Home > Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(10)

Surviving Savannah (A Strong Man's Hand #3)(10)
Author: Kat Carrington

"Don't say another word," Maggie told her husband under her breath.

Carter looked bewildered, but after he caught the look that GG shot him, he closed his mouth and wiped up beer. Just then, Shelby and Sam finally came in the front door and the conversation about GG's shop was abandoned. The afternoon passed way too quickly, and before they knew it, they were saying their goodbyes to James and Allison.

Shelby said tearfully to her parents, "You guys have to come back soon. We all have plenty of room and we'd love to have you here anytime."

James kissed his daughter on the forehead and promised, "We will. We need to get together more often. And you all need to come visit us sometime too. We don't have such a big place, but there's a great hotel just a few blocks away and we can reserve rooms anytime. I know, it's more practical for us to come here, and we'll make a point of making it part of our schedules, visits back home."

Allison was hugging Savannah hard. "It's so good to see you all. It's been way too long since we were all together."

"I know, Mom. I didn't realize how much I really missed everyone until I got here."

Carter scooped his mother up in a fierce bear hug.

"And you, my son, I never expected to see you settle down here. But you're really happy, aren't you?" Allison wiped away a tear as she spoke.

"I really am. This is home."

Allison turned to Maggie and wrapped her arms around her. "I love you, Maggie. You've made my son so happy. And it's easy to see why he loves you so much."

Maggie's eyes were luminous. "I love you too. This is everything I could have hoped for when I dreamed of having a family someday."

Finally, the goodbyes were said and James and Allison went on their way.

GG smothered a yawn and said, "Well, children, it's been a big weekend, and tomorrow, we go back to our normal routines. I think I need to be in bed early tonight. Savannah, do you want to come with me?"

"Joey will bring me back a little later, Gran. I want to hang out here for just a little longer."

"Okay, dear, I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night, all, and congratulations once again, you two."

Joey had joined the group and was nursing a beer while they all talked. He and Carter had had a conversation about high performance cars, and Carter had been impressed to discover that Joey had been a bodyguard in the past for some prominent people. He worked exclusively for Savannah and, though he didn't say so, Carter had the impression that he acted as more than a driver for his sister. He wondered what had happened to make Savannah feel that she needed protection, but he supposed that it was fairly common in the circles that she travelled in.

Savannah soon brought the conversation back to her grandmother and her desire to seek out new artists.

"Maggie, you're right there next door to her shop. Do you think she needs new artists?"

"I know that she feels she does, and she has really good instincts for what her business needs. She used to close for a day and go to meet with new artists, but she has commented that she really needs to go a little further to find what she needs. And closing for two or three days at a time isn't good for business."

"She asked me to stay for a while to help with that. But I know Gran, and she regularly nudges me about coming here to stay."

"Oh, I'm sure that she really does want to expand her inventory. She's talked about it for a while," Maggie said earnestly.

Shelby said, "It seems like this is the time of life when she'd want to start slowing down, not expanding."

Carter gave a snort. "Yeah, do you see slowing down as Gran's type of thing?"

They all laughed.

Joey spoke up. "Miss Savannah, this kind of sounds like the type of thing that's right up your alley. You've got a good eye for the kind of things your grandmother sells and you can spot quality a mile away. And you've got a car and driver to take you wherever you need to go."

Savannah looked suspiciously at him. "Has Gran been talking to you, Joey?"

"Of course not. I'm just pointing out the obvious."

Maggie said, "I know that GG doesn't have quite the energy that she did when I first got here. I think she has a long term plan and she's trying to see it happen."

Carter leaned back in his chair and saw that his wife had tucked one hand behind her back and had her fingers crossed. He opened his mouth to speak then thought better of it when Maggie shot a glance his way.

Savannah looked speculatively at her brother. "Carter, what do you know about all this?"

Carter shifted in his chair and said, "This is the first time I've heard any of it. But I've been so busy with the business and the house, I guess I haven't paid the closest attention to what's been going on with Gran. But you know how she is. Once she decides to do something, she won't be stopped."

Savannah said darkly, "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. And I'm just a little suspicious of her motives."

Sam said reasonably, "Well, if you can help her out and she accomplishes what she wants in the shop, does it really matter? It's not like she has such a huge business that it would take a long time to get what she needs. And then you can go on your way, and everybody's happy."

Shelby agreed, "Yeah, Savannah. I'd love to be able to spend some more time with you. And you wouldn't just be stuck in Boone. You'd be doing something interesting and helping Gran at the same time."

Savannah sighed. "I'll have to think about this. I was planning on being on a beach by this time next week."

Carter waved his hand dismissively. "The beach will still be there whenever you get done here. Just give in and stick around for a while. You might end up liking it."

"You're not helping. Well, I'm ready for an early night too. I'll sleep on it."

Savannah said her good nights, and Shelby and Sam headed for home as well.

In the car, Savannah said, "What do you think, Joey? Is Gran stringing me along to get me to stay?"

Joey replied, "I really couldn't say, Miss Savannah. But she's your grandmother and it sounds like she needs you."

Savannah turned her face moodily toward the window. "It's starting to look like I don't have a choice. Looks to me like everybody's ganging up on me."

"You always have a choice, and you always do what you want. You'll decide what's right for you."

Savannah glared at the back of his head. "You make me sound like a selfish, spoiled brat."

"Not at all, Miss Savannah." Joey's face was impassive.

"Take me home. I'm done talking for tonight."



Chapter 6



Savannah reluctantly agreed to stay on in Boone, and her grandmother wasted no time in getting her to spend her days in the shop with her. In spite of herself, Savannah soon became interested in the unique and lovely merchandise that GG sold. Although she would never admit it out loud, Savannah found herself looking forward to meeting with new artists. It was true that she had a good eye for beautiful craftsmanship and impeccable taste.

One afternoon, GG told her granddaughter that she wanted to take her to Mamie Harper's to look at a piece of pottery Mamie had bought from a shop in St. Louis. When they went to the door, Doc Harper answered the bell and directed them to the barn. Savannah kept a good poker face to hide the fact that she was eager to see Mamie's horses up close. They found her brushing her favorite big gray gelding, which was standing patiently in crossties. Savannah stroked his sleek neck and laughed when he nudged her with his head. She caught a glimpse of movement over his back in the indoor arena as a pretty bay loped around on a lunge line with a teenaged girl on his back.

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