Home > The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(41)

The Christmas Ring (Hardman Holidays, #8)(41)
Author: Shanna Hatfield

“And you were the cutest little thing I’d ever set my eyes on,” J.B. said, cupping her chin in his hand and giving her a tender kiss. “Still are.”

Gratified and in high spirits, Nora released a soft sigh. A few minutes of silence ticked by before she turned to her husband, seeking reassurance. “Did we do the right thing, J.B.? Selling the ranch?”

Without a second of hesitation, he nodded. “We did. There were too many sad memories there and it would have been stupid to refuse Mr. Gillam’s generous offer. The timing seemed right since we’d just gotten a letter from my cousin, Jess, about Pendleton becoming the county seat and looking like a good place to settle. I’ve heard that some of the farmers have found wheat does well here and I know we can raise cattle.”

“You and your cattle. If it wasn’t for you, Papa would never have bought that bull that gave us such good calves.”

J.B. shrugged, yet Nora knew he was pleased. She’d learned to read her husband’s thoughts and actions, even when he remained quiet. J.B. had been almost sullen when she’d first met him five years ago. The war between the states had just ended and he’d seen his share of fighting as a Union soldier. He’d returned home after the war to find nothing but a burned-out shell where a home had once stood and his family deceased. His desire to get away from the death and destruction had driven him west.

He’d stopped in Omaha, looking for work, and made his way to the ranch where Nora had grown up with three older brothers and her father. Her indomitable grandmother paid frequent visits from her house across the Missouri River in nearby Council Bluffs. How she would miss her grandmother, and her home there.

Even if she would think of the ranch with both sadness and fondness, J.B. was right when he said it held too many sad memories. Joy awaited them in the future, in their new home.

Nora began to hum one of her favorite hymns as J.B. guided the mules off the trail and up an incline to the left.

“We’re officially on our land now,” J.B. said, watching her as she sat up and leaned forward, impatient to see what awaited them on the other side of the hill. His arm shot in front of her and he gently pushed her back. “You falling out of the wagon won’t be a good way to begin our future here.”

“I won’t fall out, I’m just…” Nora’s mouth dropped open as they topped the knoll and she stared at the land before them. In the distance, trees grew along the creek and there appeared to be plenty of grass while acres and acres covered in sagebrush surrounded them. She could picture a big barn, lush pastures full of cattle, and golden stalks of wheat rustling in a summer breeze.

“Oh, J.B.,” she whispered, clasping his arm again. “It’s wonderful.”

“It will be.” He pulled the mules to a stop, set the brake, and hopped down. With a wide grin, he held up his arms to Nora. She stood and leaned toward him, experiencing a thrill when his hands settled on her waist. Although she expected him to set her down, he instead held her close in his arms then kissed her long and deep before he buried his face against her neck. “We did it, apple cheeks. We made it.”

“Yes, we did.” Nora took his hat and tossed it on the wagon seat, then ran her hands through his thick brown hair. “We’re home, James Benjamin Nash. Home.”

“No matter where we’re at, I’m always home when you’re beside me, Nora.”

Her hands wrapped around the back of his neck as her mouth moved toward his. “You do say the nicest things.”

J.B. kissed her until they both were breathless, then he set her down and took her hand in his. Together, they walked away from the wagon and stood looking around them.

“What do you think of building the house there?” he asked, pointing to a flat spot several yards away. One straggly tree that leaned to the side would offer a bit of shade on a hot day, at least until they could plant new trees.

“I think it’s a grand idea,” she said, then turned and motioned to another flat spot of ground. “We could put the barn there, with corrals next to it, and pasture running down to the road.”

“And we’ll build a shed for the farm equipment, and a smokehouse. We can put a springhouse down by the creek and…” J.B. swept her into his arms and spun her around. He whooped and Nora laughed. “It’s going to be grand, Nora, girl. And it will be all ours. Ours and this baby’s.”

J.B. set her on her feet again then bent down and kissed the slight mound of her belly. Although Nora knew she was expecting before they left Omaha, she waited to tell J.B. until they’d ridden the train from there to the Utah territory where they traveled a week by wagon to the north to connect with the Oregon Trail. She figured by then it was far too late for him to change his mind about beginning anew in Pendleton, especially with a new life growing inside her.

They’d waited what seemed like forever to have a baby and Nora knew the child she carried would be loved beyond reason. She could hardly wait for it to arrive at the end of the summer. By then, they would have a house and she’d do her best to turn it into a home before the baby came.

“I love you, J.B.” Nora placed her hands on either side of his head and drew him to her for another kiss.

“And I love you, Nora.” He kissed her once more then settled his arm over her shoulders and looked out at their land. “Sing that hymn you were humming earlier.”

My Jesus, I love Thee

I know Thou art mine;

For Thee all the follies of sin I resign…

J.B. turned to her with a warm glow in his eyes. “What do you think of calling our place Nash’s Folly? It will serve as a reminder that we are resigning all the mistakes and trials of our past and accepting God’s leading for our future.”

Nora felt moisture sting her eyes as she nodded her head. “I can’t think of a name I’d like better.” She looked out over the rolling hills of sagebrush. “Nash’s Folly.”

Quickly changing into chore clothes, J.B. drove the wagon to the creek and parked it then built a makeshift pen from rope and sturdy branches for the mules and horses. Nora worked at setting up camp then fried the fish J.B. caught for supper.

When they’d finished eating, J.B. filled a bucket with water and walked with Nora to the spot where they planned to build their house.

“Where do you want to plant this?” he asked, taking a small lilac from a bucket they’d safely tucked into the wagon before they started the journey West. The roots, wrapped in burlap and kept moist, had survived the trip.

The day before they planned to leave Omaha, Nora had gone to see her grandmother one last time. While she was there, she dug up a start from a lilac bush that always had the most fragrant blooms in the spring. She hoped the lilac would thrive here, because it would serve as a lovely reminder of not just her childhood, but her beloved grandmother.

“Right here,” Nora said, pointing to a spot not far from the scraggly tree. “I think it will do well here.”

J.B. dug the hole and helped her plant it then they made their way back to the river. After washing their hands, they settled on a blanket near the campfire. Together, they breathed in the quiet along with night air heavily perfumed by the scents of spring.

“Tomorrow, I’ll head into town and see what supplies I can find. I’ll leave a message for Jess at the post office. If he’s in the area, I’m sure he’ll come out to help us.” J.B. slid behind her and pulled her back against his chest with his hands splayed across the small bump created by their baby. “I’ll see if I can find a hired hand or two. The faster we can get a house and barn up, the better I’ll sleep at night knowing you and the little one have a roof over your head.”

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