Home > Tiernan (Dangerous Doms #6)(51)

Tiernan (Dangerous Doms #6)(51)
Author: Jane Henry

A sharp slap to my thigh has me hissing out a breath and coming to my toes before I moan a low, hoarse, “Youuu, Tiernan. You.” My voice is choked as I whisper the truth I can’t hold back any longer. “Because I love you. Because I trust you.”

His low, sexy growl fills the warm room, as hot as the steam that billows around us, as his thrusts increase, pushing me into the edge of oblivion. I clench around him as he holds me to him so tightly it hurts.

“I love you,” he says, as his hot seed spills inside me. It’s wicked and dirty but so fucking good as my muscles contract in pleasure. I’m enveloped in his scent, his heat, and his need as he claims me as his.

My fingers drag down the length of the shower as he holds me, and I sigh deeply. My body tingles in pleasure as he slowly draws out, kissing my shoulder when I sigh from the loss of him.

“Mother of God,” I groan, slumping against the tile. “That was fucking amazing.”

He grins, a full-on grin that makes my heart do a somersault. He kisses my bare shoulder, takes me by the hand, and back into the hot stream of water.

“It was. You’re fucking amazing.”

“Jesus, we’re a mutual admiration society over here.”

His eyes twinkle at me as he reaches for a bar of soap. “Got a problem with that?”

I sigh. “No, sir, I do not.”

“Jesus, woman,” he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “You’ll turn me on all over again with the ‘sir.’”

I narrow my eyes playfully at him. “Don’t get ideas, you ogre.”

His chuckle fills the small enclosure. “She goes from sir to ogre in the space of a feckin’ heartbeat.”

I reach for him, unabashedly drawing him close to me because I want those lips on me again. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck, and his hands snake around my waist. His mouth claims mine, and my eyes flutter closed. I’ve never been so blissfully content in my life. I don’t even know how to process this deep, abiding sense of belonging, of being cherished. The knowledge that I’m precious to him.

When we finally pull away, he says, spins me around in silence, and cleans me so gently, it’s hard to believe the man that just whipped me and fucked my arse is the same one lathering my body now.

“There’s such a gentle side to you, Tiernan,” I say with a sigh, as the warm water washes away the bubbles.

He shrugs a shoulder. “Not sure gentle’s the right word,” he says. “I mean, I honestly just enjoy taking care of you.” He tugs a lock of my hair teasingly. “And believe me, I know you don’t need me to, that you can take care of yourself. It isn’t that.”

I nod. “No, I get it,” I say. “It’s just who you are. The oldest brother in charge of younger siblings much sooner than you ever should’ve been…” my voice trails off. “And I think everyone’s got a bit of wiring in them that makes them the way they are, you know?”

He nods, as I take the bar of soap out of his hands and lather up a washcloth. Facing him, I wash his strong, muscled shoulders, his back, and down lower to his arse and legs. He’s magnificent, a fucking god of a man, and even though I just came, I’m viscerally aware of how masculine and strong he is. I swallow hard.

“Some men are natural caretakers, Tiernan, and you’re one of them. Just like Keenan’s a natural leader, and Carson’s a natural computer whiz. We have our strengths, I think, and there’s no use trying to pretend we’re someone else.”

He chuckles, his eyes warming as I look up to him when I’ve finished washing him. He takes my chin between his fingers, holding my gaze while he brushes his lips to mine. When he releases me, he sighs. “You’re a smart girl, Aisling. And I’m glad you’re mine.”

The note of pride in his voice is unmistakable.

He kisses my forehead tenderly. “And I look forward to getting to know more of who you are. What makes you tick. I know you’re strong and resilient. You’re funny and smart, and loyal to your very core.”

Another kind of tingle works its way through me. I swallow hard. “Thanks for that.”

“No need to thank me,” he says with a shrug. “Just stating the facts as I see them, love.” He shuts off the water and leads me to the bedroom. “Tonight, we’ll catch up with Walsh and Keenan. We’ll find out where we’re at legally. Get into some comfortable clothes. It’ll be a long night.”

I nod. I don’t question what he says. I trust him. I think it may be the first time in my life I’ve ever fully, fully trusted another human being.

“Will do. I’m fucking famished.”

He chuckles and wraps a towel around me.

“The feeding and caring of Aisling,” he says on a grin. “We’ll have food sent up.”

I sigh in contentment. “Perfect.”



Chapter 20





She’s so lovely, all pink and rosy from the shower, her short black hair pinned up in a little clip-thing. I watch Aisling dress quietly, her mind elsewhere.

“What are you thinking about?” I ask her, tugging on a pair of faded trousers and a t-shirt.

She shrugs. “Well,” she says thoughtfully, worrying her lip before she continues. Her voice trails off. I look at her, wondering why she’s holding back as I tuck my wallet into my pocket.

“I don’t know if they’ll believe me.”

“Who, love?”

“Anyone. The girls I worked with before, at Vivian’s.” She clears her throat. “The Prime Minister.”

“I don’t give a crap what they think,” I begin, but she cuts me off, holding her palm up. I stop and let her continue.

“I know you don’t,” she says with a sigh. “But Tiernan, it matters. I don’t like that I’ve brought trouble to the McCarthy clan. It isn’t right.” She laughs mirthlessly. “You bring on enough trouble of your own.”

“Aye, we do,” I say, not sharing her humor, since I’m determined to keep this woman safe. “But that doesn’t mean anything.”

She rolls her eyes. “Tiernan—”

“No. I mean it. We rule Ballyhock, Aisling, whether you realize it or not. We’re more powerful than we let on. The schools, the church, the hospital and shops… they thrive because of us. That brings us clout you couldn’t know.”

She nods, but I can tell she isn’t convinced.

“Let’s eat.”

“Oh, God, I’m bloody starving,” she says, tucking her legs under her. “Something good and hearty.”

Minutes later, we’ve got large bowls of steaming hot stew, the good Irish soda bread our kitchen makes. She tucks in like a truck driver, and it makes me fucking proud.

It’s late by the time Keenan gets in touch. Aisling’s eyes are droopy, and I’m feeling damn near shattered myself, but we both perk up when my phone rings.

“You got time for a chat, brother?” he asks.

“Of course.”

“Meet us in the meeting room, then,” Keenan says.

I hang up the phone. Aisling’s eyes have gone wide, her face a bit paler than usual.

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