Home > Mark of Love (Love Mark, #3)(109)

Mark of Love (Love Mark, #3)(109)
Author: Linda Kage

“You look ready to do this,” he murmured on a grin as he pressed his brow to mine.

Smiling, I answered, “I’m more than ready.”









Head still spinning from everything Indigo and his mate, Quilla, had told me in the last twenty-four hours, I blinked at the odd item he’s just placed into my hands.

“So this is a book?” I asked, turning it this way and that. “How remarkable.” I opened the cover and flipped through the parchment—er—pages. “So much more efficient than a scroll. And there are thousands of these? In this Earth place?”

“Millions,” Quilla promised me.

“Huh. Fascinating.” I shook my head, trying to fathom it, then I glanced at Indy. “And how did you learn about all this?”

“You can thank your mate for that, actually,” he said.

“Is that so?” My eyebrows lifted at the mention of Unity, and everything inside me warmed with affection. “I’m afraid to ask what she did.”

It’d been years since I’d seen her, and she’d only been twelve at the time, but she’d been such a mischievous little imp. I could only imagine what she’d done to pull Indigo into a world where he’d learned about Earth, Replacements, and transference amulets.

“My grandpa had always told me stories about Earth because that’s where his mother was born, but I don’t think I fully believed his tales until I took that trip with Unity, escorting her to school. I spotted some sailors down at the docks in the village of Jean, before dropping her off at the academy, and they were loading the most unusual-looking contraptions onto a ship. I asked about them, learning they were called motorcycles. A Far Shore man named Bison had purchased them and was getting them shipped to him.

“That’s when I pieced the story the sailors told me into a whole, fitting it together with Grandpa’s old tales, and I realized it was all true. I had to go fight in the Great Lowden War soon thereafter, but once that was over, I visited Bison in Far Shore and realized more people had moved between the two worlds than just my great-grandmother. Quilla’s taught me even more since then, which I wrote in the book for you. Everything I know, you will too as soon as you read it.”

I looked down, ready to learn more about everything, and eagerness swelled inside. “Thank you for trusting me with this, Indy. It means a lot.”

He clasped my shoulder. “It also contains everything I know about the Graykeys, so hopefully you’ll be able to find Melaina’s grandchildren more easily, too.”

Meeting his gaze, a bit of regret nipped at my stomach. “So this is the last I’ll ever see of you?”

Drawing out a long breath, he answered, “Looks like it.” He glanced toward Quilla. “I’ve always wanted to visit Earth. Ever since I first heard about it, when I didn’t even fully believe it was real. This is going to be a dream come true for me.” Taking his mate’s hand, he smiled at her. “It’s the best thing for both of us.”

“I’ll miss you,” I announced. “No one understood my craving to research and learn as much as you did.”

He smiled. “That’s why I trust no one but you with my book.”

“It’s an honor, I assure you.”

“You might not be saying that soon. Are you sure you’re willing to help the three people who are sent back in our place? They’re not going to understand anything about this world or culture. You’ll have to acclimate them to more than you bargained for, I’m sure.”

I was curiously looking forward to meeting the earthlings. “We’ll make do somehow,” I said.

He inclined his head, then held out three folded notes. “Could you send these letters for me? One’s for Queen Nicolette, one is for Bison, and the last is for my cousin, Vienne. I’m just saying goodbye and letting them know where I’ve gone. Both Nicolette and Bison are aware of Earth too—Bison is actually from there—so I’m sure either would be willing to assist if you have need of them.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”

“Okay, darlings! I’m ready,” Melaina announced, exiting the cottage in the oddest tunic I’d ever seen, blue, tight-fitting trousers that hugged her considerable curves, the strangest tinted spectacles perched on her nose, and her lengthy red curls bouncing behind her.

The flaming hair made me think of Unity, and my gut tightened, missing her. She had the same bright red locks, but I had no idea if she’d bobbed them short or had them longer now.

I suppose I’d have to put off sending for her for even longer now, I realized on a painful intake of air. With my new mission of finding lost Graykey children and assimilating incoming earthlings, it wouldn’t be safe for her to be around me. My father would not approve of either endeavor I was undertaking, and he’d have no qualms about using her to hurt me if he found out what I was doing. She’d be safer exactly where she was for the time being, which was far away from me.

“And you…” Quilla’s aunt stole my attention as she paused in front of me and trailed a finger up the center of my chest. “I need to thank you properly for taking care of my grandbabies.” Her hand fisted in the cloth of my tunic, and suddenly she was yanking me forward and plastering a kiss to my mouth before I could stop her.

By the time I got over my surprise enough to push her away, she was already letting me go, licking her tongue over her bottom lip, as if to savor the taste, and humming. “Not bad,” she told me with a wink. “Not bad, prince.” Then she turned to Quilla and Indigo. “Ready?”

Blowing out a nervous breath, Indigo nodded and took Quilla’s hand. “We’re ready.”

Melaina grabbed hold of Quilla’s other hand, and together the three of them faced the outer wall of the cottage. When the two women began to chant something in a language I couldn’t understand, I took a step back, then lurched another step further away when a crackling blue light appeared in the center of the side of the building.

From there, it grew, forming a large circle with black darkness in the center of it until it was big enough for a human to step inside.

I glanced around to make sure no one else was about—not even any of my guards who might report everything they’d seen to the king—and then I turned back to watch the phenomenon before me. Indigo glanced over his shoulder and waved goodbye.

I waved in return and watched him, along with the other two, approach the portal and then enter.

Together, they walked into the blackness, just as a woman appeared beside me out of freaking nowhere.

“What the hell?” I cried, jumping away from her.

Tiny and black-haired and wearing nothing but gold, turquoise, rubies, and scarves, she gasped when she spotted the other three already inside the interdimensional tunnel.

“No!” she cried and lifted her hands, aiming her curled fingers at the closing portal.

Gritting her teeth, she strained until two objects came flying out of the darkness at her.

Catching them to her chest, she breathed out a steadying breath and grinned at me. “Oh, thank God. I got them. Just in time too.”

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