Home > The Earl Behind the Mask_A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel(26)

The Earl Behind the Mask_A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel(26)
Author: Abby Ayles


“How queer,” Daniel said, after a moment’s hesitation. “One of the actresses also received something similar.” He reached into his coat and grabbed a matching red envelop. He handed it to Rose. She read the brief message, and her face grew as pale as he imagined his own was.


Rose read and reread the message on the paper, and Daniel wished fervently that she did not have to be involved in such terrible troubles.


Yet, once more, Rose surprised him. When she handed him back the letter, her face was still white, but her jaw was set, and she looked him in the eyes.


“We must investigate these leads,” she said resolutely.


Daniel wanted to argue and tell her that she should stay out of it as much as possible.


However, her firm expression told him that she expected him to say as much and was prepared to fight him about it as long as was necessary.


“You are right,” he said. “But we must exercise great care. We cannot afford to draw any unnecessary attention while doing so.”


Rose stood in silence for several moments, seeming to consider what Daniel had said. After what felt like hours, she nodded.


“However, there is something of a problem,” she said. “I do not think that my father will discuss the letter he received with me. He certainly does not know that I took it from his study desk. He is frightened to his soul about the idea of me being in danger. He would surely not be willing to discuss that prospect with me.”


Daniel nodded.


“Perhaps, he will talk to me,” he said thoughtfully.


Rose put her hands on her hips.


“Because you are a man?” she asked. Daniel first thought that he had offended her, but when he looked at her, he saw that, though her face was still pale, her eyes were twinkling.


He laughed.


“Not at all,” he said. “Because I am the Specter.”


Rose laughed again, and again it reminded Daniel of lovely, melodious music.


“Father does seem to trust you a great deal,” she said at last. “Perhaps, he will tell you something, especially if he believes that you can help us.


Daniel smiled warmly.


“And I hope you feel that you can trust me, as well.”


Rose blushed, looking away. She looked as though she wanted to say something, but she gave her head a shake and once more donned her expression of concentration.


“Is there a chance that Allison is here tonight?” Rose asked. “Perhaps, while you are speaking with my father, I can speak to her.”


Daniel smiled. He had not thought of the idea until Rose mentioned it. And, in truth, he was glad that it would not be he who had to speak to the diva actress.


“That is an excellent idea, Lady Rose,” he said.


Rose nodded firmly once more, and Daniel thought he saw determination returning to her. He smiled wider but turned his face away so that Rose would not see.


“Should we meet back here in an hour?” she asked.


Daniel nodded.


“That would likely be best,” he said.


Rose smiled and turned to leave, then turned back suddenly.


“Would you mind showing me the counterweight rope first?” she asked.


Daniel grew grim once more. He understood that she was not asking out of mistrust. He had simply hoped to spare her the terrible discovery. Still, if they were to ever solve the mystery, they both needed the exact same information.


“Of course, my lady,” he said. “Though, we should probably not be seen slipping back into the auditorium together.”


Rose nodded in agreement.


“I shall go first,” she said. “I know where the chandelier ropes are. I will meet you there in a few minutes.”


Daniel nodded silently. Rose slipped out of the door leading to the veranda, and Daniel was glad to see her glance around and move slowly and quietly down the stairs. He waited a few moments, long enough to ensure that she had reached the auditorium, then made his way down to meet her.


When he reached the chandelier ropes, Rose was standing there, her face turned away from them.


Daniel could see, however, that her complexion was impossibly paler than it had been moments Earlier, and he knew that she had seen the cut herself.


Rather than directly approach her, he walked slowly past her and cleared his throat which, as he had hoped, got her attention at once. Without looking directly at him, she gave a small nod, and he slipped once more, still unseen, into the stairway to the veranda.


Only moments later, Rose joined him. She did not seem at all surprised to find him waiting just a few steps beyond the auditorium doorway, and Daniel briefly marveled again at her intelligence.


“Shall we go speak with Father and Allison now?” she asked bluntly.


Daniel appreciated that she could stay so focused and resolved when she was so obviously distraught and frightened.


“We shall meet back at the veranda in one hour,” he said.


Just as he was sneaking back out of the door, Rose called to him.


“Be careful, Specter,” she said. Her eyes were shining with tears, and something else that Daniel could not interpret. He gave her his most reassuring smile and then pushed himself quietly out the door.


As he had hoped, he found Rose’s father rather quickly. He appeared to be in marginally better spirits than he had in the first days following the incident, and Daniel’s stomach twisted at the notion of sending him back into those levels of distress and worry.


Still, he knew that it was necessary to speak with him, especially if he and Rose were to have any hope of preventing any future tragic occurrences.


The Earl noticed Daniel at once as he approached and smiled widely.


“Specter,” he said, his voice tired but warm. “What can I do for you?”


“My lord,” Daniel said, bowing formally, using the opportunity to put on his best actor’s face. “I must speak with you.”


“Is everything alright?” the Earl asked, the haggard fatigue settling fast over his features as he gestured for the two of them to move away from the other employees still working.


“Rose is fine,” Daniel said instinctively. The Earl visibly relaxed and sighed.


“That is good,” the Earl said. “But I suspect that what you have to say is not much less troubling.”


Briefly, Daniel explained to him everything that he and Rose knew, stating simply that Rose had told him of the letter he received, not that she had it.


After a few long moments, the Earl spoke.


“Would that I could be of more help to you,” he said. “And I cannot tell you how much your interest and help are appreciated. However, I know nothing of the evidence of which you have told me. Nor do I know who might have delivered the letter Rose mentioned to you. It was awaiting me in my office here when I arrived Early one morning.”

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