Home > The Italian Obsession (The Italians #3)(17)

The Italian Obsession (The Italians #3)(17)
Author: N.J. Adel

“She said he disappeared after her sister’s scholarship party. But she was talking about him as if…as if she was angry he did.”

I looked away for a moment, hiding my smile. She missed me like I missed her. Despite how mad she was before, she still missed me.

“Dad, are you listening?”

“Si, piccolo.”

He hissed. “Stop calling me that.”

“That’s all you care about? The only time I could see you in seven months is when I find you here by accident with some girl you should never be with, a girl you’ve been stalking, and you’re bothered because I’m calling you piccolo?”

“I’m not a child, and I didn’t stalk her. I have every right to be with Lina.”

“No, you don’t,” I snarled, losing my composure for a second. I leaned back and blew out a breath. “You were born into royalty, Leo. With that comes responsibility. If you don’t want to be treated like a child, then start acting like an adult. Set a date with the Lanzas and leave the poor girl alone.”

“Not that again. Dad, please, try to understand me. I can’t be with Claudia, not after I…”

“Not after what?”

“Lina is the one, Papà. I’m in love with her.”

I swore in all the languages I’d spoken in my head, a volcano of wrath erupting inside me, eating me up, tearing at my sanity. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that for your sake and hers.”

He swallowed. “What does that mean?”

“It means you’re Leo Bellomo, my soon-to-be underboss, and she’s Angelina Baldi, an outsider, a program kid,” I said what he might understand, leaving the real reason out. “You two can never be together.” Because she was mine.

“I’m telling you I’m in love with her. I don’t care—”

“But she’s not in love with you. She’s not for you, Leo. Never will be.”

“She will. I’m gonna do anything to make her love me back. But first I need to protect her from that asshole.”

I’m the asshole? I’m the asshole you fucking spoiled prick? You fucking thief? “Like you can protect an ant.”

“By your book, I might be useless, but the truth is I’m not. I can protect her. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“No, you won’t. All you’re going to do is ask me for help, like always. I will protect her. I will save her. Not you. Because you don’t want to do whatever it takes.”

His jaws clicked as a deep line formed between his brows, his eyes distant as if he was lost in thought.

“Leo, if you really love her and want to protect her, you’ll do what’s best for her. Leave her be, Son. Isn’t it enough what she had to go through all her life, now you want to bring her into yours?”

“My life isn’t dangerous. I’m not like you. I don’t lead the same life you do.”

I snorted. “You’re part of the family whether you like it or not. Let’s assume she’d forget about today by some miracle, and she’d want to look at your face again when you told her what it meant to be a Bellomo. Have you thought for one second what could happen to the poor girl when the Lanzas know?”

He stared at me as if the thought had just hit him. This boy was going to be the end of me. “Think about it, Son. Don’t lie to yourself. You can’t protect her. She’s better off with someone else.”

He nodded slowly, pensively, and I knew I won. Angelina had always been mine. No one would ever take her away from me.

“I’ve thought about it. You’re right. I can’t protect her like this,” he said.

I donned my scarf and grabbed my sunglasses, rising to my feet. “I’m sorry, Son, but it’s the right thing to do.”

“That’s why I decided I’m ready to become made.”

My hands stopped in their tracks. I thought I was too old to be surprised anymore. I was wrong.

“I’m ready for my initiation. I’ll take my omertà and be a made man.” He looked up at me, his face never been darker. “I’ll be your underboss, Papà, like you always wanted.”

“You’ll do that…for her?”

“Yes. You just have to promise me one thing. Until I do, you keep her safe. You can’t let anyone hurt her, not the Lanzas, not that asshole. Keep her safe for me, and I’ll be the son you want me to be.”

Just like that, the game I thought I’d mastered had turned on me.

Angelina Baldi wasn’t a whim to my son. To forsake all his ideals and join the life he resented and refused to be a part of for years just for her meant one thing. He was truly in love with her.

He was ready to give me the thing I’d always wanted from him, only if I sacrificed the one thing I wanted more.

No. Not going happen. He wasn’t in love with her. He couldn’t be. He didn’t mean any of it. I refused to believe he did.

“Would you do that for me?” he begged.

“Do what, Leo? What the fuck do you want me to do?”

His eyes shone with a glint of hope. “Ask her to move in with you, at the mansion. It’s the only place she’ll be safe. Nobody would dare attack her there. And take her sister, too, so Lina can’t say no.”

“You’re out of your mind. I can’t just let strangers into my house.”

“Per favore, Papà. I’m begging you. I can’t leave her in danger. I have to protect her.”

“Let’s say I’d agree to this madness. What makes you think she would? To her, I’m not the father of her…whatever you think you are to her. I’m her school owner, and her stalker’s dad. Do you see the picture? She’d never agree to this, and I can’t force her to live at my house.” I could. I could do a lot of things. I should’ve done that a while ago. I should have never waited. I did one fucking good thing, and now I was paying the price.

“Can you, at least, try? She obviously respects you and believes she owes you. She’d listen to you.”

“And what should I tell her the reason for your request? I can’t tell her the truth.”

“Yes, you can.” His eyes darted around, and then he stood so he could whisper in my ear. “I think she knows what we do.”

“You told her?” I fumed.

“No, of course not, but, like most people, she figured it out on her own. It’s not exactly a secret.”

I ran out of excuses. If I pushed this further, if I refused without convincing him, he’d never give up, and worse, he could get suspicious. I couldn’t let that happen. My son was stubborn as fuck. If I had any chance left to win, I had no choice but to play his game the way he wanted.

“Va bene. I can’t promise you anything, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you.” He threw his arms around me in a tight embrace. “Thank you so much.”

I patted his back, flames searing my chest and what was left of my soul. “You really love her?”

“More than you think.”

Leo stabbed my heart and twisted, his words a serrated blade. He was in love with the one girl I’d been waiting years to have.

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