Home > All I Ask of You(38)

All I Ask of You(38)
Author: Iris Morland

The thought was too depressing, though. Leaving Joy’s to get some fresh air, Grace wandered down Main Street, running into a few locals but for the most part, keeping to herself. The day was cold, and as she walked by the buildings and saw all of the Christmas lights and trees decorated in the windows, she realized that Christmas was only a week away. How had that happened?

She stood in front of the local antiques shop, where they’d put up a bright silver tree covered in pink lights and ornaments. The shop owner, Dotty, had a thing for pink. The entire window had spots of pink: a pink tree skirt adorned the bottom of the tree, and was that pink cotton snow underneath? For some reason, the bright lights of the tree and the vague sound of Christmas music brought tears to her eyes.

The weight of the world fell upon her shoulders. She didn’t know who to turn to anymore. Her parents had decided she wasn’t worth the trouble, and Adam was too overwhelmed with the vineyard and with his own life. Joy had been there for her, but even Joy had her limits. And now Jaime was probably leaving Heron’s Landing. Where did she fit in all of this?

She walked away. She went down to the creek, which had long frozen over. Tying her scarf tighter about her throat, Grace sat down on a log and stared at the bare trees. Her mind emptied of everything. A kind of peace settled on her at last, and she took a deep breath, hoping she could hold onto it as long as possible.

It wasn’t meant to be, though. She heard footsteps behind her, and when she turned, her eyes widened when she saw that it was Eric of all people. She’d never seen him walking around Heron’s Landing, let alone come down to this creek. He didn’t seem particularly interested in something as boring as nature.

She didn’t have anything to say to him. She turned away without greeting him, hoping that he’d get the hint and move on. But she didn’t have that kind of luck. He sat down at the other end of the log, like he planned to stay there for a while.

Grace glared at him. Fine. If he was going to invade her space, then she’d go somewhere else.

“Wait,” he said. “I need to talk to you.”

She turned, and remaining standing, waited. Eric didn’t seem nervous or like he was going to apologize. He seemed irritated, his mouth in a harsh line.

“What is it?” Grace asked.

He didn’t stand up, but his scowl turned into a smile, which made Grace’s blood turn cold. He leaned forward, his forearms on his thighs.

“I think you know what this is about,” is all he said.

She willed her pounding heart to calm. He didn’t know anything. He was bluffing.

“If you came here to talk in riddles, then I’m leaving.” She turned to leave.

“I know that you’ve found the invoices,” he called. “I know you’ve been sniffing around things you shouldn’t be.”

She needed to go. She walked five quick steps when a hand latched onto her elbow, pulling her back. She yelped.

“I told you to leave things alone, but you didn’t listen, did you?” his voice hissed in her ear. “You thought you’d help your boyfriend out, but all you’ve done is make things worse for him.”

Grace struggled, but Eric was taller and bigger than her, and his grip held firm. His fingers dug into her elbow so hard that she had to stifle a cry.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I want you to leave things alone.” He scowled, yanking her toward him. “But it’s too late for that, isn’t it? If you would’ve listened to me, this wouldn’t have to happen.”

Fear coursed through her until she knew she was shaking like a rabbit. She realized she was all alone with this man, this man who’d frame his boss without an ounce of regret, and she opened her mouth to scream.

Eric covered her mouth before she let out more than a yelp. “If you scream,” he said as he pulled her against him, her back to his front, “you’ll regret it.”

She didn’t know what he was going to do. Was he going to kill her? Rape her? Both? Panic hit her, and she started struggling. It was all elbows and hands and fingers and she could barely tell who was who. She let out a short scream, but it was stifled when he backhanded her across the face.

Grace collapsed. Breathing hard, she tried to will away the dizziness from his slap. Her cheek smarted, and tears stung her eyes. He crouched next to her and yanked her head back by her hair.

“I told you to leave it alone.” He pulled so hard that she gasped.

After that, Grace just knew she had to fight. She had to get his hands off of her, she had to get away. She felt dirt underneath her palms and she fell against a rock that cut her knee, even under the layer of her jeans. She gasped and when Eric was about to hit her again, she screamed so loudly that surely the trees shook.

For that, he was about to backhand her again. But before his hand connected with her face, Grace heard what she could only describe as an inhuman roar and then flesh pounded against flesh.

She staggered upward. She watched, in a daze, as Jaime punched Eric in the nose. The two men struggled, with Eric falling to the ground and Jaime kicking him in the ribs. Eric groaned and started begging and pleading, but it was like Jaime was deaf to the world.

Grace could barely understand what was happening, but she knew if Jaime kept this up something irrevocable could happen. She flew to him, grasping his arm, telling him to stop. “You’ll kill him,” she heard someone say, only realizing later that she was saying it. “You’ll kill him. Stop. Stop!”

Jaime jerked away from her. He gasped for air, swearing and looking like he could strangle Eric with his bare hands. Eric lay on the ground still as he groaned, clutching his ribs. Stepping toward Eric, Jaime stood over him and said in a voice that lifted the hairs on the back of Grace’s neck, “If you ever come near Grace again, I’ll kill you. Do you hear me? I don’t care what happens to me. If you touch her—if you breathe near her—you’re done for.”

Eric swore but when Jaime looked like he could hit him again, he finally nodded.

“Let’s go.” Jaime steered Grace away and she found herself in his truck. She only stared as he asked her what happened, where did Eric touch her, Jesus Christ, Grace, say something.

She blinked. She felt wetness on her cheeks, and she realized she was crying.

When Jaime embraced her, she broke. She started crying in gasping sobs, the terror of the moment making her unable to speak. She could barely breathe. Jaime rubbed her back, assuring her that he’d keep her safe. He held her close, and she burrowed into his arms.

She never wanted to leave his arms.

After some time, he examined her face, tracing her bruised cheek. His expression became murderous once again.

“I’ll kill him,” he said in a low voice.

Grace hissed at the pain of him just brushing her cheek. “And then you’ll go to jail for the rest of your life,” she replied.

“It would be worth it.”

“And leave me all alone?” She laid her head on his shoulder, and he caressed her hair. She clung to his arm. “How did you find me?” she asked softly.

“I came to see you, but Mike said he’d seen you go out for a walk. Then I heard something in the woods, and then you screamed…” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry this happened.”

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