Home > KATE (Madison Kate #4)(100)

KATE (Madison Kate #4)(100)
Author: Tate James

Groaning inwardly at the delicious things his declarations of love were doing to my lady bits, I took the pen and scribbled my signature on the line marked with my name.

Satisfied, Archer folded the document back up and tucked it into his jacket once more.

Steele grinned, nodding his head across the club. "How's Seph's impeccable timing?" he joked as my bubbly friend bounced her way through the crowd. She had a bright, fruity cocktail in one hand and body glitter smeared down her arms. Seph clearly intended to have a good time tonight.

"Hey!" she shouted, coming over to join our table with a broad smile pasted to her face. "Oh my god, Archer, that fight was insane. Totally insane. I've never even liked fighting before, but that was..." She trailed off with her jaw slightly unhinged as she gave my husband heart eyes.

"Down girl," Kody teased. "Don't make MK shank you for drooling on her boys."

Seph's mouth snapped shut, and her eyes widened as she gave me a guilty look. "Sorry, MK," she squeaked. "You totally can't blame a girl, though." She burst out laughing, and I just shook my head as I chuckled.

"Actually, there was one other thing we needed to clear from the air," Archer admitted, his arm tucked around my waist as a waiter delivered our drinks to the table.

I cocked a brow. "Oh yeah? What else?"

He just shrugged. "We all promised you there were no more secrets between us, but something you said the other day made us realize we had let something slip through the cracks—entirely unintentionally, I'll add."

"Definitely unintentional," Steele agreed with a grimace. "More just from force of habit."

"And old loyalty," Kody added.

Seph wrinkled her nose, looking as confused as I felt. "What the fuck are you guys talking about?"

Archer ignored her question, addressing me. "We realized, Princess, that you still haven't met Hades in person."

Seph choked on her drink, laughing. "Yes, she has!"

Archer rolled his eyes at my younger friend. "Not officially. Anyway, now seems as good a time as any." He nodded at a familiar face approaching our table. "Kate, meet Hades, leader of the infamous Tri-state Timberwolves."

My jaw dropped, then I burst out laughing. "You've got to be kidding me."





Come back to Shadow Grove in




Coming January 8th, 2021






7th Circle






Five years ago, I masterminded the infamous massacre of the Tri-state Timberwolves.


The streets outside the Wolves HQ ran red with the blood of the old guard, and not one of those members loyal to my father were spared mercy. Not a single one.


I let the media twist and distort the story. My new recruits eagerly proved themselves in spreading false news, in covering our tracks. To the general public, the Tri-State Timberwolves were extinct.


But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. We changed, we grew, we evolved and came out stronger than ever. Now, I live, eat, sleep and breathe Timberwolves. I’ll do anything to keep my empire safe and thriving. To keep the people depending on me safe.


So, what do I do, when it’s my own weakness that places us all in danger? When I let sex cloud my judgment, and my people pay the price?


Simple. Kill the distractions.


I’m called Hades for a reason, after all.






Hey you… Yeah, you! The reader currently glaring at this page like maybe the next line will be all “haha April Fool’s, here are the answers you seek!”

Spoiler alert.: it’s not gonna happen.

Let’s clear the air real quick before this gets out of hand. That, the minor detail that made you just curse me out and yell WTF Tate?! That was not a cliffhanger. You know this. Steele getting shot? Yeah, that one counts, but this was just sparking interest in the next Shadow Grove series! Besides, it just wouldn’t be the same without those death glares you’re shooting me right now. It’s all part of the fun! All those muttered curses about what a monster I am? They keep me so nice and toasty warm at night.

Besides, I’m already neck deep in Timberwolves and it’s so, so much fun! I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do! But if you don’t… well… fuck it. At least I tried! I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I don’t make this shit up. My characters have a story to tell, and I just write up the incident reports for it all.

But back to the matter at hand. Madison Kate’s story is OVER! That was a pretty wild ride, am I right? I’m still finding it a little bit nuts that she’s done. This series took almost half a million words to write, and has totally consumed my writing brain for the last 5 months. (yep, this was all released over just 5 months!)

2020 has been a fucking rough one, and I know lots of you agree. For me, I’ve dealt with the Australian Bushfires looming on my doorstep for months, then co-hosted a book signing event, got flooded in by the worst flood my area has seen in 100 years, dealt with coronavirus isolations, and… my mum died.

For anyone who read my authors note in HATE you already know, my mum was my first and biggest fan, so this whole series for me has been bittersweet. I feel like its my best work to date, but it’s the only series my mum never read. I hate that. I hate that she won’t read my next series, too. Or the ones after that… all I can do is hope like hell that she would have loved them, or that she’d have been proud of how far I’ve come in this career.

My mum started me on my love of books as a kid, she would read Watership Down to my brother and I every night, before we could read chapter books for ourselves, and she did the worst voices for all the rabbits. But from there my love of books only exploded. She never censored my reading or tell me I wasn’t old enough for certain content, which was how I ended up reading The Horse Whisperer at about age 10 and getting totally hooked on romance from there on out.

When I told her I was writing a book, it was never even a question whether she would read and give feedback. She didn’t even know what reverse harem was, but went off and did some thorough googling so she could fully appreciate the genre. She never even blinked when I started writing graphic sex scenes and grisly death, only gave me notes on characterization and realism.

If it wasn’t for my mum, I wouldn’t be here, writing this. This was my thirtieth book, and I never would have made it past number one if she hadn’t been standing there in my corner, supporting me and cheering me along every step of the way.

So… what I’m saying here is Fuck 2020. Seriously. Fuck it right up the ass with a cactus then fuck it some more. It’s been rough as shit, but I’m so lucky to have the support of some incredible friends and crown-fixers who have been keeping my head above water, even when I wanted to hibernate and quit.

My awesome content editor Heather has been with me through this whole series, pumping me up and cackling at new ideas and scenes as we’ve gone. She was also the first person to guess that MK was living in D’Ath Mansion—not Danvers Mansion—and the first to figure out that it was Dave doing the stalking. Although, I did cackle with glee that she never saw the Declan twist coming!

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