Home > The Earl Behind the Mask_A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel(5)

The Earl Behind the Mask_A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel(5)
Author: Abby Ayles


Daniel thought for a moment. It was getting late, so the chances of anyone seeing Samuel in the carriage, or paying him any mind, were decreasing. During matinee performances, Daniel often had Samuel ride around town in his clothes, to cast any potential suspicion of his theater involvement aside.


“Would you mind attending the performance tonight?” Daniel asked.


“Not at all, milord,” Samuel said.


“Very good,” Daniel said. His voice began to tremble, and he cursed himself. He was due onstage in mere moments, and he needed to keep his composure.


“Milord?” Samuel spoke again, his voice growing more serious.


“Yes?” Daniel asked.


“Good luck,” Samuel said, fumbling around in the darkness of the night with his own coat outstretched toward Daniel. “You will be phenomenal.”


Daniel took the jacket and handed over his own clothes to his valet. All thoughts of his father were drowned out by his renewed excitement and nervousness for the night’s performance, and the whole reason he was switching clothing with Samuel. He and his valet had swapped outfits many times so that Daniel could partake of his beloved passion for theater. However, the jitters Daniel got before each performance impacted him each time. But his love for the art always overrode that discomfort.


“Thank you,” Daniel said. Briefly, Daniel’s thoughts wandered to his brother, and he wished fervently that his brother was there to cheer him on, as well.


“Milord,” Samuel said. “Do not forget this.”


Daniel finished shrugging Samuel’s coat over his shoulders and reached out into the darkness. His hand closed around the small cloth bag that Samuel had been carrying.


“Thank you, Samuel,” Daniel said again. Quickly, he reached into the bag and pulled out the black item within.


At last, Daniel was suited in his valet’s attire. He took one final deep breath before he exited the carriage. Once outside, he gave the carriage driver the signal to ride off and take Samuel to the front entrance of the theater. Then, he slipped along the shadows to a secret door that led to the backstage area of the theater. The door was known only to the actors and the set crew, and it served Daniel well for making his sneaky, mysterious entrances. Fortunately, while there was a production, the door remained unlocked and largely unattended. He had a few minutes to spare, so he took a moment to collect himself before donning the mask from Samuel’s bag and slipping unseen through the rear theater door.



Chapter 3

As Rose dressed for the evening, she thought about the conversation she had had with her father.


She wanted more than anything to do what she could to help her father find happiness, but she dreaded the upcoming Season. She had decided that, before she began to attend the insufferable balls of the Season, she could, perhaps, begin to mingle with the eligible men of the ton by attending other social events. And, since she loved the theater, it seemed only fitting that she should begin her venture there.


As her maid, Sarah, helped her into an exquisite, deep green dress, Rose tried to convince herself that it would not be so bad. So what if she had not given any thought before now to getting married? What if she had been denying herself the possibility of meeting the kind of man she hoped to eventually marry? Would it be so bad if she gave up her beloved books in favor of the right man? She sighed, feeling as though it would be that bad. But she had made her father a promise, and she fully intended to keep it.


Sarah studied her as she made a few minor adjustments to her dress.


“Milady,” Sarah said timidly. “Is the dress not to your liking?”


Rose smiled reassuringly.


“Oh, yes, Sarah,” Rose said. “It is beautiful. You chose well, and it looks just right on me.”


Sarah nodded.


“You just seem troubled, is all,” she said.


Rose’s smile saddened.


“Oh, I am alright,” she said. “I just wonder if I am doing the right thing.”


“Milady?” Sarah asked, confused.


Rose smiled again, blushing.


“Nothing,” she said.


Sarah looked at her for a moment, then nodded slowly.


“You look beautiful, milady,” Sarah said.


“I have you to thank for that,” Rose said, giving herself one final glance in the mirror. “Come. We do not want to be late to the theater.”


Late, they certainly were not. In fact, there were only a few patrons at the theater when they arrived. However, Rose noticed, many of them were men, and there were only two that she could see who were in attendance with their wives. She took a deep, calming breath, put on her brightest smile, and made her way through the theater’s lobby.


Right away, she could feel eyes on her. She forced herself to keep her smile steady and to suppress a groan. This was what she wanted. Besides, the awkwardness she was feeling would multiply, come the dances she had agreed to attend during the Season. She tried to shake off all thoughts of discomfort and settle into her best polite, amiable mindset. After all, it was not just herself she had to think about. Her father’s happiness mattered to her above all else.


“Good evening,” a smooth male voice said, pulling Rose from her thoughts.


Rose looked in the direction of the sweet, deep voice and smiled.


“Good evening,” she said, curtseying.


The man, who was quite handsome, in truth, bowed formally to her.


“Forgive me for being so forward,” the gentleman said. “But I cannot recall having ever seen a woman of such beauty, and I knew that I must introduce myself.”


The man’s arrogance made Rose’s head ache, but she maintained her polite smile.


“You are very kind,” she said.


“I am Foster Gerrit,” the man said, bowing once more. “Earl of Elster.”


Rose blushed.


“It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord,” she said. “I am Rose Danvers.”


The Earl’s eyes lit up.


“The daughter of the Earl of Roxbough,” he said, taking her hand and grazing it quickly with his lips. “The pleasure is mine, to be sure.”


Rose smiled modestly, suddenly wishing that she was anywhere but there.


“You are very gracious,” she said. As nonchalantly as she could, she glanced around for Sarah, who, thankfully, had not yet gone back to the carriage and was just a few feet away, barely concealed by a small cluster of women.


Sarah must have been watching, because as soon as Rose spotted her, she stepped forward.


“Excuse me, milady,” Sarah said softly, looking pointedly at the gentleman standing next to Rose. “We should find our seats presently. The show is not long from starting.”

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