Home > The Dare(10)

The Dare(10)
Author: Lauren Landish

Allan nods. “I think that’s a fair request, Colton. Okay then, that’s the last of our location proposals, but I move that we delay the final vote on the HQ2 site until we have some time to do further research. Colton, I’d like the exact figures on our shipping and customer base in the UK specifically and then Europe at large.”

I dip my chin in recognition, wishing I’d had the exact figures and not an approximation for this initial presentation. Internally, I curse the reams of spreadsheet figures Miranda brought me, useless drivel that I couldn’t sort through in time for the meeting today.

But his desire for the numbers to crunch, and his openness to even the idea of going abroad, is greater than I could’ve hoped for.

When the meeting’s over, I feel more secure than ever as I listen to the post-meeting chatter and head out into the hallway.


I pause, turning around to see Daniel just emerging from the boardroom, a tight smile on his face. He offers his hand, though, shaking mine politely. “Daniel . . . nice presentation in there.”

Not that I think he really cares about meaningless compliments, especially from me, but a gentleman’s always polite in the face of his rivals.

“Thanks. You too,” Daniel, who’s always a cool customer, says. “Actually, I wanted to congratulate you. That was impactful and passionate, if not unforeseen.” There’s a small dig in the words, but it’s almost like he’s furious with himself for not predicting my play.

“I do believe what I said is the best path forward.”

“I can tell,” Daniel says, his smile not fading at all. “Not that I’m going to back off on my plan, but I do wish you good luck.” He manages to make ‘good luck’ sound like a curse. “Nothing’s better than having two good plans to choose from.”

Daniel walks down to his office, and as he gives me his back, I can tell that despite his nice words, the man’s dangerous. A predator. A wolf, just like me.

But he’s right. When I win, it’s going to be all the sweeter to have taken down a man as good as Daniel and not win by default.

Walking toward my office, I can’t help but notice Ricky and Billy, two of Daniel’s cousins or relations or whatever who work in building security, giving me some tough looks.

How transparent can those two be? They wear building security uniforms, but the nepotism of that is abhorrent because they’re Daniel Stryker’s errand boys through and through. They might wander the whole building, but everyone knows where their priorities lie. Which is what makes them dangerous. They’re not the brightest, but they’re loyal to a fault.

It’s not the dog that you should watch but the dog keeper.

And I can read between the lines. Regardless of how professional Daniel might talk or act, this is a fight where only one of us is going to emerge the victor.

Getting back to my office, Helen’s waiting for me, her purse already over her shoulder as it’s time for her to head home for the evening. “Sir, unless there’s anything else?”

I shake my head, stopping. “No. I’m going to stay late. Think I’ll grab some coffee, but I’ll get it myself.”

“Coffee?” Helen asks, surprised. “Last time you did that, you gave me a ten-minute lecture on how it can’t compare to a ‘proper cuppa tea’.”

“It doesn’t, but I need the caffeine. Long night ahead. Please go home and enjoy your evening because we’ll have some work to do tomorrow.”

She smiles, looking excited, and though I don’t tell her how the meeting went, I know she can read me well enough to know that I’m happy with the outcome.

I escort her to the elevator and see her out for the evening as I head to the executive-level breakroom. It’s not my usual domain as Helen would typically get anything I need, but I can figure out the basics of the fancy machine.

A few minutes later, I have a cup of bitter bean brew that I’ve sweetened with a ridiculous amount of cream and sugar. It might as well be melted coffee ice cream in a mug, but the combination will hopefully serve me while I work.

I sip at the disgustingly sweet concoction as I walk down the hall back toward my office. I pause in my outer office, though. Helen is gone, her desk neat and tidy, but my door is cracked open. She would never leave my office unattended without closing the door.

From inside, I hear a murmuring voice. A feminine voice, and was that . . .

A giggle?



Chapter 4






It’s crazy. It’s stupid, and I know better.

But sure enough, that buzz is rushing through me. Anticipation, excitement, restlessness. And the whole elevator ride, I’m plotting. Make my mark, Tiffany said. But how?

That’s the million-dollar question.

I could do something silly and annoying, like jam his photocopy machine?

Or leave him a note?

Hey, Mr. Sexy Ass Wolfe, you ignored my trying to hit on you so I’m going bold and brazen. Call me sometime. Anytime.

Or maybe he’ll be in his office and I can accidentally knock something off his desk and try the swaying ass routine again? It’s never failed me before, and I refuse to believe the ass I work so hard for has lost its powers of flirtation.

I eye the camera in the corner of the elevator, wondering if I could get in a few extra squats between the ground floor and the fifth. Deciding that it’d be weird if security is watching, I clench my pelvic muscles and butt instead. Nobody even has to know when you’re doing Kegels. But all that serves to do is rush blood to my core, something I need no help with when the possibility of seeing Colton looms.

I have to corral an eye roll at how absurd this all sounds.

I mean, what chance does a nobody like me have with a hotshot like Colton?

He’s sex in a suit, cocky arrogance in a blue Lotus as he pulls into the parking lot each day, and he’s infuriatingly unaffected by me. Why the hell is that so sexy? It shouldn’t be. Asshole douche is so not my type.

But somehow, Colton Wolfe is.

Or I imagine him to be.

But who does something like this? Even on a dare, this is my job we’re talking about.

Tiffany’s voice echoes in my ear, the devil on my shoulder doing her job as my dealer of adrenalin and unexpected thrills.

“Don’t look nervous! You live for this shit. Walk right up there and tell that boy you think he is hotter than Carolina Reaper wing sauce and you want his bangers and mash.” She licks her fingers like she’s eating some especially messy wings, or maybe mashed potatoes. I’m not sure which is more worrisome.

“Ooh, I can’t wait to hear about what you do. Pictures or it didn’t happen. I trust you, but I need proof. Especially if you see his banger.”

Hearing the bell ding on the elevator, my blood becomes alive, tingling and pounding as it rushes through my ears.

The executive floor is quiet and deserted, surprisingly so for just after five o’clock. So much for the hard-working executives, I think wryly.

I hear a shuffle on the plush carpet and look down the empty hallway.

Oh shit, there’s Dad!

Before I can even decide to do so, I duck into a doorway and hide. I don’t even know why. It’s not like I’m doing anything wrong. I’m delivering a file, just like my boss instructed me to do. But with all the weird thoughts running through my head, I reverted to the teenager who was constantly trying to pull one over on Dad.

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