Home > The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(36)

The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(36)
Author: Shanna Hatfield

“I appreciate your wife’s wisdom more than words can express, Gray.” Victoria gave her sibling a sweet smile. “I will tell you everything you want to know, but not right now. It is Christmas Eve, a time of secrets and miracles. You should know better than to ask questions on such a special day. Tomorrow, I’ll answer every question you toss my way.”

“Fine. But no more running off today. No more sneaking around. And no more disappearing in the middle of the night.” Gray gave her one more long scowl before he rose from the table and kissed Claire’s cheek. “I’ll meet you at Dora and Greg’s house for the Christmas Carnival.” With that, he strode outside.

“Don’t pay him any mind. He’s just worried about you is all,” Claire said, continuing to sip her tea.

The sound of Maddie’s happy chatter and little footsteps pounded down the stairs before Victoria could say more.

An hour later, Maddie swung on her hand and Claire’s as the child walked between them on the way into Hardman. Victoria reveled in the bright sunshine glistening on the snow. She and Claire each carried a large basket filled with the food they’d contribute to the Christmas Carnival.

Victoria did her best to put up a good front, to act as though nothing strange had happened to her that morning. But the man she loved with all her heart had confessed his love for her. Even if she believed him, believed that he wasn’t the outlaw she accused him of being, when he said goodbye to her, it seemed so final.

What if he got himself killed doing something with the outlaw gang today? Would she forgive herself for not going to the sheriff? If he got arrested, he’d at least still be alive.

Uncertain what to do, she smiled at Maddie’s excited antics and faked an air of joviality she was far from feeling as they sat in the bakery and chatted with their friends.

Finally, Claire was ready to leave and together they bundled up Maddie then stepped outside. “Let’s go to Dora and Greg’s home. Filly and the others will be there and glad for an extra set of hands or two.”

They’d only taken a few steps down the boardwalk when Victoria stopped, staring at a well-dressed woman with two young children walking toward them. The woman looked vaguely familiar, but it was the boy who captured her full interest. He looked like a miniature of Trace. From the brilliant blue eyes to the light brown curls peeking out from beneath his cap, he could have been Trace’s son. Was this woman his wife?

Why, that philandering, fibbing… Victoria glanced at the woman’s face, then looked again. Brilliant blue eyes, curly brown hair, and a smile very similar to her brother’s.

“Please pardon me asking, but is your name Teresa?” Victoria inquired of the woman, surprising them both.

The woman smiled and nodded. “I am Teresa. Teresa Baldwin. This is Betsy and Jimmy.” The woman studied her a moment, and her smile widened. “You must be Victoria. Trace has written all about meeting you.”

Shocked that he would have mentioned her to his sister, Victoria didn’t know what to say. Perhaps Trace hadn’t been lying to her that morning. Maybe she should believe in him, in what he said.

“Oh, it’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Baldwin. I’m Claire Carter, Victoria’s sister-in-law, and this is my daughter, Maddie.” Claire offered Teresa and her children a warm greeting. “You must come with us to the Christmas Carnival. We were on our way over there. It will start in a few hours.”

“That sounds lovely,” Teresa said, taking her children’s hands in hers. “We were just exploring the town Trace has written so much about. He said the bakery had the best sweet buns he’d ever tasted. We had to sample them this morning and he was correct in that assessment.”

“They are delicious. Elsa, the bakery owner, is married to my nephew,” Claire said, chatting like she and Teresa were old friends as they made their way along the boardwalk.

Jingling bells and the swoosh of sleigh runners drew Victoria’s attention behind them as a sleigh filled with smiling faces approached.

“Hello! We made it!” called happy voices as hands raised in greeting.

Claire and Victoria both laughed and rushed over to the sleigh as Claire’s sisters spilled out followed by Victoria’s father and Aunt Octavia. Claire’s two brothers-in-law were the last to get out with Heath cuddling his son as he stepped from the sleigh.

“Oh, let me see this precious boy,” Claire said, taking the baby and kissing his round cheeks. “He still looks just like you, Heath.”

Her brother-in-law’s chest puffed with pride. “Then he’s a handsome one, isn’t he?” he teased.

Amid the joking and laughing, Teresa was introduced then Victoria hugged her father and aunt multiple times.

“I had no idea you were coming!” She hugged her aunt again.

“Gray and Claire invited us. They thought it would be fun to surprise you,” her father explained. “Merry Christmas, darling girl. You look much happier than the last time I saw you.”

“I feel happier, Papa.”

He gave her a knowing look. “And would this have anything to do with a certain young man who’s turned your head?”

“I…He…” she stammered, while her aunt and father laughed.

“Claire mentioned you were quite taken with the man who installed the telephone line here in Hardman. I’ve just realized he is Mrs. Baldwin’s brother, is that right?” Octavia asked.

“That’s correct.”

Her aunt offered her a wink. “Is he as handsome as Claire claims?”

“Yes,” Victoria admitted, then linked her arm with her aunt’s. “Come on, let’s get you all settled at the house, then we have a carnival to attend.

Hours later, Victoria felt overwhelmed by the bustle and noise of the festivities. She’d been near tears as Maddie stood on the small stage in the ballroom and performed a piece she’d titled “Santa’s Song.” The music that poured forth from the child’s violin held all the wonder of Christmas, the chill of winter, the softness of newly fallen snow, and the excitement of unexpected gifts.

Once the applause died down and Maddie launched herself into her father’s arms, Victoria slipped away. She knew she’d miss Alex Guthry’s magic show, but she needed a moment to herself.

Quietly retrieving her coat, hat, and gloves, she walked outside and ambled toward the center of town.

The sound of a wagon creaking and the pounding of horses’ hooves echoed down the street. She glanced up to see a man yank on the reins, bringing the team to a stop in front of the doctor’s office.

Her knees wobbled when she realized the man he helped out of the back of the wagon was Trace.

Victoria picked up her skirts and ran across the street, heedless to the sleigh that nearly ran over her or the flash of her petticoats and calves covered in silk stockings as she dashed to the doctor’s office.

“Trace!” she called as she barreled inside and caught a glimpse of him leaning heavily on the man beside him.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, ashen-faced, with a look of question in his eyes.

“How can I help?” she asked.

Two hours later, she sat beside Trace, stroking her fingers through his hair as he slept. The doctor had dug a bullet from his shoulder but offered the assurance Trace would have a full recovery if he took it easy for a few days.

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