes on the doorway to the study, Mr. Willoughby appeared. He said nothing as he motioned me to go to him. Afraid of what was about to happen, I hesitated for a moment before I headed toward him.


My heart beat faster as I looked inside the room and saw a man that had been here before He was the same man that bid against Roman. When our eyes met, his differed from Roman’s. They were dark and cold, lacking any sign of compassion within them. He frightened me more than Master Winston. With Master Winston, at least I knew what he wanted and what he expected of me.


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