Home > Mark of Love (Love Mark, #3)(31)

Mark of Love (Love Mark, #3)(31)
Author: Linda Kage

Didn’t matter. I’d get into their good graces one way or another, and I was sure I’d get their food eventually.

A sane man might want nothing to do with the likes of either of them. But I had a feeling sticking around was going to be worth it.


“There’s another settlement a couple of miles in front of us,” Melaina spoke up above the crackling campfire. “We’ll probably need more funds before we head into Tyler.”

“We’re going to Tyler?” I asked.

I knew it.

Quilla nodded to her aunt, both of them ignoring me. “I’ll get up early and ready some loaves.” With an exhausted sigh, she pushed to her feet and held her arms out to her sides like someone would for a tailor who was taking their measurements. “You might as well change me now.”

Melaina blinked at her as if she’d spoken a foreign language. “Change you?”

Quilla frowned. “Yes. Give me a new disguise. Glamour me.”

“Hmm. No, I don’t think I will.”

Quilla dropped her arms heavily. “What do you mean no? I can’t go out in public under my own identity.”

“Yes, I know. That’s why I’ll go and sell the bread tomorrow.”

“The hell if you are,” Quilla exploded, storming over to loom above Melaina. “I’m not staying here to babysit the High Clifter.”

“My name’s Indigo,” I reminded her.

“Well, you can’t go out in public in front of so many people looking like yourself either,” Melaina informed Quilla in a logical voice. “Someone might recognize you or see your mark.”

“I realize that,” her niece gritted out. “Which is why you’re going to fucking glamour me already so that I can go.”

“But I thought you didn’t like vending our wares,” Melaina countered saucily.

“And I thought you agreed he would be your responsibility,” Quilla bit back harshly.

“Except it amuses me to watch you squirm so uncomfortably when your true love looks at you in your true form.”

A dagger appeared in Quilla’s hand. “Don’t ever call him that again.”

“So sorry,” Melaina demurred smoothly, not at all concerned about the threat of being stabbed. “I meant to say your one and only true love.”

Quilla stepped intimidatingly closer. “You’re not leaving me here alone with him. End of discussion.”

Melaina laughed. “What’re you so afraid of? The big, harmless, chained man won’t hurt you,” she taunted.

“I’m not afraid.”

She was definitely afraid. I could feel her fear, plain as day.

“Then what’s the problem?” Melaina taunted, lifting her thin eyebrows. “Certainly you’re not worried he might seduce you onto your back while I’m gone.”

“I think that’s exactly what she’s worried about,” I said. “I do have a certain charm about me.”

Quilla shot me a glare. “You wish.”

I winked at her. “Yes. Actually, I do. I’m wishing for it very hard, in fact.”

Narrowing her eyes at me, she told Melaina, “I’ll probably castrate him before you return.”

Her aunt laughed huskily. “Save the cock for me if you do; I might find some use for it.”

I found myself shifting my hand protectively over my lap, ready for them to move on to a different topic because this one wasn’t amusing in the least.

“You’re such a bitch, you know that,” Quilla grumbled without any heat, giving up the battle and dropping her knife before turning away.

Melaina smirked over her victory. “Don’t be nasty, darling.”

I shook my head and gave a low whistle. “You two have to have the least healthy association I’ve ever seen two people have.”

“Well, no one asked you,” Quilla snapped.

“Yes,” Melaina agreed, glaring my way. “And keep your opinions to yourself too, if you don’t mind. Such negativity is absolutely nauseating.”

My shoulders shook and I silently chuckled. “Yes, ma’am,” I answered them. “Keeping my opinions to myself now.”



I woke in the deep of night to a pained whimpering. The campfire had burned low until it was nothing but embers, and the stars above looked extra bright in the clear moonlit sky.

Anxiety wavered through my mark, and I was instantly on alert.

“Quilla?” Lifting up from the saddle where I’d been resting my head, I swung to her, only to find her safe and sound on the opposite side of the camp, deep asleep.

“Jesus.” I slumped back, trying to regulate my heartbeat.

She was okay. I had thought she was hurt or in trouble for a second there.

The whimpering came again, and then she thrashed inside her sleeping bag.

The organ inside my chest wrenched painfully. “Quilla,” I whispered this time, my sympathies going out to her.

Nightmares were no fun. I’d had plenty of them.

“No…” she moaned. “No…”

Rising from my bedroll, I glanced toward Melaina who seemed to be dead asleep with a wrap covering her eyes. Great. That left just me to see to my true love’s needs. And while I had no problems with assisting her, I didn’t think she’d appreciate it just now.

Except she choked out a sound of distress, and I couldn’t stay away.

Creeping on tiptoe, I approached and I knelt next to her, murmuring, “Shh. It’s okay. You’re okay, darling.”

I reached for her hair but decided she wouldn’t like that. If she woke to find my hands anywhere on her person, she’d never trust me. And I craved her trust above most things right now, so I just tried to ease her with my words.

“I'm singin' in the rain,” I started, keeping my voice as low as I could make it and still sing as I curled down on my side in the dirt nearby, facing her. “Just singin' in the rain…”

She stopped moving restlessly, so I kept going as I slowly reached out to touch her hand, just the fingertips that she’d curled limply in front of her.

“What a glorious feeling…” I whisper crooned, running my touch lightly over the back of her palm. “I'm happy again. I’m laughing at clouds so dark up above…”

I continued caroling under my breath until she settled, and her breathing returned to normal. The firelight reflected off her face as she grew tranquil and calm. Then I lifted my fingers slowly and hooked my pinkie around a lock of her hair to drag it slowly out of her face.

“I’m here,” I sighed. “From now on out, no matter what nightmare you go through, I’ll be here with you for all of them.”

“I know that song,” a sleepy voice murmured from across the way.

I jumped, not having realized Melaina was awake. Pulling my hand back to my side and away from her niece, I frowned when I realized what she’d just said.

“Do you?” I asked cryptically, because it didn’t seem possible that she should know it. The song wasn’t of this world. I’d learned it from Grandpa Atchison, whose mother had sung it to him when he was little.

“But where did you learn it?” Melaina asked.

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